
Naruto: The Life of Shirai Haruno

(18+) Truck-Kun claims another Victim, Sean. Sean meets an old man, A ROB perhaps or a god, and gets reincarnated into the Natutoverse as Shirai Haruno, The older brother of Sakura Haruno. What will he Do to Carve his name in this Dangerous world? Will he even Survive?

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

First C-Ranked Mission 1.

The clone of Arashi watched as his students chased after a cat, The famous demon cat of konoha Tora. It was the fifth time this month that they have accepted the mission to catch the cat.

Arashi's idea was to alternate training between week, One week they'd train and perfect their techniques, the next week, they would take at least 2 D-Ranked missions a day to earn some money.

He was happy with their progress, Shirai's and Itachi's progress especially, but the other girl Hori? She hadn't even made actual progress in the One and a half month that they were under his teutelage, like she knew everything he taught her yet still didn't show them in the spars against Shirai and Itachi.

He had a suspicion when she first joined the team but now he was sure that the girl was suspicious, the girl had been placed at random in team 17 due to being the only available medical ninja, eventhough medical ninja usually complete missions in a team or work in the hospital to treat patients, considering hat the village was in a crisis.

Then why was she free from those duties?

Her reports said that she had graduated early, Managed to get into a team and learnt medical ninjutsu in her free time at the hospital. Mysteriously 6 months after the formation of the team, they all died in a C-Rank retrieval mission, her being the only person who was alive in her team.

Was it because she was a medical ninja and managed to heal from her injuries? When asked, she simply replied that a trap from a few missing-nin they encountered killed her gennin teammates and the Jounin team leader managed to take out all of the missing-nin in a fit of rage and was injured beyond saving.

There was something odd about the entire incident, She herself hadn't sustained a singular injury. Even if she was a medical professional, she would still leave behind a scar because of her incompetence and just 5 months of medical training. Even so, There was no proof of her being trained in the Hospital, Just a conformation from the head doctor Kerosuke that she had trainned in the hospital.

Something even more suspicious was that no staff in the hospital had recollection of her training. Either someone was pulling the strings on her, likely Doctor Kerosuke or someone even higher up.

It is for the reason that Arashi asked his father about the detailed report on the girl, mostly on her childhood, the entire document was forged, likely by a medical professional, upon further investigating it could be noted that they were forged before the Kyubbi attack, when The infamous traitor Orochimaru was still in the village.

After he reported his suspicions on the girl to his father, the hokage told him to closely monitor her actions. The medical head, Kerosuke was also put under constant surveillance of the Anbu.

"Sensei, We caught her." Itachi told him. The clone nodded, amused. They had quickly caught the cat, it had not even been half an hour since they accepted the mission. The Cat Tora was notoriously known for her stealthiness and speed, because as a member of the shinobi Cats, she could use chakra to enhance her speed and stick to ceilings to be stealthy.

As the team moved to the Hokage's building, where a chunin was sitting in order to assign missions. A lady, fat and chubby was sitting on a chair, obviously bigger than the norm. Likely made to fit her fat ass.

"Oh my Cutie Tora, Come to mommy!!" The lady, Also known as the Daimyo's wife, Madam Simiji, she said as she was given the Cat by Itachi. She held the cat and squeezed her tightly against her fat body. The cat was trying to get out of her grasp, no wonder it ran away so frequently.

"How about another mission?" The clone of Arashi asked his team, They didn't oppose the idea.

"Can we get a C-Ranked Mission?" Asked Shirai, With hopefulness. The clone of Arashi glanced at the Chunin, responsible for assigning missions. Both Itachi and Strangely Hori looked like they wanted to take the mission as well. Arashi was not opposed to the idea as well, but he might need to sacrifice a bit of his sleep.

"Is our team eligible?" The clone of Arashi asked the Chunin at the assignment table. The Chunin nodded, A hint of happiness showed itself in the faces of Shirai and Itachi.

"The mission of team 17 is 36 D-Ranked missions in a month and a half, your team was eligible weeks ago." The Chunin said with a slight chuckle. If glares could pop a Shadow clone, the Clone of Arashi would have popped three times already.

"Is there a bandit extermination available?" Asked the Clone, the Chunin nodded before speaking.

"There is, near the border of land of Rice fields and Land of fire." The Chunin informed the team of the availability of the mission, the clone likely asked for the mission to get his students used to killing, they were shinobi afterall, killing is their Job.

"We'll take that one." The clone said as he picked the mission sheet from the board.

"We'll leave tomorrow morning at 9 sharp, Carry all your weapons, equipments and necessities." The clone said before walking away. The team was slightly disappointed that they weren't going to leave soon, but instead the next day.


In a dark, gloomy room. Only like by the light of a candle, a girl was writing something on a piece of paper, it was midnight and everyone in konoha was sound asleep. The girl had raven black hair and grey eyes, by the style of her dressing, one could deduce that she was a kunoichi.

Unbeknownst to her, a man, dressed in all black with the mask of a tiger was watching her from her apartment's glass window, Trying to make out what the young girl was writing.

The girl, picked up the sheet she was writing on and read it thoroughly, from it's structure it looked to be a letter. She put the piece of paper down and bit her thumb.

She opened the buttons to her shirt, revealing a small bra. She unbuttoned it, a small series of seals, what looked to be a summoning seal was inscribed over her small right boob. She smeared her bloody thumb over the seal, in a puff of smoke. A small snake appeared.

The position was a good place for putting a seal, since no-one would expect a seal to be there, considering the one having the seal was a 12 year old girl.

"Sss Hori, Decided to summon your good old friend after a while him, Sss." The small snake told the Girl, now identified as Hori. She petted the snake gently.

"Yes, Kuroshio, I need you to deliver a letter to Orochimaru-Sama." Hori told the snake while petting it, the snake hissed in delight. She gave him the letter which was rolled and put into a small tube, the snake swallowed the tube.

"Consider it done." The snake siad before it dissapeared in a puff of smoke. This was new news to the Anbu, the Anbu waited for a while for the spy to sleep and decided to go inform his leader.