
Naruto: The Life of Shirai Haruno

(18+) Truck-Kun claims another Victim, Sean. Sean meets an old man, A ROB perhaps or a god, and gets reincarnated into the Natutoverse as Shirai Haruno, The older brother of Sakura Haruno. What will he Do to Carve his name in this Dangerous world? Will he even Survive?

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


A month had passed since the formation of team 17 currently the aforementioned team was in a clearing in the great Konoha forest, near a small pond.

"Take that, Sucker!!" The pink haired, Youngest member of the team said, Throwing a punch which knocked the young Heir to the Uchiha clan back. The two of them were sparring on top of the water, an idea of Arashi to increase their chakra control and adaptability.

The black haired Uchiha, weaved a few hand signs. Likely for the signature technique of the Uchiha.

"Fire style: Great fireball jutsu." Itachi said as he spewed a medium-sized fireball, with the intention of creating a cover of steam when the fiery ball collided with the water.

Shirai dodged the Fireball, the steam created by the fireball concealed the his movements but also covered his opponents as well.

Thinking of a quick plan, Shirai punched the water under him, forming large waves which continued to get larger the farther away from him they got.

"Ahh!" Shirai heard Itachi scream, likely because his control was disrupted by the large waves.


Shirai laughed as he heard Itachi falling into the water. The steam dissapeared to reveal Itachi, shaking because of the coldness of the water.

"N-Not Fair." Itachi said as he heated his body my making a small Fireball on a dry log.

"You just didn't see that coming, You could have jumped to completely avoid the wave." Shirai told him, Itachi was busy heating himself up.

Arashi, No, Likely the clone of Arashi, the man wouldn't spend his precious sleeping time teaching his students. The Arashi clone walked towards the two, his eyes as droopy as ever.

"Good job to you two, Itachi, Go spar with Hori. Shirai, you come with me." The clone said as Itachi nodded, before heading towards Hori, Although Itachi was good in taijutsu for his age, he wasn't nearly at the level of Shirai, Itachi and Hori were almost on the same level when it came to taijutsu, strength and speed, eventhough the latter was twice the age of the Uchiha heir.

Shirai followed to clone, reaching the opposite side to where itachi and Hori were practicing.

"You recognise your weaknesses right?" The clone asked him, Shirai nodded in affirmation, he perfectly understood his weaknesses, a lack of good offensive ninjutsu.

"I lack offensive ninjutsu!" Shirai answered, the clone nodded at the answer.

"Correct, You said your primary elemental affinity was Water, Am I correct?" The clone asked, Shirai replied with a simple "Yes". His primary Affinity was Water Nature and his Secondary Affinities were Fire and Earth.

"Since you have mastered the first step to Water Nature Transformation, It would be more efficient for you to master a couple of techniques and start creating your own technique." The clone told the Gennin. He pulled a few scrolls out of his pocket before handing them to Shirai.

"Three techniques, two are water jutsu's and the last one is the shadow clone technique, Your chakra reserves are as big as my Original, learn them and return them after you've done so." The clone told Shirai. Shirai had been bugging his teacher to teach him the shadow clone technique for the entire month, Arashi seemed to have been extremely annoyed by the pink haired kid and just decided to give him the technique.

There were mainly two water techniques, the Water Style: Water Bullet jutsu, Which had many different variations similar to the Great Fireball technique. The other Water jutsu was The Water Style: Water Coating jutsu, Which orochimaru and the Hyuga shinobi who kidnapped Shirai used to avoid getting burnt by his fireballs.

Deciding to practice the shadow clone technique first, the single handsign required was a unique handsign where the user just needed to cross their index fingers of their two hands. The manipulation of chakra was slightly different as the user needed to split their chakra equally amongst the clone and orignal, different from the multi shadow clone technique where the 50% chakra split from the user could be used to create as many clones as the user liked but they must be above a certain threshold of chakra to hold their physical shape and structure for a long time.

Shirai started training in the Water Coating technique Next, by coating water chakra all over the user's body, water could be collected from nearby water sources or by stimulating your sweat glands to produce water, similar to how water could be produced from the user's salivatory glands in their mouth. This jutsu could be anywhere from C-Ranked to A-Ranked depending on the proficiency of the user, Like how Tobirama could extract water from the literal air from the use of this technique.

Shirai performed the handsigns first, Tiger, boar, Ox. Familiarizing himself with the handsigns, he flowed the chakra out of the chakra pores located in his skin. As a thin layer of water Chakra coated his skin. He touchd the water in the pond, Causing the water to latch on to his skin.

The water traveled from his hands to his torso, eventually coating his entire body. A simple jutsu, yet a very useful one. He realised that the water was starting to cover his mouth and nose, preventing him from breathing, he cut off the chakra supply as the water fell from his skin.

His clothes were wet now but his body would probably get used to the coldness and simply adjust itself.

Shirai practiced the technique a couple of times before he was starting to get used to the technique, meaning that the handsigns could be effectively cut down or just reduced to a single handsign similar to the Great Fireball technique, for which, Shirai only needed to perform the Tiger handsign.

The technique might be useful for protection against fire jutsu but it should also protect the user's body parts from external injury such as being hit with a blunt object, since, water also had surface tension, the moment an object hit the layer of water it's force would be negated by a small yet non-negligible amount.

The water coating Technique was also the basis for several other techniques which required the user to pull water from a source, simply by coating water chakra in their limbs.

Shirai experimented with the jutsu for a bit, To be able to extract water from the trees, and coat it around his arms, the amount could be considered as very little.

He spent an hour practicing the other technique, Water Style: Water Bullet jutsu, the mother of all water style jutsu. The user moulds his Chakra to form water from their salivatiry glands, an create a small ball of water, which could go fast enough to break a tree or large enough to engulf one.

The technique was performed using the Dragon, Ox and Tiger handseals. After mastering the handsigns, they could be shortened down to just a dragon seal. This technique also ranged anywhere from D-Ranked to A-Ranked, If the user could create a bullet to slightly wet a cloth to large enough that even their opponents couldn't dodge or destroy the jutsu.

Shirai was able to master the shadow clone technique first, then train in the Water style techniques with three other clones reducing the time it would take for him to learn normally to just a fourth of the time.