
The Barrier

The family went back to the village and saw the chaos that was happening in the village. There were many people fighting in the streets but what caught their attention was that there was a giant barrier in the center of the town. The family headed to that area only to find a few Jonin outside trying to figure out how to get in. One of the people outside was Ryu.

Hayato: Why are you all out here?

Ryu: The Hokage is inside this Four Violet Flames Formation. He is in there with who we have confirmed as Orochimaru.

Hayato: Orochimaru?

Ryu: He is a very powerful missing nin.

Hayato: Why haven't you attacked the people that are creating the barrier.

Ryu: Some of them have tried to but to no success. I just got here but I think it would be more efficient if you do it.

Hayato: Alright.

Hayato went up to one of the people who were making the barrier. There was a secondary barrier around them but Hayato felt that the secondary barrier was a lot weaker. He started to weave some hand signs for one of his strongest jutsu that he possesses. After weaving the signs he put his hands together to help channel the chakra. Hayato's body started to glow as he was channeling more chakra. He then with his hands together made a horizontal chopping motion.

Hayato: Sever release: Great Slash Of the Gods

A huge noise that sounded like steel being cut was heard as there was a huge slash mark across the building that they were standing on. The person that was creating the barrier died instantly under the deadly jutsu as there was nothing left remaining not even a body. The barrier went down and they saw the Hokage fighting two people and Orochimaru.

Ryu: What is the first and second doing here? They are supposed to be dead.

Hayato: What?

Ryu: Damnit Orochimaru must have used the Impure Reincarnation. We need to get people that can seal here fast.

Ryu jumped into action as he started to fight the second hokage. The second Hokage created a lot of water in the area as he glided on the water. Ryu used his wind chakra armor that he usually uses and brought out his sword. He engaged in a kenjutsu and taijutsu barrage with the second hokage. Soon Hayato came to the assistance of the current Hokage as he saw him in a dire situation.

Hayato: Hokage are you alright?

Hiruzen: Yes barely thanks for the assistance. But I have resolved myself to fully take on Orochimaru.

Hiruzen bit his thumb and summoned a huge monkey named Enma and changed the monkey into a staff.

Hayato: Let me deal with this you are growing weaker by the minute.

Hiruzen: No I must deal with my student myself.

Hayato: ALright but at least let Yukine assist you as Ryu and I take care of the first and the second Hokage.

Hiruzen: Alright but have your wife help with the invaders instead. Be aware of the first he is a master of the wood release.

Hayato nodded and went to deal with the first Hokage as the current Hokage went to deal with Orochimaru. Hayato got to the first Hokage and started to fight as the first Hokage started to weave hand signs.

First Hokage: Deep Forest Emergence .

Hayato was soon in a huge forest as he was amazed at the first Hokage's prowess. He needed to to make sure that he was aware as this space as now the First's territory. He was looking all around keeping his head on a swivel. He felt the tree that he was standing on shake all of a sudden so he jumped off of that branch. The branch started to go to him as he was forced to use sever release to combat the incoming wood.

First: Interesting the Sever release a descendant of the Katto Clan huh.

Hayato: You know my clan.

First: Yes they had some of the greatest warriors. Please stop this rampage so that the village can be in peace.

The First continued to use his wood release to attack Hayato but Hayato kept countering with sever release. They were at a stalemate. Hayato started to channel sever release to his hands as he was about to use a jutsu.

Hayato : Sever Release: Claws of the Beast.

Thanks for the support.

It took me a while to think of what to write next so this is a bit shorter but next chapters will be full fights of Hayato vs Hashirama and Ryu vs Tobirama

The_Hrixrixcreators' thoughts