
Naruto: The Life of Shirai Haruno

(18+) Truck-Kun claims another Victim, Sean. Sean meets an old man, A ROB perhaps or a god, and gets reincarnated into the Natutoverse as Shirai Haruno, The older brother of Sakura Haruno. What will he Do to Carve his name in this Dangerous world? Will he even Survive?

Aces_BigDaddy · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


"One Hundred ninety... Eight"

I grunted, performing my one hundred and ninety eighth pushup, it was 4 am in the morning and I was just getting my daily training. After all, the younger I start training, the better. Especially with dangerous shinobi running around, both dead and alive in the future.

"One Hundred ... Ninety nine..."

"Two hundred...*Sigh*" I could only sigh as I finished my morning workout, this child body was nothing impressive but the rate at which I heal is unbelievable.

Every night I sleep, making sure each corner of my body is aching in pain, the next morning, the pain disappears and I even work out in the morning to be efficient with my training.

Not having testosterone is a pain in the ass though, no matter how hard I push my body, I cannot see significant growth in the muscle size or definition. On second thought, maybe it is a blessing in disguise.

After getting up and cleaning the sweat off I read some books for a while, particularly on the geography, science and maths of the third year of the academy, I asked the neighbours kid who was a fourth year student, for his notes and books of his previous academic years.

I was three now so I still had around three years before joining the academy and a year before joining the junior academy, this world's version of a kindergarten, but the kyubbi attack also happens in a year.

I should be prepared to not die when that happens and take advantage of the moment to get rid of my parents, they are relatively rich when compared to other people in the village, It is no minor achievement to be in the village's civilian council.

Their inheritence should last me a lifetime. I couldn't help but think with a mischievous grin. Putting my thoughts aside, I looked outside to find that the sun had risen, bright orange light entered through my window making me squint my eyes.

Those two must have woken up already. I thought, going downstairs to have breakfast.

"Good morning sweet parents." I said with a sweet smile upon seeing the two. They smiled back at me, the pink haired bastard, Kizashi was busy reading newspaper and having a cup of tea i suppose.

The brunette bitch, Mibuki was preparing eggs. I didn't like them a single bit but still managed to hide my disdain for them.

Irresponsible, Hypocritical and Narcissistic did I mention horny? Those few words could describe their entire existence.

Thankfully I was born before the kyubbi incident, or else they would put utterly garbage things inside my head. Like they did to Sakura, one could see the disdain she held for the blonde, she probably even persuaded Sasuke because of these Narcissistic hypocrites." Wanting the blood of the Uchiha to run in their bloodline" or something similarly stupid on that scale.

They were also clear in their intentions about trying to make a businessman of me, Kizashi probably retired after seeing the horrors of the Third great Ninja war, three years ago. Bastard was just a lowly chunin, probably hasn't even taken a life, Being rich is a good thing ya know, when a thing like bribery exists.

Mibuki finished cooking the omlets, not particularly tasty looking but I still managed to eat it somehow, along with the orange juice.

"I'm going to the park see ya later." I stood up and ran towards the door.

"Hey wait I have something to tell you." Mibuki shouted before sighing. I had already reached the road by that point.

"You haven't told him yet darling?" Kizashi asked her. She shook her head, rubbing her belly.


This world is cruel, I need good allies in my future to ensure I live to kill Burrito myself. The park is a good place to scour for such potential future allies.

"Wanna play with me?" I asked a kid, maybe 5-6 years old, he was only slightly taller than me, I was a big kid afterall. He was picking his nose and the biggest bogger I had probably seen in my life came out.

"Wanna eat it?" He said with a cute smile, pointing the bogger towards me, I backed away as soon as I humanly could and.

"No, you can have it yourself." I said to the kid, he grinned in happiness before nomming down on the bogger.

The fuck's wrong with this kid. I mentally thought as I turned a complete hundred and eighty degrees and ran away from there as fast as I humanly could.

"Why aryu Winning, Stob!" The disgusting creature was chasing me, I widened my eyes in surprise and ran BEYOND PLUS ULTRA!! To get away from the wretched, mentally broken kid.


After a while of running I managed to lose the kid, dow did the little shit stain have that much stamina. I looked around myself, finding the surroundings unfamiliar and unknown. I looked around frantically, I seemed to be in the shinobi district.

There were several people dressed in shinobi and come on casual clothing, even just a year ago, there wouldn't be so many civilian clothed people here. Now every normal civilian thinks that their seemingly normal child can become a renowned shinobi like the Common-born Fourth hokage.

I sighed slightly upon this, I looked at the various weapons inside shelves in many shops. Katanas, shurikens and kunai along with strange and wonderful yet strange weapons like the kurarigama, spears and warbows.

Samurai culture was definitely prominent in this Shinobi village as well, I wondered if some shinobi's used these weapons but shook my head, these weapons would be a sure hassle to carry around.

I walked some more, there was a line of Akimichi owned restaurants, my mouth watered itself but I continued exploring, oblivious of the fact that I was getting lost even more.

The Uchiha policemen were roaming the streets, nobody seemed to mind them walking admist. It was only after the kyubbi attack that these Uchiha started getting hate. All of them seemed to be quite good looking, Uchiha genes were just supreme.

I walked even more, commong across a wide road, which lead to the hokage's residency and his office building, the kanji of fire adoring it's roof. The large stone faces of the hokage were carved behind the large building of the leader.

Hashirma Senju, Tobirama Senju, Hiruzen Sarutobi and Lastly the Mighty Minato Namikaze, Hero of the Third great Ninja war. It felt strangely odd not seongt he face of the Blonde beauty Tsunade Senju on those faces, she was hokage for a majority of the series.

Wandering through the Village of Konoha was strange, I had only ever seen the strange architecture in a cartoonish artstyle, which felt strangely unnatural but upon roaming these strange streets, the circular rooftops, weird balconies and the medieval steampunkish look was a great architectural accomplishment in this relatively underdeveloped world.

After a while of roaming around the streets, Found a building, Konoha Orphanage. This place would be rather important for me as the location of this world's nuclear bomb, Kurama- Nine tailed fox along with it's host will be here. I mentally noted the location of the place before trying to find my way back to the park.