
Naruto: Time control

Kakashi's older brother with the ability to control the flow of time. "Speed is power. " " Uchiha Madara, have you ever been hit at the speed of light?" Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 I translator https://www.patreon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

Gunitlo · Anime & Comics
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474 Chs

Chapter 192

Kakashi immediately lost interest after learning that Anko is Orochimaru's student.

Speaking of Eroiche about the situation in Lorane, Kakashi went to his room. He was deliberately talking about certain things in a way that made Rin realize that there was more to Yeruashi and the Queen of Rouran than just a superficial relationship.


All the housework fell on Kakashi.


"You can come to me at any time if you have any questions.»

After leaving Kakashi, Erase continued to communicate with Anko, "But to learn from me, you should be required to follow a few requirements. First...you need to control your diet, do not lean on all sorts of small snacks...»

Anko's eyes widened, " What?! Why?»

[Because without a diet, we'll lose you forever sooner or later...oh.]

Yeruashi secretly sighed in his heart, but outwardly remained completely calm, " Because the wrong diet can have a negative effect on the growing body. Following a diet is a must for any good Shinobi.»


Anko began to hesitate.

Erase looked sternly at her, "What is it? Is it too difficult?!»

"No! Not difficult!»

Anko exclaimed hurriedly as she felt the pressure from Yeruashi.

Rin couldn't help but smile as she saw Anko acting as if she had just parted with something extremely important: "Eating too much snacks is really bad, there's nothing wrong with demanding Yeruashi.»

"I see...»

Anko answered sullenly.

Already secretly pondering how to eat discreetly.

But at this point, to her ears came the soft voice of Eroiche: "If you dare to challenge me and are caught stealing food, then you will be punished.»


After saying that, Yeruashi waved his finger to the side, a stream of chakra erupted, taking the form of a whip and snapping dangerously in the air.

Anko swallowed, nervously and with some fear and looked at Eroiche. She began to think that he was even more severe than Orochimaru's teacher.

"Second, spend as much time training as possible.»

Yeruashi unhurriedly raised his cup and took a sip of tea, " Later, I'll ask you to transfer to Kakashi's squad. You will follow him on a mission and receive a reward according to your contribution. In your free time, you should come here every day at noon for training.»

"It's too complicated...I don't want...»

Anko turned pale and fell on the table, as if she had lost her soul.

Erase grinned, "Too hard? Strength is paid for by hard work. You can't even handle it right now...a five-year-old child.»


Anko immediately denied the words of Erase.

She knew that she wasn't very strong and had an immeasurable gap with Yeruashi, but a five-year-old child? This is too much....

"Don't you believe it?»

Erase mysteriously smiled: "Then follow me.»

He got up and left the house.

Anko stood up and stamped her foot viciously on the floor. If Yeruashi said that he was stronger than her, Anko would certainly admit it, she even agrees that Rin is stronger, but to say that a five-year-old child is stronger than her is too stupid.

After a short time.

Erase and Anko walked around the grounds of the Uchiha Clan and came to a spacious backyard.


Uchiha Itachi, hard training here, immediately stopped, a little recovered the breath and approached Erase, politely greeting him.

Erase contentedly said: "You continued to train hard during my absence.»

Itachi replied seriously: "I've been following the teacher's training plan all this time.»

"Then let's look at the results of your training.»

Erase nodded and looked at Anko, standing next to him: "This is my apprentice Itachi, he is now five years old. If you defeat him, I'll let you train as you wish.»


Anko looked piercingly at Eroiche.

He replied calmly: "Really.»


Anko grinned, took out her kunai and walked over to Itachi: "You're a disciple brother of Erase? I'm older than you, so you can start first, hehe.»

Itachi looked at the teacher.

Yeruashi put a hand on his shoulder and poured the chakra into his body, compensating for the fatigue of training, and then nodded, " Use all your strength, under my supervision, you can fight as hard as you can, but don't you dare lose.»

"Got it.»

Itachi nodded and looked extremely focused on Anko.

Erase stepped aside and began carelessly to watch them.

Five-Year-old Uchiha Itachi.

Ten-year-old Anko Mitarashi.

