
Naruto : The Strongest of the Uchiha

Disclaimer : I do not own any of the Characters used in the story or any of the pictures used. MC is reincarnated as an Uchiha and his system awakens just before the Uchiha Massacre Follow him as he tries to become the Strongest of the Uchiha

Uchiha_Ryo · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Danzo vomits blood, meet the members of the Akatsuki organization

Uchiha's massacre was discovered, which quickly caused an uproar in Konoha.

Countless people were shocked that the once No. 1 giant in Konoha had just disappeared!

Immediately afterwards, Konoha released a bounty and notified the underground bounty community.

Uchiha Chiba: Konoha S-class Missing-nin, crime: beheading his compatriots, one of the murderers of Uchiha's massacre.

Uchiha Itachi: Konoha S-class Missing-nin, crime: beheading his compatriots, one of the murderers of Uchiha's massacre.

In a short period of time, almost all Konoha ninjas knew the names of Chiba and Itachi.

Especially Chiba, who was completely unknown before, suddenly became well known.

"Too ruthless to kill fellow clansmen, damn it!!!"

"Two people destroyed the Uchiha clan, fake, right? Who believes it!!!"

"Don't you know, the rumors says that both of them have turned on the mangekyo sharingan!"

"Mangekyo sharingan? That's no wonder!"

Third Hokage didn't sleep all night.

The big event of Uchiha's massacre will not only affect Konoha, but may even make the entire ninja world turbulent.

He must mobilize personnel as soon as possible to prevent other Shinobi villages from taking advantage of it.

He already knew about the theft of the archive library yesterday, and even guessed who did it.

But after hesitating for a while, he acted as if nothing had happened.

But on Danzo's side, he has gone completely crazy.

My Sharingan! Byakugan! Hashirama cells!

All are treasures of the shinobi world.

But now it has been stolen!

"Investigate!! Be sure to find out who did it!!"

Danzo roared furiously, and his first reaction was Chiba's revenge.

This made him even angrier, regretting that he was not decisive enough.

But soon, bigger trouble came.

"Danzo-sama is not good. The Hyuga clan, the Nara clan, the Akimichi clan, the Inuzuka clan... shinobis from all major clans have come to the door!"

Danzo's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition.

"What do they want from me?"

"The major clans want you to give an explanation, why did the secret jutsu of the major clans appear in your hands?"

"They have pictures in their hands!"

Danzo's brain suddenly exploded.

"Bastard Uchiha Chiba!! Bully too much!! I'm going to kill you!!"

This kind of thing, even the third Hokage may not be able to protect him.

I may even have to lie low for a long time!

His dream of the position of Hokage, shattered!

Thinking of this, Danzo couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

Just then, an angry roar came from the door.

"Yamanaka clan, you dare to stop me?!!"

The honest man Yamanaka Haiichi was also angry.

This is his patriarch. According to his seniority, he still has to call him uncle, and he hugged him when he was a child.

He could only look at Danzo helplessly.

With the voices of the patriarchs of each clan.

All of Danzo's important subordinates dared not move.

Almost all of these people were acquired by Danzo by various means.

But that doesn't mean they abandoned the root organization.

Especially now that the patriarchs of the major clans are here, they don't dare to move at all, they can only stare at Danzo blankly.

Chiba is naturally unclear about the farce here.

But he knew that Danzo's life would not be easy.

It seems that Itachi met members of Akatsuki's organization that night.

But in fact, they walked for two days and it was night again, and then they got on the boat he remembered.

On the boat, Obito told the two to keep his identity secret.

"...Next, I will take you to meet the leader of the Akatsuki organization and know my true identity."

Soon, they stopped in front of a huge cave that was hidden and damp.

Obito led the way ahead, went deep into the cave, and soon came to a huge and ugly statue.

At the same time, several figures came out from the darkness.

"Oh, isn't this Itachi? Long time no see."

"And the first time meeting, Chiba-kun."

Orochimaru stared at Itachi with interest, and then turned his attention to Chiba.

Itachi was obviously a little surprised, but Chiba knew it for a long time, so it wasn't surprising.

Then Obito started to act crazy and said in an exaggerated tone:

"By the way, the three of you are fellow villagers, ah, a nostalgic reunion."

Itachi seemed to remember that he promised the three generations of Hokage to be a spy in the

Akatsuki organization, and chatted with Orochimaru.

Chiba stared at the huge outsider golem, and was a little puzzled.

Soon, Pain brought Konan on the stage.

Chiba looked at the two of them, feeling a little sympathetic to these two tool men.

Pain had no expression at all, just a corpse.

Konan was indeed beautiful, and Chiba nodded slightly to greet her.

Konan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and stood silently behind Pain.

"The goal of Akatsuki's organization is true peace in the ninja world, and Akatsuki replaces the five ninja nations to dominate the world."

"For this reason, we gather excellent ninjas, regardless of origin and experience."

Itachi's pupils shrank, "What a big ambition."

Chiba shrugged indifferently, "As long as I can improve my strength, I don't care."

"Of course, as long as the tasks of the Akatsuki organization are completed, the organization will not stop you from doing anything you want."

"Chiba of Konoha, Itachi, welcome to the Akatsuki organization!"

"Deny Konoha from now on!!"

After an impassioned second speech, Chiba and Itachi began the ceremony of joining Akatsuki's organization.

The two took out a kunai and drew a line across the Konoha headband.

Chiba chose a [Green] ring, which should be the ring of later Deidara, which was intercepted by him.

When I put it in my hand, I felt very satisfied.

This is the end of the ceremony organized by the Akatsuki.

Pain's tone was no longer so stiff and said:

"The actions of Akatsuki's organization are all two-person teams, so you will also have your own partners."

"The only members who lack a partner now are Kakuzu and Tobi who act alone."

"Kisame and Itachi form a team, Chiba, you can act together with Zetsu for the time being!"