
Naruto: The Mechanical Sage

What happens when a man is reborn into Naruto and interested in researching the limits of chakra. Well, a legend is what happens.

LegendaryChaos · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

Chapter 71 - The Kage Lessons

"You almost had it, Mira."

Laying on his side as he looked at his girlfriend and best friend. Kagami was watching her as she sat perfectly still in an attempt to pull in and balance the natural energy around them. However, currently she either pulls in too little or too much with either nothing happening or she begins to turn to stone.

"It's been nearly a year, Kagami. Are you sure I can even learn senjutsu?" Mira complained.

Never has it taken her this long to learn something new, so he could see she was uncomfortable with such feelings. Though he couldn't understand why since she only practices senjutsu about once a month due to their busy schedule.

"Mira, you're already ahead of Jiraiya and he's been studying for decades." Kagami replied unconcerned. "Not to mention if we total your time learning, then you have about a week worth of days."

"Still, are you sure I am suitable to learn it?" Mira asked doubtful.

"As long as your body is fit, has a large amount of chakra, talent and patience. Then anyone can learn." Kagami shrugged. "However, not many due either due to not fitting one of these requirements or having someone to teach them."

"This is still dumb. Why should I even learn this?" Mira complained. "We could be doing something more fun, like going to the movies, eating or anything really."

"Because, learning something not many before you have learned is fun." Kagami smiled. "Not to mention it would give you one more card in your deck."

"My deck has already surpassed a royal flush." Mira grumbled.

"You were on the backfoot from our last spar." Kagami returned. "Learning this will help you in more ways than just another power up."

"I don't think that was the issue. You're just that terrifying." Mira muttered the last part.

Kagami just shrugged, not really bothered by her words. Though he didn't think of himself as terrifying. Glancing at the time, he let out a sigh as it was time for him to head to the Hokage Office for his next lesson. Well, doing the paperwork for Hiruzen could count as a lesson since Hiruzen is determined to teach and make him know the ins and outs of being Hokage.

"Well, it's time to go to work." Kagami sighed.

"I finally got a day off." Mira sighed.

"Don't you know? Hokage doesn't get a day off." Kagami jokes.

Mira just rolled her eyes at him as she got up off the ground. Then gave him a small peck on the cheek and left to head home.

"Have fun." She teased.


Inside the Hokage Office, Kagami found Hiruzen sitting inside with the windows open and fan running. Even before stepping inside the office, he found himself sweating as if the sun decided to crank up the heat from the time he left Mira and arrived at the office.

"You're here on time." Hiruzen smiled at him as they looked at the pile of documents nearly five feet high. "Though, you are technically always on the clock."

"It's so hot in here. Where is the AC?" 

"It is under maintenance. So we have to make do with what we got." Hiruzen muttered clearly, feeling the same way as him.

Nodding, Kagami looked at one of the secretaries that was walking by with files in hand. "Can I trouble you to send a large bucket here?"

"Of course, Sir." She replied and soon vanished around the corner.

WIthin in five minutes a large tub was brought to the office. In which he received a curious look from Hiruzen wondering what he was up to.

"Ice Release: Crude Air Conditioning."

Clapping his hands and making a simple name, Kagami just made a large ice cube and dropped it into the bucket. In a short time the temperature in the room began to cool down making it much more bearable.

"Impressive and I see you inherited Minato's naming sense." Hiruzen smiled.

"Usually Mira will rename most of my things. She says my naming sense is too simple or too long and complicated." Kagami answered. "Anyways, let's get this over with."

Taking his seat at the desk, Kagami grabbed the first form from the top of the pile. It showed the current budget of the village and the expenses it has. Nodding as it has grown and the village wasn't riding the line of lack of funds.

Then the real fun began as the next was a complaint of the apartment building that Naruto Uzumaki lived in. Luckily it wasn't so much about Naruto living there, but the landlord's lack of maintenance in keeping it up to standard. So due to a number of complaints, it was sent to decide what to do more because Naruto lives there.

"Hmm, I say fine the Landlord and if he doesn't begin repairs. Then either investigate and arrest him while removing his ownership of the place. It shows he doesn't really care nor show responsibility to run such apartments." Kagami explained his thoughts to Hiruzen.

"Makes sense, but is it wise? The civilians might complain if you do that." Hiruzen played the devil in the ear.

"I'm all for entrepreneurs beginning business, but if they can't be responsible. Then I don't want them in the village." Kagami answered. "Especially one such as landlords. If the building collapses due to their lack of maintenance. Who will bear the losses when someone dies in such a scenario?"

"While I believe it wouldn't be so bad, I can see your point.' Hiruzen nodded.

Soon enough, Kagami was flying through the paperwork while complaining about one thing or another. Usually minor issues that the departments under the Hokage command could easily solve themselves. However, it seems that they just forward it to him despite their job to help keep day to day life running smoothly.

'Well, at least the Uchiha clan seems to be rebuilding itself nicely and integrating into the village a bit more than previously.' Kagami grinned at the report.

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