
Naruto: Transmigrated into Naruto as naruto( Dropped)

MC died in an accident and got 5 wishes and one anime world to choose He Transmigrated into Naruto with the knowledge of future and the help of system what is going to happened in the world

Kartikeya_Verma · Action
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32 Chs

016: Akatsuki and Itachi


Naruto and jiraya left the village to find Tsunada and bring her back .

Meanwhile Sand finds out about the death of the fourth kazekage and publicly announces that what all has happened is Orochimaru's fault.

Two figures appear in front of the Leaf's main gate.

(A/N: Put a picture of Itachi and kisame here).

Kisame: You come to your village after so many years, are you happy to see the village.

Itachi: We came here for nine tails .

They are having tea , after some time they are discovered by Asuma and kurenai.

Asuma: You aren't from the village right?, Why are you here?

Itachi: Long time no see Asuma .

As they start fighting Asuma takes on Kisame and Kurenai tries to use genjutsu on Itachi and she fails miserably.

As they start losing Kakashi and Zabuza shows up to help .

kisame: Look what we have here demon of the mist, how are you doing Zabuza.

His eyes haven't changed since he left- Kakashi thought about Itachi.

Kisame: Look what we have here the copy ninja.

Kakashi: you can imagine my surprise, the scourge of the mist Kisame hosigake.

As they start fighting Leaf's shinobi are no match for them .

Itachi: Let me show you what sharingan can do when it is wielded by the true heir of the bloodline.

Kakashi: listen to me both of you whatever happens don't look into his eyes if you do you both are finished.

As Kakashi talking Itachi put him under Tsukuyomi and starts torture him.

After coming out of genjutsu Kakashi looks like all beaten up and Zabura is Half dead by kisame

Three days in the genjutsu and only one second in the real world - Kakashi thought about breathing heavily.

As Kisame told him not to use his eyes carelessly, Itachi told them that they are here for Naruto.

Kakashi: So you are the part of that organisation named akatsuki.

As Kisame listen this he tries to kill all of them but they are saved by guy.

Kisame: Who are you.

Guy: I am beautiful green beast of the leaf.

As they are going to fight Itachi stop kisame and run away.

After that Guy and others take Kakashi and Zabura to hospital.

After sometime Sasuke come there to find Kakashi.

Sasuke: What happened to him.

Guy: Nothing much.

A random Jonin: Is it true that Itachi come back in the village.

Sasuke: So Itachi happend to him

After that Sasuke go everywhere to find Naruto and he finds out that Naruto is with jiraya and goes out of village for a mission.

Sasuke run towards the direction of the gate from which Naruto left.


With Jiraya and Naruto:

After listening the past or jiraya and relationship between Hiruzen and him.

They left to find a hotel to stay and after they found the hotel and Jiraya ran away to do things what pervert do.

Sasuke was running from hotel to hotel to find Naruto and Itachi.

Naruto was sitting in the hotel room doing his stuff then suddenly he hear a knock on the door and he stand up to open the door.

Naruto: Coming, stop knocking.

As Naruto open the door he saw Itachi and kisame

Naruto: Full sized pink eye user and walking fish, nice to meet you come inside and have some tea.

Itachi and kisame both are surprised with Naruto's reaction that they forgot about the insult.

Naruto: Come inside let's talk

Kisame: We are not here for talk, we are here for you .

And kisame took out his sword samehada to shave Naruto , but got a hit from Naruto's chain and got knocked out.

Naruto: Are you coming or i have to drag you.

Itachi nodded and go with Naruto inside the room , Naruto put some tea infront of Itachi with dango to eat.

Itachi eating the dangos and sipping tea then suddenly Sasuke appear.

Sasuke: Why the hell it's hard to find you Naruto.....

But he stopped mid sentence when he saw Itachi .

Sasuke: Itachi

Itachi: Hello little brother .

They say those words and flair sharingan, Itachi was surprised by Sasuke's Sharingan.

Sasuke: I mature my sharingan Itachi, now tell me why did you kill our parents.

Itachi : I didn't only kill our parents but i also massacre our whole clan.

Sasuke: You are very good at lying Itachi ,but i saw the photographers from the files on the massacre , you only kill our parents with your tanto and kill your girlfriend with your genjutsu, now tell me the truth.

