
A Saiyan?

It's funny ya know?

One minute your boarding a plane with some friends and the next your being vaporized in an inferno. Instantly reduced to ash in mere seconds.

Fuck my life.... at least all of the stress I have been building up lately is gone, just like that. I just want to sleep...

And sleeping I did until one day I woke up standing before a mirror in a bathroom somewhere unfamiliar to me. I look down at my hands only to find a tiny pair of hands of a child's, my hands. Looking back in the mirror I study my reflection carefully.

"Holy shit! I look like a smaller, more slender version of Broly from Dragon Ball Super!" Shoulder length, spiked black hair, sharp black eyes. My outfit consists of a skin tight black tank top shirt and a pair of somewhat baggy pair of blue pants that seem easy to move in. I appear to be around 6 years of age. Other than that I notice the addition of an extra appendage.

"A tail?" I unwrap the tail that was wrapped around my waist life an organic belt and swinging around playfully. It's a black furred tail rather than the generic brown one most average saiyans have. It's strange that I have saiyan features considering the world I ended up reborn in. That's right, I was born in the world of Naruto. A month ago my mother who had been traveling the continent for years had decided to return home after news of her final living relative had passed away. After paying her final respects to the recently deceased she had decided to return to her old life as a shinobi of Konoha. Her strength was proven enough to be signed on as a Jounin without much effort and she had settled us in easily. The people in the village were surprised, however, about her odd son who was born with a tail.

My memories came back to me around thirty minutes to go and it took me a lot of time to digest all of the information, new and old, in my head. Nearly causing me to faint due to the sudden flood of data.

In this world my name is Rei Saiya. Weird surname I got right? My mother, her name is Arisu Saiya, Born and raised in the Hidden Leaf and once left to see they world, with nothing but her own shinobi training and a dream to discover herself. Somewhere along the way she encountered and fallen in love with another of our mysterious clan. One thing is know for sure is that the Saiya Clan are not human, yet others are not aware of that fact but our own people. My father disappeared shortly before my birth and for all we know, me and mother are the last of the Saiya Clan left alive. Strangely enough my mother looks a whole lot like Gine. Wonder what dad looks like?

"A saiyan in the Naruto world. Definitely an oddity here." I look down and spot a particular and out of place item on the counter. A scouter with a blue screen just sitting there out of place. I could have sworn the scouter wasn't there when I entered the bathroom. I take the scouter and equipped it over my left eye and press a button concealed behind the ear and the screen lightens up before a progress bar starts loading. Soon information is displayed before my eyes.


[Booting up scouter's system... 3%.... 21%... 50%... 78%.... 92%..... 100%.]

[Initialization process has been complete.]

[Scanning user biometric data..... complete.]

User: Rei Saiya.

Age: 6.

Sex: Male.

Species: Saiyan 100% High Class Bloodline - Purity 100%.

Physique: Genin.

Chakra Reserves: High Chuunin.

Chakra Control: Academy Level.

Chakra Nature : Ki Nature.


Taijutsu Mastery -

Saiya Clan - Primal Ape Fist: 2%.

Saiya Clan - Basic Kai Movement Technique: 0%.


Ninjutsu Mastery:


Genjutsu Mastery -


Saiya Clan Ki Arts Mastery -

Ki Blast: 0%.


Other Skill Mastery -

Leaf Exercise - 15%

Saiya Clan Zenkai - Passive.


"100% Saiyan, but what does the part about purity mean?" I shake that question away and glance at the rest of the stats. "My natural physique at my current age is genin level but probably won't increase if I don't train it more. Amazingly high chakra reserves, but still doesn't compare to the friendly neighborhood Jinchuuriki. Of course my chakra control is currently abysmal so I need to hurry up and work on my control. I don't need to divide my time up too much to improve my physical condition or increase my reserves. I'll focus on the control exercises for the time being when I get started."

According to the data stored on my scouter I can work on an extra chakra control exercise once I complete the waterfall and sand dividing exercises. It's called the Levitation Exercise of the ancestral Saiya Clan. Upon completing all aspects of the levitation exercise I can freely fly. It will definitely take me a while, but I have enough patience to see this through to the end. If I can complete all exercises before graduation then I will be satisfied. My physique is good enough as it is and it will probably increase gradually when I practice my clan's taijutsu style and movement technique. I will also practice the Ki arts when I can so I can add more firepower to it.

"Hm... What do we have here?"

I scroll through the many options of the scouter and activated the tracking option that displays the life force of all lifeforms in the immediate area. Looking around a circle briefly highlights the illuminated figure of a person in the kitchen of our home. Must be mother making us lunch. It makes me smile knowing I have a gentle, loving mother in this life. In my past life my mother passed away early on so I didn't get much of a chance to spend time with her.

"I will make you the proudest mother in the world, I promise you that."

I select the next option that displays a map of the area. Including detailed terrain and geographical data and important locations highlighted. According to the map we live only two streets from the Yamanaka Flower store.

(A/N: I am using what appears to be a fan made map on pininterest for my story.)

"Sweet! I am within walking distance of both Ichiraku and the Dango shop. Sweets and ramen whenever I want."

