
Naruto The Shadow (temp hiatus)

Born as a shadow and died as a shadow. Reborn into the Narutoverse as our favorite knucklehead, watch as the MC lives through this 2nd life to experience what he missed.

DnBVirus · Others
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33 Chs

Chunin Exam Part 6

"Does it get better?"

I got out of my absentminded state when I heard Gaara behind me. "Honestly?... I don't know, it depends on you, if you want it to get better then you have to work on it, or else you'd never make it. How do you feel" I turned around and looked at him, I could feel peace and calm rolling off him and knew he succeded. He was sitting upright from the crater looking at the clouds with a soft smile.

"I feel better than I have in forever. I can't hear voices inside my head anymore and it feels good to be clearheaded, I learned to embrace what I am after I confronted him, I didn't know I had all that inside me" He started clenching his hands and raised it towards the sky to look at it while his sand followed his command and returned to the gourd, he looked at the gourd and started brushing his hand over it with a fond expression.

"Good, Shukaku won't cause anymore problems for you, though you'll have to ask its permission from now on to use its power and hopefully befriend it. Now you need to go back to your siblings, I can feel their worry from here, and you need to rest after what happened today, you might be out for a while when you do sleep" He nodded before turning around and walking away, but as he opened the door he stopped.

"What should I do from now on, I feel lost"

"I don't have an answer to that tanuki-chan, only you do, you can do whatever you want, just make sure you don't regret a descision that you make in the future" He stood still for a while thinking about what I said before he started talking again, "Nii-san, Suna and Ot-"

"I know, already prepared everything, I'll make sure your important people will make it out safe, so don't worry"

He nodded before continuing on his way back. I just stayed sitting there looking out at the sunset. I felt good knowing he succeeded and found his pace, he just needs to set a new goal for himself, hopefully one that doesn't end up bad for him.

After sitting there until it was dark, I felt my clone, that was following Orochimaru dispel, it seems that he didn't stay inside the village and left using one of ROOTs exits. I expanded my perception over the whole forest to see how it was going for Ino and Hinata, since they should be here soon. Ino was 4km to the north, fighting someone, hopefully they'll get their scrolls, and I felt Hinata camping 2km to the west with her Byakugan active. I sent out a pulse of chakra before waving, she noticed it seems, though it was confusing why she didn't get here yet.

"Oh, interesting, someone picked up that pulse" I dropped my disguise before shooting off towards the person who picked up that pulse, whoever it was had a familiar chakra signature, though I'm 100% sure I've never registered it before.

It seems the person noticed my approach, I didn't realize that someone other than sages could detect my presence when I hold it in. I soon felt the signature and it's other 2 companions disappear from my perception.

I could still feel them there but their chakra was simply gone, even a sensor will lose them when they use such a technique but it was too bad that I was chasing them, this is getting more fun. They started running while I casually chased though not for long, the person seemed to realize that I could follow them and stopped.

I soon arrived standing on top of a tree branch looking down at a clearing where there was 3 people, 2 males and a female, standing in a formation looking at me warily. They seem to be from the Hidden Grass Village, though I ignored the males and focused on the female who had the familiar signature. Now that I looked at her I realized why it was familiar and who she was, Uzumaki Karin, a future member of the Uchiha brats Team Hebi.

Crimson eyes, covered with brown glasses, fair skin, and the characteristic red hair of the Uzumaki clan, her hair is short and spiky on both sides with bangs framing her protector. Shes wearing a mesh shirt and stockings, a purple skirt, a light brown short sleeved jacket with a orange stripe going across the chest, and black sandals. She also had the Kusagakure forehead protector on her forehead. I frowned when I saw her chest, neck and arms covered with bite marks, probably from the forced healing that her village put her through.

"Who are you? Why are you following us?"

As if she could feel my mood she instantly seemed to be alert, I could feel intrigue, fear and a bit if hope, though I'm not sure why. She must be using Kaguras Mind Eye to feel my presence, even I can't escape a divine technique like that, she should also have had something to do with hiding her teammates signature. She tensed when she felt a spike in my chakra, so she has good perception if she managed to react before I moved. I could feel her connect to her teammates, but it was too late, I moved and appeared behind them, hitting the 2 males at the back of the neck, knocking them out. I instantly had to dodge chains coming towards me from her back. I kept dodging around her while she was trying to catch me, I allowed one of them to catch my arms to see how strong it is, though I frowned when I felt it didn't have any inherent restraining effect on chakra, it felt incomplete.

"Oh interesting, Kaguras Mind eye, hiding chakra signatures and now Adamantine Chakra Chains, though they feel incomplete, you must be a little Uzumaki genius, lets see how your Taijutsu fares."

