
Naruto : The Strongest of the Uchiha

Disclaimer : I do not own any of the Characters used in the story or any of the pictures used. MC is reincarnated as an Uchiha and his system awakens just before the Uchiha Massacre Follow him as he tries to become the Strongest of the Uchiha

Uchiha_Ryo · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Learning the Flying Raijin Jutsu

Pain and Konan quickly left, and Orochimaru stepped forward.

""Chief, can you let us have a good chat next time?"

Orochimaru stared at Itachi.

It was obvious that he had been curious about Itachi for a day or two.

Chiba, Itachi, Orochimaru, and the three Konoha rebels reunite in Akatsuki.

Listening to the nutritious conversation between the two, Chiba took out a scroll and looked at Orochimaru.

"It just so happens that I have something to ask you, Orochimaru!"

Orochimaru licked his lips and asked.

"What is it Chiba-Kun?"

Chiba smiled and opened the scroll so that he could see the contents inside.

"This is the experimental data I got from Danzo about the first-generation Hokage cells and Sharingan eyes."

Orochimaru's pupils shrank sharply.

He didn't expect this kind of thing to appear in Chiba's hands and turned to look at Itachi.

Sure enough, Itachi's face instantly turned cold, and he stared at Orochimaru and asked:

"Are you researching the sharingan?"

He still retains Uchiha's pride in his heart, which undoubtedly angered him.

Orochimaru licked his lips nervously, gave Chiba a grim look, and said:

"It's not that I'm researching, but Danzo wants me to research."

Looking at Itachi, whose face was getting colder and colder, Chiba wanted to laugh, and asked in a cold voice:

"So, Danzo has long been eyeing the Uchiha clan?"

Orochimaru glanced at him in surprise, a little thoughtful, and then said hoarsely:

"That's right, since the experiment of the first Hokage cells failed, Danzo has turned his attention to the Sharingan."

"From that time, he has been eyeing the Uchiha clan for more than ten years."

Itachi breathed suddenly, and his mood fluctuated violently.

Chiba looked thoughtful and praised beside him:

"So, in fact, Uchiha's massacre was driven by Danzo."

"Awesome, as expected of the dark side of Konoha!"

Then, he looked at Itachi and said meaningfully:

"Do you think that if we had joined forces to kill Danzo, things would have developed to this point?"

Itachi looked condensed and lowered his head silently.

Inner pain, pressure surged like a collapsed embankment.

For the first time, he began to regret it.

Maybe there was other options at the beginning, but I just believed in myself too much.

When Chiba saw this scene, he knew that he had achieved his goal, so he didn't say more.

On the other hand, Pain, Konan, and Obito are in a meeting.

Obito said solemnly: "You already know the information about Chiba, his ability is very troublesome."

Pain glanced at him, "It doesn't matter, in front of the Rinnegan, everyone is not worth mentioning!"

He was full of confidence in himself.

Even the mangekyo sharingan can only fail in the face of himself.

Konan nodded cooperatively.

"Of course I know that, the Rinnegan is invincible."

Obito nodded in agreement, then continued:

"But both Chiba and Itachi have turned on the mangekyo sharingan. Just in case, we need to find a chance to test their strength. It's best to know their mangekyo ability."

"Do you want me to make a move?" Pain asked calmly.

"No need!" Obito shook his head.

Pain nodded, not interested in asking more, and left with Konan.

At this time, Zetsu asked, "Obito, what are you going to do?"

"Let them go to Kirigakure!" Obito said.

"Mizukage has become more and more difficult to control, just let them clean up the trail there."

"Especially Chiba, record everything about him as much as possible. I want to know exactly his strength and dojutsu ability."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of the intelligence network."

The next day, all members of Akatsuki's organization arrived.

Pain, Konan, Zetsu, Sasori, Kakuzu, Kakuzu's teammate, Kisame, Orochimaru, Chiba, Itachi.

Wearing the Akatsuki cloak organized by Konan, with a ring.

"The two newcomers are very famous."

"With Orochimaru, we have three Konoha ninjas, won't there be too many?"

"Sasori, do you have any opinion on us?"

Sasori looked at the three people who were looking over at the same time and snorted and stopped talking.

Chiba looked at the members of the Akatsuki organization and complained in his heart.

He was looking forward to the lively days when Hidan and Deidara appeared in the future.

This meeting is also to meet new people and then exchange information to reassign tasks.

Before long, the crowd disbanded.

Not far from the cave, Chiba and Zetsu stopped.

Chiba looked at him, his eyes a little probing.

He is the general term for the Black Zetsu and countless White Zetsu with top intelligence capabilities.

Being with Zetsu he can get stuff like Wood Style and Yin Release

These are things he definitely wants!

"Whats's Wrong?"

Zetsu asked suspiciously.

Chiba smiled, "I think, as partners, we'd better clarify some things in advance."

"I know you are in charge of the intelligence network, and I can ignore it during the mission!"

"But if you still monitor me after the mission is over, don't blame me for being rude!"

Zetsu replied immediately:

"It's just that I'm not good at fighting, so I'll leave the combat part of the mission to you! I'll only collect intelligence and reconnaissance!"

Then the two officially set off and began his first mission in Akatsuki's organization.

While rushing on the road, I will definitely share the information.

"This time our mission target is a big businessman."

"He has a lot of guards, and there are two missing-nin at the Jonin level, from Kumogakure and Kirigakure."

"There are more than a dozen Chunin and four samurai."

Chiba listened calmly, "Time, place!"

"Three days later, the northern border of the Land of Fire..."

A few days later, the northern border of the Land of Fire.

Chiba easily completed the task.

At the moment he is lying on the grass, holding a scroll and reading carefully.

"The new mission is five days away, and until then your time is free."

Zetsu appeared not far away, and he brought the reward for this mission.

Everyone in Akatsuki's organization is naturally rewarded for completing tasks, otherwise who would be willing to do it.

Throwing the money aside, Chiba put all his attention on the ninjutsu in front of him.

Flying Thunder God!

He has been researching for several days and has only recently felt a little bit of a breakthrough.

Putting the ninjutsu scroll back in place, Chiba took out a specially made kunai.