
Naruto: The Weapon Lord

An anticipated end that had long been awaited spiraled into the beginning of a new existence. Known by many names, revered and feared as a cursed weapon and at times, hailed as a divine instrument, the expected conclusion did not unfold. Instead, a new chapter commenced. Upon awakening, memories foreign to his essence etched themselves into his consciousness. He soon realized he had transmigrated into the body of a man known as Hiruzen Sarutobi; The Third Hokage.

TheFairyLord · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: Promises Under the Memorial: The Path to Reconstruction

It has been two days since the Kyubi attack. The village was undergoing renovations; several places were destroyed in the process, and many lives were lost...

During this time, even individuals like Tsunade, who had been away from the village for a long time, returned. Jiraiya was also among those who came back to the village upon hearing the news.

In front of them was the memorial altar for the deceased; whether they were ninjas who fought or the lives of innocent civilians lost.

Taking the lead, dressed in black, Sarutobi begins to speak:

"On this day of mourning and reflection, we gather under the sky of our beloved village to pay homage and remember the precious lives that were cruelly snatched from us in the recent Kyuubi attack. As we bow in pain and sorrow, it is crucial to remember the value and strength that each soul represented for our community, for our families, and for the indomitable spirit of Konoha.

Our hearts are heavy, not only for the loss of our valiant shinobi but also for the innocents whose lives were abruptly ended by a force that defies human comprehension. Each was a vital thread in the tapestry of our society, contributing, each in their own way, to the fabric of our collective existence.

Today, we mourn not just the loss of known heroes but also of unknown heroes; those who faced fear with courage, who protected loved ones with their own lives, and who, in their final moments, displayed a bravery that transcends words. They remind us of the power of the human spirit and the capacity to face unimaginable adversities with determination and hope.

In this moment of desolation, it is imperative that we remember the legacy left by those who have passed. May their memories inspire in us the courage to move forward, the strength to rebuild, and the determination to face the future with renewed resilience. May the remembrance of their sacrifice unite us even more, reinforcing our commitment to protect our village and one another, at all costs.

As the Third Hokage, I pledge that their sacrifice will not be in vain. We will dedicate our efforts not just to rebuild what was lost, but to create a future where such tragedies are prevented, where peace and security are more than distant aspirations, but tangible realities for every citizen of Konoha.

May the spirit of those who left us guide our paths. May their bravery be our beacon. And may we, together, make our village not just a symbol of power, but a bastion of hope, compassion, and eternal solidarity.

Today, as we honor those who have gone, we reaffirm our unwavering commitment to the life, love, and freedom they defended. May their souls find peace, and may we, the living, find purpose in continuing their struggle.

Rest in peace, children of Konoha. You will always be remembered."

At the end of Sarutobi's speech, everyone was crying for the lost lives. Many lost children, parents, and friends. Even those who were lucky enough not to have suffered any loss could still feel the pain around them and cried.

But, life goes on. As sad as it is, as much as it hurts, they knew they had to continue for those who gave their lives for them.

The same could be said for Kushina, in black, with a baby in her arms. She cried a lot, barely being able to bear the fact that her husband had left, but she needs to continue, not just for herself, but also for their son, Naruto.



[Three days later...]

"Are you sure, Lord Hokage?"

In an office, with sound isolation jutsu, a man wearing an Anbu mask asked cautiously.

"Do not make me repeat myself." Sarutobi narrowed his eyes as he said, "He cannot continue with his tyranny. I need to put an end to this, but he has already taken root, which I admit is my fault. Now, it's not so easy to deal with him..." He paused as smoke billowed from his pipe: "But public opinion can help. In two days, I will have a meeting; if this is not done, he will surely try to increase his control over the village, even attempt to assume the position of Hokage. I cannot allow that, understood?"


Hearing all this, there was no longer any doubt. After that, the Anbu transformed into a curtain of smoke, disappearing from the office.