I instantly pulled the chain intending to pull her in, but she saw it coming and disconnected the chain, causing a chunk of her chakra to drop, while trying to retreat. I didn't allow her, I arrived infront of her and sent a punch out towards her face, she ducked and started to counterattack, blocking her counter with my arms, I winced at the poor fools who get punched by her when I felt her strength, it would pulverize bones if it managed to land on someone with a average physique. I had already sealed myself to low Chunin to fight her, thankfully my body is strong enough to handle it, she was pretty good but she isn't fast enough to use that power "Ouch, where'd all that strength come from"

She was a intermediate in the Whirpool style it seems, It became a dance of deadly force where we used the same style to try to get the upperhand, whenever she tried to get away I would always be there to block her path, it looked like we were dancing circles around eachother. I stopped her after seeing her becoming tired.

"Alright thats enough, you're pretty good"

"*Huff Huff Huff* Who are you?, how do you know about the Uzumaki and their styles and why did you attack us"

I looked at her with amusement when she collapsed on her hands and knees to rest "You already know the answer little miss, I was intrigued about how you picked up my chakra pulse, it's the first time I've seen someone like you, so I came over to check it out, when I felt that you were a Uzumaki, I wanted to test your capabilities and it seems to be not bad. You can call me Naruto Uzumaki, the last heir of the Royal Uzumaki line."

"I-impossible, the Royal Uzumaki family was killed off, you can't be one of them, they had died off in the invasion of Uzu, and my name is not little miss, it's Karin Uzumaki"

"That's where you're wrong, my mother was the granddaughter of the Uzukage at that time, they sent her to Konoha before the whole thing happened. You should be able to tell that I'm not lying with that nifty Mind Eye of yours."

She sat there stunned when she heard that, her mother had told her about the Royal Uzumaki family, but she didn't think that she'll get to meet one of them, nevermind the heir. She couldn't feel any lies coming off him, she was also terrified off him when she sensed that pulse, and thought they'd die when she felt him coming towards them, she had tried to hide herself and her teammates, but she couldn't escape so they stopped to atleast fight him, his chakra felt breathtaking and beautiful when she saw him up close, it was both pure and dark and it felt like it contained the world within him, it made her feel drawn to him for some instinctive reason. She had also felt the familiar Uzumaki chakra mixed with something really evil.

"Why do you have those marks on your body?" She tensed when she heard that, she shrunk down and tried to hide the marks behind her back. She could hear displeasure, and slight anger coming off his voice.

"I-its one of my abilities, my healing manifests by biting me, I had inherited it from my mother and she was driven to heal people for us to stay in Kusa after the massacre. She was forced to overuse the ability and it ended up being too much for her and she passed away, in which they choose me to use it afterwards"

She was trembling at this point, barely holding back her emotions, she hated how her mother was forced to death by them, she hated herself for being too weak to do anything about it and she was also scared from what more they would do to her after her mother passed. She suddenly felt a hand on the top of her head followed by a overwhelmingly warm energy going inside her, she couldn't help but let out slight moans from the comfortable feeling, giving her a intoxicated look.

It didn't last long before the energy receded and the feeling was gone, when she recovered her senses, her whole face started to turn red from shame and embarrassment, she wanted to find a hole and dig herself inside, not wanting to be seen she wanted to cover her face with her hands but froze when she saw her arms. They were spotless, there wasn't any marks on them, she stared in disbelief at them before she started trying to find the marks, but whatever she did she couldn't find them, she knew it was impossible to heal the marks, even her mother said that medic nin failed to do so. Whatever Naruto did had removed all her marks, even the ones from battle. She stood there for 5 minutes before she looked up and saw him looking at her with sadness, she couldn't find any pity there, she didn't need something like that. Her chest tightened and she felt something climb up her throat, so without thinking she jumped into his embrace and started crying out loudly on his shoulder, releasing all the grievances she had, it went on for a while before she soon couldn't take it and fell asleep, the last thing she remembered was being carried in a warm embrace.

When Naruto saw her like this he couldn't help it and helped her out to remove the marks, he didnt expect her to burst out crying like this, and even fall asleep in his embrace, so helpless and without any other option, he carried her and went to his compound. He found a empty room with furniture and laid her on the bed while thinking on what he should do. No matter what, she was blood related to him, so he couldn't cut off ties with her, a part of him held fierce love towards family which means she had to stay and if Kusa wanted to take her then he could just destroy a couple of their units until they choose to back off, so without further thinking he created 2 clones, he sent one to Hiruzen and the other to stay here while he returned to the tower, he couldn't be seen outside of there for a long period of time.

As for the other teammates of Karin? they can die for all be cares.