
Naruto: Time control

Kakashi's older brother with the ability to control the flow of time. "Speed is power. " " Uchiha Madara, have you ever been hit at the speed of light?" Original author: https://my.qidian.com/author/8011607 I translator https://www.patreon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

Gunitlo · Anime & Comics
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474 Chs

Chapter 191

Rin and Erase left the Forest Shikotsu.

But Eroiche left here print Hiraishin.

Due to his lack of talent in space-type ninjutsu, Yeruashi may become entangled in too many Hiraishin seals, so out of the three legendary Sage regions, he left the seal in only one.

Counting the seal assigned to Kakashi in Rouran and the seal left in Konoha, there are only five Hiraishin seals, which is quite acceptable for Yeruashi.

It is worth mentioning.

Rin signed a contract with Katsuyu, making her her summoning beast.

Shizune, as a student of Tsunade, was still unable to sign a contract with Katsuyu, and in turn, Rin, who followed Yeruashi to the Shikkotsu Forest, got along very well with the slugs over the past two months and was eventually able to gain Katsuyu's recognition.

Rin has grown a lot during this time, fully entrenched at the level of Kage, and finally was able to return to the practice of Ireninjutsu, continuing to develop as Irenin.

In her spare time, she regularly consulted with Yeruashi about Ireninjutsu and the structure of the human body.

The full erase taught her without any reservations.

Follow Tsunade, he developed the skills Iranina to a very high level, that was enough to teach Rin.

Rin had been training hard for these two months, and by the time she left the Shikkotsu Forest, she had fully mastered the Mystic Palm Technique, which is considered the main skill of a real Iryenin.


Not many Shinobi are able to master the Technique of the Mystical Palm, and Rin's talent as Iryenin is not too high. Of those two months spent in the Shikkotsu Forest, Rin had been training in the Yeruashi Time Domain for about a month and a half, so the training time was very different from the time of the outside world.

Now, Rin's age is close to fourteen.

Starting to practice in the Domain of Time, Rin finally understood why the body of Erase is developing so fast. Obviously, he is only a little older than her, but he already looks seventeen or eighteen years old, so drastic a change could not have happened just because of the constant exercise and practice of the Sage Regime.

A couple of weeks later.

Figure Rin and Erase appeared near Konoha.

"Finally back.»

Rin tilted her head and said thoughtfully: "Almost half a year has passed unnoticed, no...if we talk about the actual time, then almost a year.»


Erase sighed.

Walking with Yeruashi in the direction of Konoha, Rin intertwined her fingers and seemed a little nervous, looking at Yeruashi with obvious hesitation and a glint in her eyes.

Through some time, she firmly nodded and stepped forward, standing in front of Erase and preparing to say something.


Just at this moment...

Something caught the attention of Erase.

He turned his head, looking in a certain direction.

Rin followed his gaze and saw a distant figure on the horizon, walking along the road leading from Konoha.

Because of the distance, she couldn't see the specific details of the man's appearance, but this chakra was very familiar, it was one of Konoha's Sannin-Orochimaru!


A figure of Erase eroded and disappeared.

Rin lingered a little and followed him.

Orochimaru, moving away from Konoha stopped and looked to the side, seeing the rapidly approaching figure of Erase.

"I didn't expect to meet you at the point of care, Erase.»

Orochimaru looked at the student with a barely noticeable smile.

Erase stopped near Sannino and said, "Master, you...Leaving Konoha?»

Orochimaru nodded: "Yes, I won't be back anytime soon. In the lab, there are some research results that I have accumulated over the years, as well as secret techniques that may be useful to you. Give it all your time under the protection of, the student.»

Sannin thought for a while and chuckled."..Anko Mitarashi is also temporarily left to you, I don't want to take her with me.»

Erase looked up at the teacher: "Why did you suddenly decide to leave?»

It does not seem that Orochimaru is injured and suddenly leaves Konoha, on the contrary, this is a completely calm and normal care. But listening to these words, it becomes clear that this is not an ordinary departure for some business. Sannin intends to leave Konoha for a long time.

"I want to find something interesting.»

Orochimaru smiled, "By the time we meet again, you'll probably have finished practicing the Sage Mode. I'm very interested in how far you can go.»

History has taken a different path.

Danzo is dead.

And earlier, Orochimaru didn't come into too close contact with him. As a result, Sannin directly began the search and research of immortality, without first conducting experiments on the transplantation of Hashirama cells.

He had already done early experiments and research, but given the current situation in the village and the existence of the Yeruashi, Sannin did not want to do more research in Konoha.

Orochimaru turned around and once again began to move away from Konoha.

Erase stood in place, staring after the departing teacher.

When Orochimaru was already quite far away, he said, " In the Land of Water, there is a surviving owner of the Hyeton, as well as the only owner of the Shikotsumyaku.»

"This information is very useful to me.»

The figure of Orochimaru stopped for a moment, and then disappeared into the mountains and forests.

Yeruashi looked after him for a while longer, then turned to Rin, who was standing nearby, " Let's go.»

He went straight to Orochimaru's secret laboratory and asked Rin to wait outside. Upon entering the laboratory, Erase found that all experimental samples and the results of the research do not exist.

The lab was completely emptied.

Only in the deepest room of the laboratory, securely sealed with a special Fuinjutsu, were the various results of research conducted by Orochimaru in recent years, including research concerning the soul, preserved.

Erase briefly visited and closed them.

Most of the research results had no meaning for him, only soul research can be useful, at least it can contribute to a certain development and strengthening of his soul.



At home.

Kakashi, who had already returned from Rouran, opened the door and saw three people sitting in the living room. It was Eroiche, Rin and seen here for the first time...Anko Mitarashi.

"Brought the girl back again...and so small, too...»

Kakashi looked at Anko, and then back at Yeruashi and whispered softly, looking at him with such eyes, as if he realized some truth.

Do Erase perverted lolicon?!

"What is that look?»

Yeruashi noticed Kakashi's strange look, but didn't pay attention to it and immediately moved on to the introduction: "This is Anko Mitarashi, a student of Teacher Orochimaru...and this is my younger brother Kakashi, you should already know him, Anko.»

"Please take care of me.»

Anko smiled and bowed to Kakashi.

She was extremely depressed when she found out that Orochimaru was leaving Konoha and would not be returning anytime soon, but when she learned that the teacher had asked Yeruashi to take care of her, Anko was immediately very excited.

She had long admired Yeruashi, and had heard countless stories about him from Kurenai, but they rarely met in person.

Each time, she just stared at him from the side, unable to get any closer.

But now.

Erase to watch her!

https://www.pa treon.com/sinionsi. --There are 50 more chapters here

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