
Naruto:The Tale of Extra

A story about your average texas boy who was reincarnated to naruto verse agianst his will what more do you want but a funny story to go with it

SubAquatic_Panda · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

The Academy

Sora: well now that she is gone don't need these pills yeet!! and don't comeback devil spawn like for real who made these pills their awful.

Sora: well now let see here what's going on around me First off I'm somewhere between prelude of naruto and the end of 3rd ninja World War.So I should plenty of time to establish my self before Canon events happens.

Knock! Knock!! Knocking continues.

?: will you stop with that racket trying to teach here!!

Sora: Oh my bad got lost in thought agian.

?:that's fine but why are you banging on my door.

Sora: I'm supposed to attend your class for rest of the year.

Slips the teacher document

?: I see well then I will be home room teacher I'm Tada Sarutobi .

Tada:now go sit by Rem Izuno she by the window on the right side of class she will help you catch up on the material.

Sora mental thought: So the Izuno clan does exist even during this time but their not as strong as the inuzuka clan though I still see their room for improvement.

I mean hell from what I saw in boruto they have a lucky cat Chakra cloak which is insane for them to be this low ranking clan.

Sora: well I guess this where my journey truly begins this really sucks. Well let get some thinking done if i had a status it probably look like this.

Sora Kotestu age 9

Blood line : Steel Release

Academy student

Threat level E-

Chakra mastery :Novice

Tajistu :Steel Clan Steel Fist basic

Ninjustu :Steel clan secret techniques/

no basic elements techniques

Genjitsu: n/a


Kenjustu: Steel clan basic sword play

Shurikenjutsu: Twin substitution kunia throw

Fujin Jutsu:n/a

Sage art: n/a

Developing techniques: Chakra back up storage, Steel spider trap, twin substitution Kunia throw (protype flying rajin) and finally flowing Steel trap.

Sora: well thats that Even if I have this much it doesn't mean much in world you can literally be killed for doing nothing.

Tada: Chalk fling... Swoosh !!

Sora :Ack ouch!! that hurt what was that for?!

Tada : I had ask you a question can you tell class the basic elements of ninjustu mr.kotetsu ?

Class room burst into laughter for sora mindless for brief time.

Tada : Alright settle down now Mr Kotestu can you answer the question or not?

Sora: Oh my bad teach yes I can it's fire,wind,lightning, water,and earth.

Tada: correct you must be pretty smart most of class mates only get the first two right.

Class room chatter: he must be a genius, Nah he got be cheating, well he is a clan kid this is nothing to him bla bla bla blah!!

Tada:Alright settle down or you all will be running laps with might guy later.

Classroom chatter: silence....

Tada:that's better now Sora you done a great job I'm sure your clan proud of you .

Alright now class we will be starting stealth class grab your bags and head out side.

Rem:nice job their hasn't been any genius around here in a while .

Sora: I'm not really one though it's just common knowledge.

Rem : well Mr clans men it seems you forget but most of our classmates come from civilians section and orphanages .

They know next to nothing about being a ninja or what is common knowledge in this feild.

Sora: true but you think they would read up a bit before signing up unlucky for us we didn't have a choice in matter .

Rem: true that is case but not all can be as fortunate as us even though where from small clan we at least know what where doing.

Woooosh !! Crack errr.. thwack !!

Tree rustling threw a breeze and the slaming of academy door repeatedly opened and closed .

Tada: Alright you guy's have 10 minutes to hide if you are found you will start the excise over again.


Tada:well let see here the civilian kids dam right fail hell one of them has his but hanging out of the bush .let see clan kids are doing alright though how hell did the inuzuka brat get in dumpster it's locked so animals can't get in might have lockpicker in our class this year.

Tada: Alright time Get to work stretching sounds audible ( ho ha ya that's the spot, crack) Wind style great break through

Woooshh !!! Shwack!! (lol just wanted use this sound effect)

Student go flying out of trees and bushes and even trash can tips over .

Tada : Alright all of you failed except for clans kids well except inuzuka why hell where you in dumpster.

Shinta : Teach i thought it was best place hide sir out sight out of mind .

Tada :well that certainly is something but I expect more out you clan kids to at least hide your chakra signature .so you fail start Over and pick up that trash .

Shinta: on it sir!!