Tapping his fingers on the desk before him rhythmically, Sarutobi reflected: 'Just as I expected, Jiraiya refused to be Hokage. Tsunade also refused.'

At the moment, he had taken up the position of Hokage again.

Alone in his office, Sarutobi extinguished his pipe, resting it in the ashtray, and opened a scroll on the desk. When the seal was broken, a sword appeared.

It was not an ordinary sword; it was a Chakra Sword, though simple, a sharp ninja tool forged from a special metal that can absorb the chakra properties, including elemental affinity, of its user.

Holding the sword with his left hand, Sarutobi strangely brought the tip of the sword towards his mouth, and then something surprising happened.

"Crunch, Crunch, Crunch...!"

His teeth, which until then seemed normal, began to grind the sword little by little, shredding it into pieces while Sarutobi himself swallowed the fragments of the sword bit by bit.

After eating the sword, Sarutobi let out a small burp: "Mm, not bad. However, it is still insufficient..."

He could feel his strength and vitality growing. But, to achieve his goal, just this sword was not enough.

In moments, he broke various seals of scrolls and literally ate several ninja tools, whether they be kunais, shurikens, senbons, etc.

When he finally finished, Sarutobi sighed: "As expected, I feel the same sensation; I must be very close to my initial goal."

However, he found himself in a strange situation. After all, he ate his entire arsenal. Although he could get more cold weapons, it was not that simple. At least, not without raising suspicions.

"I need to plan this well." After murmuring these words, he made a shadow clone that soon left in the office, while the real one exited through the window.



In her newly renovated home, a woman with long scarlet red hair was sitting in an armchair while nursing her baby.

"Knock! Knock! Knock!"

The woman hears three consecutive knocks on her door. "I'm coming!" She shouted.

However, she was still nursing her son, so she shouted again: "Who is it?"

"Kushina, it's me, Hiruzen Sarutobi."

Recognizing that the voice belonged to the Third Hokage, the woman with long red hair said loudly: "Lord Third, the door is unlocked, please come in!"

It didn't take long for her to hear her front door being opened, soon she heard someone's footsteps approaching.

"Have I come at a bad time?" A bit embarrassed, Sarutobi asked.

"Mm, it's okay." She looked into his eyes as she responded with a forced smile: "What is it?"

"It's like this." Sarutobi said slowly: "I'm planning to leave the village for no more than 2 days. But before that, I thought it best to give you some of the chakra in the seal to prevent any problem that might occur. Although I intend to leave my shadow clone behind, it will be too late if I don't arrive in time should any mishap occur."

"I understand." Her smile became more genuine, full of gratitude. After all, she understood the importance of this, as she might be alive now thanks to his help.

"I'm not in a hurry." Sarutobi said: "You can finish feeding your son and, if you don't mind, I will wait outside."

"It's okay, you can wait here, please sit, Lord Third." She said, gesturing with her free hand: "It shouldn't take long. Although this little guy has a big appetite, he should be almost satisfied by now." When she said this, looking at her son, she had a loving motherly gaze.

"Mm." Sarutobi did not refuse and nodded. Soon he sat in a chair not too far from Kushina.

Minutes later, Kushina finished feeding and burping her son; after putting him in the crib, she returned.

"Ready, sorry for the delay." She said with an apologetic smile.

"It's all right." Sarutobi stood up.

The next moment, Kushina lifted her shirt slightly, where the seal was.

Sarutobi placed his hand over the seal, then closed his eyes and transferred a good portion of the Kyuubi's chakra into Kushina's seal.

Kushina always felt a slight embarrassment whenever she had to do this, but knew it was necessary until another preventive measure was found that would allow her to continue surviving.

"Done." He said with a simple smile: "It should last for more than a week now. I'm leaving now."

"Mm, thank you." Kushina said goodbye: "Take care."

"I will." He responded: "You should take care of yourself too."

Though it seemed like a formality when saying goodbye, Kushina understood when he said this as he touched her face, specifically near her eyes.