
Naruto: The Shinobi Life


Krane · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

[ I'm tired of this ]

"What do you mean Sasuke is not interested in girls?"

'There he go again with false rumors trick. Are they really motivated to become shinobi?' thought Eiji in his mind looking at the boy who was purposely trying to get attention.

As for Sasuke, he completely ignored that kid while girls just looked with anger towards that kid.

[ Eiji's Pov ]

I wish I was in some other class. The kids here are too loud. By the way I didn't think Naruto would remember me.

I was lucky to find him outside Ramen shop after my training in woods.

[ Flashback ]

Naruto was yelling outside the ramen shop in frustation while shaking the wallet in his hand.

Naruto: Damn it! I remember very well that I got the extra money for ramen that I collected.

???: You look in trouble there.

Naruto looked towards the direction from where voice came. He saw a young boy same age as him holding a wooden stick in his hand. He was covered in scratches and dirt was all over his clothes.

Naruto: Umm yeah, I collected extra money for ramen. But I lost it in the way. I now have eaten the ramen so I have to pay.

Naruto explained his problem while scratching the back of his head.

???: How much money you are short of?

Naruto: 50 yen

???: Here, return me later when you get your money.

The boy said after taking out 50 yen from his pocket and tossed it to Naruto who catched it somehow.

Naruto: Why are you helping me?

Naruto was confused why would a random guy would help him for no reason.

???: Lord Hokage told us about Will of fire, so I kind of agree with his ideology.

The boy stated his reason with a smile and scratched the back of his head.

Naruto: Thanks for the help. I will pay you back, wait I am gonna pay for ramen I ate hehe.

Saying that he went inside to pay for ramen, as he came outside the boy was no where to be seen.

'Where did he go?' thought Naruto in his mind with confusion while scratching the back of his head.

[Flashback End]

Well that was my encounter with Naruto, I wish to chat with him more but I got bad stomach so I gotta leave first.

I need to make allies which would benefit me in longer run. Being lone wolf will just drag me down & most likely will get me killed early.

My first motive is to get that forbidden jutsu scroll that Naruto will steal, atleast memorize some that will help in longer run.

After all I don't wish to become cannon fodder.

[ Eiji's Pov End ]

Suddenly the door was opened and a man entered

"Ok class keep it down. We will start the lecture & Naruto get back to your seat" said Iruka.

'Finally he arrived, otherwise I would have lost more brain cells hearing Sasuke's fangirls banter' thought Eiji.

The lecture was as usual, boring. Few students were half awake while some went to sleep.

"With this today's lecture is complete, I hope everyone got it. But if you have doubts, you can ask" said Iruka with a smile.

"Looks like everyone got the lecture, except for one" said Iruka

He then moved towards Naruto who was sleeping soundly who got no idea of his situation.

Iruka folded the the notebook in his hand and screamed through it in Naruto's ear.


Naruto's eyes shot open in an instant and he stood straight in his position. He then looked around and then looked at Iruka who was looking at him with sweat drop.

Naruto: Sensei I was bored to death so I decided to take quick nap. But it went for long, hehe

Everyone looked at his direction with mockingly smile except for few ones.

Iruka: That's not how you gonna become Hokage.

Naruto: I will become Hokage, Believe it and remove the boring lectures from shinobi training.

Everyone just laughed at his proclammation while Iruka just sighed at his attitude.

'He literally becomes Hokage with such attitude' thought Eiji in his mind and most importantly he remembered the inherited power of Uzumaki - Talk no jutsu.

'Even more powerful than rinnegan' thought Eiji recalling the power of Talk no jutsu.

"Well we will end the class here, get your homework done and also there will be test tomorrow" announced Iruka in classroom so everyone could hear him.

"No way test!"

"I have not done Shuriken practice in a long time"

"Me too, I am starting to gain weight with no training"

Students gossiped among themselves showing disinterest in the upcoming test.

'Finally a test, I thought I am gonna be only talking shinobi with no skills' thought Eiji

"Alright, see you all tomorrow at training ground" said Iruka

He then left the classroom with his notebook and after that gossiping among the students got louder.

Eiji wasted no time, he took his book and started to leave the classroom.

'I can now enjoy my quality time after such a long lecture' thought Eiji while walking out of the academy.

During his walk in the village he met with many shop owners to whom he greeted. He then went ahead and after a while reached his destination.

[ The Tenji Weapon shop ]

There was another shop beside this shop but it was filled up with too many people.

'This shop is good too, as I heard the talk of some jounin in dango store. They say this shop is complete opposite of what it looks.

Let's see' thought Eiji in his mind.

Entering the shop, he met with the sight os several ninja tools hanging on the wall, the vibe inside the shop was opposite of what he thought. Kind of grim not vibrant.

He moved towards the kunai section and saw a man in his 30s scratching his tooth. Seeing a guest he opened his one eye and said in a laid back tone.

"What do you want kid?" said man

"I'm here to buy shurikens and kunai for my practice sessions" said Eiji

"Why don't you buy it from the shop beside me, it's large and many people buy from there" said man

Man looked at Eiji in anticipation for his response because rarely someone visit his shop. He remembered there was only one customer who was regular.

'That white haired Jonin wearing mask reading weird book' remembered man while picking his ear.

"There is too much crowd there & your shop is selling same materials, so it doesn't matter much" said Eiji.

"Don't you suspect that I might not sell top notch weapons" said man.

"I will know after I check them, so no worries" replied Eiji in his usual tone.

'This shop owner talks a lot, that's why most people avoid this place but more important for me is material quality' thought Eiji in his mind and sighed while answering the man.

'It's gonna be a long day' thought Eiji in his mind.