
Naruto:The Tale of Extra

A story about your average texas boy who was reincarnated to naruto verse agianst his will what more do you want but a funny story to go with it

SubAquatic_Panda · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Where am I?


Wake up!!!

Aahhh!! 5 more mins I swear I won't be late

You said that yesterday and you where late getting complaints for your teachers now on with ya won't tell you again.

Fine uuughh..

Well I guess I best not be late then since this is my Story!! And not Naruto, Sasuke hell not even Sakura this is story of Sora Kotestu and I'm here basically trying to survive cause God dammit this is probably the worse place to be in universe.

13 years and 6 months ago ..

Hey Noah what are plans for tomorrow not much just chilling playing cyberpunk what about you Gabe. Heck you know what I'm doing got anime cacht up on nearly like 60 tabs worth of season got to finish.

True I'm still trying finish spy x family and Dr stone new season about to drop well I guess our battles never end .Gabe:so Noah if you had to be reborn in anime what would your be.Noah: Easy highschool dxd for relaxing life and beautiful women.

Gabe: well good luck with that you probably be off screen .Noah: no doubt about unless I stay out of supernatural world I be fine just have to grind that Charisma stat to seduce ladies and I will be scott free.

Gabe:Haha!! Sure Casanova won't even happen all women are either crazy,bloodthirsty or would fuck you death in that verse well besides nuns,and angel but good luck with that.

Noah: Well what about you huh can't be as bad as mine .

Gabe : well easy Naruto I know I wouldn't last long but hell the story has a great meaning in my heart as one of my first anime I ever wachted hell I would sacrifice my life if it meant stopping jirya from dying.

Noah: well couldn't be me to much back stabbing, and crazy people roaming around don't get me started with future bull shit that's boruto I mean honestly I think the manga 100 times better than anime at this point!! Like where animators looking at the same material.

Gabe: well somebody enthusiastic today well anyway be seeing ya got chores to do bye!!

Noah : ya I see you around.

Noah:Huh speaking of chores I have to clean that back yard ugghh!! what a drag this going to be.

Several hours later....

Noah: I did it all chores are done now got head to grocery store hopefully I make it to bus stop in time.

Noah: Man where hell the bus their like 15 mins late well I guess I sit till get here.


Noah: what the hell that oh that's the bus WAIT MINUTE THATS THE BUS!!!

The bus goes go flying tossing and twirling in to slam of our Young protagonist incenarating him in second only to blow up!!


Huh where am I...

Ooh yeah the bus stop shit I knew I should walk ughh welp I guess this the End the Tale of Noah the hopeless dreamer alone and forgotten.

Would you do it agian if you could?

Yes I would .

I can make that happen

What do you want ?

?..:hehe change the story became stagnant no change unfulfilled promise ,boring story horrible villans .

?: I sending you their to change event to come good luck and don't forget change the story .

Noah: Deal I do it but what story are we talking about?

?: Oh I forgot it's Naruto

Noah: Fuccccckkkkkk! I change my mind send me to heaven!

?: To late You already Agreed bye bye !

Noah: this is some bull shiiiiiii...

Keep pushing Helen your almost done I can see the head!

Helen: oooooohhh fuck if you don't get out mommy I swear hoooooowaaaa!!!


Doc: it's done congratulations mam it's healthy boy now where your husband at ?

Helen: he passed away after the kyubi attack unfortunately so its just me and my new son now.

Doc : I see that's quite unfortunate have you decided on a name yet?

Helen : hmmm how about Sora because I wanna see my son soar the sky to endless possibilities .

Doc : what a wonderful name indeed Sora Kotestu. Hell I dare say a name to remember once agian ma'am if you need anything where down the hall.

Helen: thanks doc I would like som alone time with my child.

Doc: of course I will be on my way.

Helen well now Sora my dear child what I'm I going to do with you since your my sole heir to the Steel clan hmm...your sure to be quite busy with women in future .

