
Tobirama Senju and Mito Uzumaki!

Ashiba didn't know how long he slept in the Red Expanse, which remained quit and still as the stars in the sky. But he knew it took a long time to complete the evolution.

Ashiba opened his eyes, that still contained some anger towards those ants for interrupting his bloodline evolution. 

But soon calmed down as he realized that his very first evolution of bloodline was finally over!

There was really not much of a difference in strength from before, as even though he was interrupted halfway through the process. He had already acquired the abilities and strength that came with evolution.

But what did change was his obvious improvement in control over his new ability. So he won't be put in an embarrassing situation where can't activate or deactivate his ability again.

And his fighting instincts which he had honed over the years on the battlefield, also showed a drastic improvement.

Also the fact that his soul had completely transformed from the illusionary white to blood red color, which almost had corporeal form.

He took some time to get familiar with his newfound strength before exiting the Red Expanse.

The first thing he felt when his soul returned to his body was the extreme strangeness of his body. He almost thought he was in a stranger's body.

It took a second before Ashiba realized this was really his body, which had obviously grow over the years even without him doing anything. The first thing he did was cut his overgrown red hair by skillfully controlling the slaughter energy so it would only reach his neck. He doesn't want them to bother him while he is fighting.

He stood up to carefully inspect his current body. 

He stood 6'7" with long legs, thick neck and muscles that even surpassed those of yujiro in his prime. The whole person looked even more demonic with the slaughter energy that burned like fire in his eyes.

Logically speaking his body shouldn't be able to grow up to this point without eating or exercising for years. No, it shouldn't even be able to survive even taking in consideration the extraordinary nature of this world.

Ashiba contributed that fact to the mysterious Red Expanse. Simply because he doesn't want to overthink it.

As he felt the power coursing through his veins he couldn't help but get excited. He made it his goal that he would one day become the strongest creature of this extordinary world.

He looked at his surroundings, a secluded cave that he had chosen for his evolution process. A huge boulder was blocking the entrance from any unlucky intruders.


One could only hear a single sound as Ashiba punched the boulder with his fist. Causing the whole rock to dissolve into powder.

Allowing sunlight to pour in on his body for the first time in many years. Ashiba didn't waste time enjoying the moment as he quickly took off, wanting to know how much time did it take for evolution to finish.

It didn't long before he found a traveling merchent. Whom he 'questioned' throughly before figuring out how long he had been sleeping for.

Eight years!

Yes, he has been sleeping for eight years. The destruction of shimura clan has long become a relic of the past.

"The Red Ogre..Hahahahaha, I like it," Ashiba laughed as he thought about the information he got from the unfortunate merchant.

He learned that surviving shimura clan shinobi who were outside of the clan during its destruction, claim that there was a huge red giant appearing out of thin air in their clan which mercilessly slaughtered their clan.

Thus the shinobi world gave him the title, the Red Ogre.

Apart from liking his new title, he didn't think much about those surviving ants.

"Surely they wouldn't want to challenge me. Stupidity of this magnitude can't possibly exist."


"Who are you? Get out of our way. We are shinobi from the Senju Clan," as Ashiba was thinking about how long he had been sleeping. While jumping from one branch of the tree to another. A vigilant voice sounded from the direction he sensed chakra fluctuations coming earlier.

Two groups of shinobi could be seen in the distance, which were clearly from different clans. But it was weird as they had a friendly atmosphere between them, which in this period of chaotic times is very rare.

Ashiba was surprised as he clearly recognized affiliations of both of the opposing groups by their looks and clan patterns on their clothes. One of them was from the famous senju clan while the other were from the Uzumaki, with their famous red hair, which were similar to his, that slightly annoyed him.

But what made him really surprised were two prominent figures that seem to be leading these groups of people. Both were people who would go on to become important figures in the shinobi world.

The person leading the Senju clan group was a young white haired shinobi. He had three red markings on his face with a head gear that had the symbol of the Senju clan. He was non other than the future 2nd Hokage, Tobirama Senju.

The other person's identity was also no less important than the former. It was a beautiful young woman, with long, bright-red hair and large, black pupil less eyes. She wore an elaborate, high-collared kimono. She is the future wife of Hashirama, god of shinobi, Mito Uzumaki.

Tobirama looked at the monster of a person in the distance who gave him a dangerous feeling. If it was any other day, he would have killed anyone who looked suspicious. And don't even talk about warning the opponent like he did today.

But he didn't want to shed blood today, as it was a day worth celebrating. As his older brother, Patriarch of Senju Clan, Hashirama Senju was about to get married. Who's bride Mito Uzumaki was the person he is responsible for escorting today.

'Not to mention, It is not certain whose life will be in danger.' He thought as he looked at the man, who had a strange shine in his eyes as he looked at them.

If Tobirama knew what Ashiba was thinking at this moment. I am afraid he will throw away all his cautiousness and start fighting him madly.

Because right at the exact moment Ashiba saw Mito, his eyes begin to shine as he thought about the idea he had to postpone before.

'Looks like I can finally start the creation of the Hanma clan. She should be worthy enough to birth a strong child for me' thought Ashiba as he looked at Mito with a gaze that made the latter extremely uncomfortable.

Ashiba looks the same as Yujiro, just more muscular and tall.

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