I close out the map and scroll through more options until I found the most interesting option of all. A shop. "Lets see what we have here..." Once I opened the shop I am surprised yet again. The shop only contains abilities, items, and other assortment useful items from only the Dragon Ball series. The skills themselves are extremely expensive, with the Kamehameha Wave being one of the cheapest of the Ki arts. So far with the money I gained from just bounding to my scouter I can barely afford a low class custom Saiyan armor and maybe 3 senzu beans?

"Eh... It's a start but these beans can help my training in the future and save me from a fatal encounter. So long as I have a breath in me I can recover thanks to these magical beans. Too bad the stock only allows someone to buy at least 3 beans per week."

One of the final options on the scouter is a simulated training program that produces a holographic training dummy that will spar with me and help me correct any mistakes in my fighting style. I also found out that randomly a number of shadow warriors will be summoned by the scouter to challenge me once the option is unlocked. These random encounters, which can be turned on and off at will once unlocked, will help you improve your skills by giving you actual combat experience. They also reward you a certain amount of digital ryo to spend in the shop. Digital ryo can also be gained from completing certain achievements and achieving complete mastery of your acquired skills.

"Good thing I don't need to spend actual ryo on these things. Otherwise I would probably ruin the Fire Country's economic infrastructure with how expensive some of these things can be. Plus I can't really start making money until I unlock the random encounter options when I'm 10."

After browsing through the rest of the scouter's options I shut out all of the other options other than the detect option for safety purposes. Can't have anyone getting the drop on me until I learn to naturally sense other people's chakra and life force. I clean myself up before leaving the bathroom and heading to the kitchen. Mom glances at me and smiles before frowning and studying the scouter I have equipped on my face.

Arisu: Isn't that one of our clan's ancient artifacts? A scouter was it? Where did you get that Rei?

"It's strange mom, it just appeared when I was cleaning up in the bathroom. That's why it took me so long in there."

Arisu: Hm... That's strange. I had read about them and even seen the sketches if them in the scrolls your father. For once to just appear before you is unusual. What does the scouter do?

"It allows you to detect the chakra and life force of lifeforms nearby, isolate suspicious and hostile forces, and can even scan and provide specific information on the target."

Arisu: Oh, that sounds convenient. What does the scouter say about me?

"Lets see...." I target mom and have the scouter scan her.

[Scanning target..... 30%... 72%..... 100%. Scan complete.]

"It says your chakra reserves and combat capabilities are mid-jounin levels. Physical condition is healthy. Your a healthy young woman still in the midst of her youth mom."

Arisu: Hahaha! Since when were you such a smooth talker little boy?

I just shrug with a chuckle.

Arisu: That is a very convenient thing to have.

"Yeah. Just wish it didn't bound itself to my personal chakra signature, I could loan it to you. I mean it has another feature I be you could use to help you grow stronger."

Arisu: Really?

"Of course! It has a digital training assistant that can spar with you. It's like shadow boxing, but it helps you fix any mistakes in your fighting style and assists in improving already existing abilities so you can create new abilities of your own." This is all of the information I have decided to share with her for the time being. Don't want to overload her head right now.

Arisu: Amazing! Even if I'm not around to help you improve your training, you can do it with the scouter helping you. Keep most of the scouter's functions a secret Rei. We don't want unwanted attention coming your way.

"I understand mother."

She smiles proudly at me before patting my head with her tail. Soon our lunch if done and we have a nice, peaceful meal. After lunch we clean the dishes together before she gets ready to leave.

Arisu: I need to report to the Lord Hokage for my first assignment, please behave yourself and remember to train in moderation son. I am grateful for him giving me a month to get settled in before starting my assignments. If I'm not around much, just remember I always love you and will try to make time to spend with you and help you train. I already add you to my bank account so if I am not around you can buy groceries in my place. Remember to balance your diet if your going to be serious about your training.

"I understand mom." I give her a hug before she heads out after giving me a kiss on my forehead. I'll graduate and become a powerful warrior worthy of our ancestry. Saiyans were not a weak race in Dragon Ball and they sure as hell can't be here either.

"I guess it's about time to get started. I'll wander around town first before getting back to my chakra control exercises. It's pretty much all I need to improve and worry about for now. Too bad the scouter shop only sells DB based merchandise. I'd like to see how much it'd cost to buy Shadow Clone Jutsu... Maybe I can recreate it from my memories of the show...."

I just shrug and decided to worry about it later on. For now I am just going to take things slowly. There are a few things in the series I may want to change, I'm i'm lucky I might be able to save the Hokage during the chuunin exams, but it will require mom's help. I think I can get mom stronger in the next few years, at least strong enough to give Orochimaru some trouble during his attempted assassination of Hiruzen Sarutobi. I doubt we can outright kill him at that time, but we can beat the shit out of him in the meantime.

"Time for my new life to begin..... Wait a minute..... Did the other four end up being reborn here too?"

Little did he know that not only did the other four get reborn, but it was in a completely different world, and their memory of him ended up getting lost in the transition. However that will be something he deals with in the distant future.

Stay tuned for another episode of Naruto Ball Z... lol.

Yeah, it has a connection to my other story. But that will be for another day.

ShadowlessEternalcreators' thoughts