Tada: And stop doing that where ninja not samurai!!

Shinta: yes sir!!! I mean teach!! No need to worry your loyal student shall fall through sir!! I mean teach!!

Tada: slams head in to clipboard ughh this going to be a long year.

Alright class is over for those who pass head home end lesson as for those who failed start over sun is still shining so no whining get to it hide agian.

Sora: what a colorful cast already at least their moments like this to keep me going hope I can survive the future of this place .


Rem : hey you must zone out alot you know you make this weird face when your thinking?

Sora: ouch what was that for ?

Rem: obviously get your attention why else now since where out how about playing with me in the park?

Sora: sure but I have to be home by sundown or my mother might just end me!!

Rem: your being to dramatic I doubt she will actually do it.

Grabs sora hand pulling him to park

Sora : ahh why are so strong !!

Rem: hush now our adventure awaits your the princces and I'm your loyal knight to free you from your untimely marriage .

Sora: should it be the other was around ?

Rem : nope your more of girly looking than me I swear if I put you in dress I couldn't tell the difference.

Sora : but I'm boy and men don't wear dresses.

Rem eye glint with a ungodly shine

Rem: huhohoho did I stuter I have a few you can wear muhahaha!!

Sora: noooo!!! my innocence hopefully my mom dosen't go looking for me she always carrying that camera around here neck.

As sun sets with ist hues of orange and purple our protagonist finds himself in purple and pink accent 17th century ball room dress

Rem: Oh my fair maiden I'm here to save you from your tragic fate of marriage to sir Isaac draken the 3rd.

Sora mental thought : Oh my god hope fully nobody sees us.

Sora: Oh if isn't sir crumble well my loyal knight have come to take me away far from this dread fate of marriage.

Rem: yes lady Sayori so we may be happily wed off In sunset for my love burn brighter than hundred sun and roars as a thousand sea.

Sora: than we shall be on our way how do you intend free me of my imprisonment sir Crumble well.

Rem: Easy my dear with this lader of infinite possibilities I bought from an elf .no tower shall ever be high enough for our love .


Helen: hmm... I thought he be home by now well let look around the town. Might made freinds I'm go grab my camera .

Walking down street bumps in to old freind

Helen: Oh hey Amagi what you doing out here?

Amagi: looking for my trouble some daughter no doubt she fooling around in the park agian.

Helen: heh I bet my son same way I will walk with you who know they might be freinds since he started class today.

Amagi: realy that's surprising didn't he have speech issues last time we talk ?

Helen: sure did but he was cleared nearly a month ago but the doc said he fine now .

Amagi: Quite curious indeed they ever find reason why?

Helen: nope but I have my suspicious that my son was to smart for his age quite literally.

Amagi: so a new genius was born this generation then.

Helen: more than likely he probably be like his uncle in Iron Country .

Amagi: my oh my that quite pedestal you put him on.to even live up to him is quite the statement.

Helen: ya I have no doubt about it he is my son after all. Ya know !! That why I named him soaring steel in first place because I knew the second I gave birth to him he was going to reach new heights un heard of before.

Amagi: Oh won't you look at that their they are but why does your son have one my daughter dress on?

A malicious aura spread out with kukuhahaha! Pulling out camera at rapid fire click sounds can be heard.

Helen:this is to good to pass up I can embarrass him forever with these huhauhaaa! Kekekek!!!

Amagi: well I guess I will also cherish these moments to click.

Helen : where did you get the camera from Amagi ?

Amagi: when you become my age you have many places to hide certain things for any occasion now let's get this printed in book for later.

Muhahhaha! Chuckling of these mad parents continue.

To be continued...

Author note: Hey guy this my second chapter of this short series I'm writing I'm still figuring out some plots and small thing that anime never covered so I was like you know what!! I do it my self it won't be one for one but enough to see full picture of things. Now on to better news I have to at some point do big time skip to continue the story further but I have some characters I want to show manly from the smaller clans so I can write them anyway I want since their never detailed well except the kurma clan which probably need it own chapter so anyway have great day and see you next time bye bye!!

hey how you doing guy/girls I'm back and ready to write gotta get these chapters out before mw3 launch and any suggestions in comments section if you wanna see somebody specifically in story.and i wil see what I can do.

SubAquatic_Pandacreators' thoughts