Helen: but moma will protect you from those hussy I swear it if any one tries to steal you from me it going to be a blood bath muhamuha!!!.

Sora : wahahahaaaaa!!!

Helen: thire thire mommy got you now no need to be such a whiners now. Man do I got my work cut out for me.

Sora: huh where am I wait I know God damit you who ever you where!!!

Helen: what am I supposed to do this is my first child after all he yet to stop crying .

Mikoto: it's real simple first off he need his diaper change and a bath.

Helen: Oh right heh forgot been busy with mission since I'm back in working order got provide feeding an extra mouth now.

Mikoto: well you need to do better he need his mom and his father passed already take it easy and work at my grandparents Cafe for bit wages are fair hell I tell them to give you raise so you can provide for you son.

Helen : but who will wacht sora then ?

Mikoto: you know how about the sub branch of your clan ?

Helen : don't trust them they probaly use him to increase our relationship with other clans by setting up aranged marriages .

Mikoto: I see he can stay with me then I'm retired anyway.

Helen : thank you so much you don't know how much this means to me!

Mikoto: what freinds for if not to except each other's burdens in there time of need.

3 years later...

Sora: okay I'm definitely in Naruto verse welp I'm so going to die. Not like I have any cheat abilities or blessing I'm at least from a Small clan so their that but even then what I'm going to do about surviving this hell scape.

Sora: it's so boring not being able to do anything especially since I'm on current wacht from aunt mikoto .

just who is my mom never even heard of the Kotestu clan before . Where they some ova clan or movie I didn't wacht hell I bet it was a light novel hidan bull shit .

Well no use in wondering about it all I know I have a bloodline ability and wealthy family so why does mom work ?

Helen: Sora came to pick you up are you wondering agian I swear this boy too energetic sometimes.

Sora: Great my air head of mother here or she just really cares either way at least she loves me enough to take care me this much.

So plan of action learn how to manipulate Chakra subconsciously.

Mikoto: He is over here elen playing with block set I bought itachi awhile ago .

Sora: now if i could only get this block in the circle slot god dam these baby hands Ora Ora Ora!!!!! Ect....

Helen: O wow look at him go only if he knew that puzzle missing a block don't wanna ruin his fun so yoink let's go sora .

Sora: wait women!! I must defeat my nemesis

Baby sound : ooogh ga splurt sound effects..

Helen : I know honey you want to play but we have to go we have meet with your grandparents for dinner.

Mikoto: well at least now your acting like a mom only 3 years ago you came in asking what to do about being a single mom.

Helen:thanks as always Mikoto for watching him.

Mikoto: sure no problem he still my favorite baby next to itachi and Izumi those two are inseparable.

Helen:say bye bye Sora

Sora: bye aunt Mikoto!

Baby sound : baba! MikA!!

Helen: well he tried honestly most kids have nearly fluent speech bye now .

He might be late bloomer.

Sora: that's not it I have to much knowledge my baby brain can't keep up I hate this body so much!!

6 years pass...

Helen: now Sora you might be starting a little late but thats fine I have informed the teacher of your reasoning why you started late with your speaking issues lucky it went away.

Sora: but mom I already told you it's just I have a lot thoughts in my head and I'm easily distracted.

Helen: that's just adhd here take these help you stay in control and Mello out.

Sora: hate these pills makes me feel like I'm not even here .

Helen: side effects son all pills have them now have a nice day at the academy. And I love you stay out of trouble.

Sora : I will love you mom.

To be continued

Hope you enjoyed the interlude of the beginning story this was only introduction to little things yes our characters is an extra so don't expect him to solo an army in the beginning all great character start small and grind up later with out further ado I will see y'all next time.

hey ya I'm back for a bit thought I'm writing side story while I'm on break I totally almost finished with this bulk of content for my yugioh fic/novel I want to write enough so I can chill later while playing mw3 for bit so I'm do couple of chapters for this one and yugioh hope to get done soon that's all for the update.

SubAquatic_Pandacreators' thoughts