Itachi's cold persona falls and turns into shocked and concerned.

Itachi: How did you got those files.

Naruto: I give him those files it's useless to me.

Itachi: How???

Naruto(proudly): Long story short i am a super spy.

Sasuke: Shut up and tell him the truth.

Naruto: Well i raid Anbu headquarters to find out about my parents where i find those files and then give them to sasuke, now tell him the truth or i will .

Itachi: Where did i start from!?

Naruto: How about uchiha's plan of coup.

After that Itachi start telling sasuke everything and Sasuke was first in disbelief then he started to rage out.

Itachi: That's why i did all this.

Naruto: Well i tell you remaining story after you left and the part you don't know.

After you left Danzo take eyes of your clan members who were able activate sharingan and give it to Orochimaru so he made a hand for him with first hokage's cells and fit those eyes in it.

Sasuke: Why did he need those eyes, nobody outside the uchiha clan able to use Sharingan effortlessly .

Itachi: Izanagi, he want use those eyes for Izanagi.

Naruto: Correct and Itachi the masked person who you asked for help is the person who is responsible for nine tails attack.

Itachi: What do you mean by that Naruto.

Naruto: Well he did same thing with nine tails what Madara did all those years ago.

Itachi: He use sharingan to control nine tails.

Naruto: Correct and he is the reason why i become an orphan and leaf lost many shinobis.

Itachi will you please give him my message.

Itachi nodded and sasuke looking at his brother who is eating dango.

Naruto: Tell him i will find him and when i did , i not only destroy him but also his dreams if he had one.

Itachi was surprised to see how fast Naruto is switching between in his attitude.

Itachi : It's my time to leave, can you wake kisame.

Naruto: Just remove that seal on his neck he will awake.

Itachi: Take care of yourself little brother, Naruto plese take care of my rackless brother.

Naruto: Sure you can count on me.

Sasuke face was red because of itachi's comment.

After that Itach take kisame out before removing his seal and left both Sasuke and Naruto alone.

Sasuke: Why didn't you tell me all that Before.

Naruto: If i tell you what is the thing that you do.

Sasuke: I tear apart Danzo.

Naruto: That's why.

As they are talking suddenly wall break and guy appear from the wall.

Naruto: You are late guy sensei, take sasuke with you i have to finish my mission.

Guy: Where is Itachi, i come here for him.

Naruto: He left , so take sasuke and leave.

Guy nodded and take sasuke with him and left Naruto alone in the room

Naruto: You can come out Grandpa Jiraya.

Jiraya: I forgot that you are a senser.

So tell me how did you know all that i read all the files myself but all those things are not there except photos.

Naruto: I was there when massacre happened i saw everything and i saw him but i am not strong enough to fight him.

Jiraya: Don't be so hard on yourself kid.

Naruto: I know that's why i am so desperate to become strong.

Jiraya: Can you tell me all the things about Danzo that you know.

Naruto: Danzo is the reason of third great ninja war, he is the reason obito die , he is reason why mist put three tails inside Rin and Kakashi sensei have to kill her, He try to kill your student Nagato who have Rennigan but he fails and kill Yahiko.

Jiraya's chakra flared up he was furious beyond limits, Naruto can see in his eyes that he wants to kill Danzo.

Naruto: He give First hokage's cells to Orochimaru and provide him orphan so he can experiment on him.

He is the reason why everyone in the village know my jinchuriki status.

and you already heard me about Uchiha massacre.

Oh, one more thing he try to assistant Oldman when he became hokage again.

Jiraya's brain was running thousand miles per hour, he was thinking how to kill Danzo and nobody knows who did it.

Naruto: Calm down pervy sage , you are fifth on the list who want kill Danzo.

Jiraya: Sorry, i just carried away by all the things you said.

Naruto: I know how do you feel, i can kill him when i was twelve but i stop myself for Oldman hokage's sake.

Jiraya: Naruto can i ask you one thing you say that Danzo's root kill Yahiko that means Konan and nagato is alive.

Naruto: There is possibility of them being alive, but i can not confirm that.

Jiraya nodded and gointo deep thought but Stop by Naruto .

After that they have dinner and next day they leave in the search of Tsunada.


Author's Note: Read review and comment, if you like the chapter drop power stones.