Although the current Itachi already has the strength of a Genin, but in terms of physical characteristics and chakra, he should be much weaker than the ten-year-old Anko.

But Erase thinks that Itachi will win.


The answer is very simple...

Because it's Uchiha Itachi!

Phew! Phew! Phew!!

Itachi stared intently at Anko, at the same time, shurikens fell from his sleeves into his palms and he abruptly swung his arms, throwing shurikens in Anko's direction with incomparable accuracy.

Anko's expression changed abruptly, even she is barely able to throw shurikens with such speed and accuracy.


She took a step back without hesitation, deflecting some of the shuriken with her kunai and dodging the rest.

At the same time, Itachi had already closed the distance and attacked with a kunai.

"Close combat...»

Anko smiled confidently and swung her kunai, blocking Itachi's kunai.


They exchanged a series of blows, sparks flying from the collision of the kunai.

After about a minute, Itachi jumped back, breaking the distance.

"What is it? Not enough physical strength? You're still a long way from being a big sister.»

Anko lifted her chin proudly.

But Itachi was completely calm.

"You lost.»


Anko shuddered and looked down, seeing the explosive seals that had appeared on the ground next to her and even right under her feet.


Anko was shocked.

Erase clapped his hands and looked approvingly at Itachi: "It was just fine, keep on training.»

"All right, teacher»

Itachi bowed respectfully and returned to the place where he had previously trained.

Anko was still staring in shock at the explosive seals under her feet. Looking back on the past battle, she realized that some of Itachi's melee moves were indeed a bit strange.


Erase walked over to Anko and waved his hand, instantly picking up explosive printing filaments chakras and destroying them.

"Come on.»

Erase turned around, intending to leave the training ground.

But Anko didn't follow him.

"Still don't agree?»

Erase looked at Anko and smiled.

Anko puffed out her cheeks, "I...I just lost my guard for a moment!»

Yeruashi shook his head, " In a real battle, you can lose your life in the blink of an eye. It just shows that you don't have enough strength.»

"I'll give you another chance. You just need to pick up this shuriken...I will only use the finger of my left hand, my right hand and body will not move. Ready?"»

Yeruashi raised his right hand in front of him, palm up, and placed the shuriken on it.

"You suggested it yourself...»

Hearing the words of Erase, Anko thought, and grinned.


She rushed to Erase and stretches to shuriken on his right palm.

Erase was absolutely unflappable, finger of his left hand left a residual image and instantly ran into Anko's forehead, interrupting its movement.


Anko deftly bent back her upper body, showing the flexibility of a girl's body, and reached out with the little finger of her left hand to the shuriken in Yeruashi's palm.

The index finger of Erase disappeared from his forehead Anko, grabbed her waist caved and threw up.

Anko rolled over several times in the air and landed behind Eroiche.


She immediately rushed to Yeruashi from behind and wrapped her arms around him, intending to grab the shuriken from both sides at once.

He was still standing there calmly.

The left hand of Eroiche went through his right arm and rested the tip of your finger in the chest of Anko, throwing her a few steps back.

"It's too fast...»

Anko felt a headache, but then she grinned again, " To win, I just need to make you move...»

She folded a series of seals.

Cato! Dragon Flame!


To the back of Erase rushed a stream of flame.

But he continued to stand calmly in place and did not even turn around, the chakra of the ryton attribute gathered on the index finger of his left hand.

Erase gently waved his finger.


The silver stream instantly engulfed Anko's flame and flew at an upward angle, passing over the Hokage Rock and disappearing into the distance.

Anko froze in place and slowly turned her head to look at the Hokage Rock.


A small portion of the Third Hokage's hair, located at the very top of the Hokage Rock, disappeared without a trace.

Anko lowered her head.

He just waved his finger...

But this place is located at least a few dozen streets away from the Hokage Rock!

How strong would a Shinobi have to be to do something like this?!

"Thank you...Erase...»

Confidence Anko disappeared without a trace, she hesitantly turned to Erase: "This...Hokage Rock...»

"Ah, is that the face of the Third Hokage? Don't worry about it...do you want to continue?

Erase quietly asked.

Anko: "...»

Feeling part of the true power of Erase, she immediately admitted defeat!

https://www.pa treon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

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