
Naruto: The Honoured One

A Naruto with six eyes Who can travel the multiverse

SDOxGENESIS · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs


Jumping on rooftop I reached the entrance to academy, I jumped down to enter. Today many students were coming early to school because of the excitement and nervousness brought by the graduation. Because this exam will decide their fate if they will become a revered ninja or remain a civilian. Even if they fail the exam they can still repeat next year their last chance but who wants to that.

I entered the classroom there weren't people in the class just some canon fodders, Shino and Hinata were in the classroom. I greeted Shino, "Hey Shino how are you doing, ready for the exams?". "Hello Naruto I am fine, and I am ready for the exams". I thought 'Less talking as expected from an Aburame'. Then I talked to him some more and decided to take my seat on the back. "Hey Hinata are you also excited about the exams? I am pretty much excited about it" I asked.

"Y-Yes Naruto-kun I am also excited to graduate and Become a ninja" Hinata replied. She sometimes still shy away from me but its not as bad as the canon. I was talking with Hinata since who wouldn't like to talk with someone as cute as her. 

After sometime shikamaru and choji also entered the classroom, seeing them arrive called them "Hey Shika and Choji you both arrived pretty early today". Shikamaru replied "Hey Naruto, what can I say my mother just threatened to ban away my afternoon sleeping time, what a dag". "Yo Naruto, want some chips" Choji said while still eating from the packet. 

In these 4 years I have made many bonds, I was naive to think that everyone just hated me but there were many people who felt pity and wanted to help me but because of that damn civilian council they couldn't do anything for me, because as long I am not a ninja they can decide my course of action but once I become a ninja I will directly be under the command of the hokage and then can't do shit to me.

That's why I decided to be like the canon Naruto who was the dead last in the academy because of the theory of rookie of the year, Kunoichi of the year and the dead last of the year in a single team. I know who will be the rookie of the year, so to pass their prince charming or the last user of the strongest bloodline limit, they will go to any length. If I don't become the dead last they they will pressure the hokage to put me in another team and bribe that jonin sensei to fail me. even if I become the rookie of the year they can still do the same.

After a little while classroom started to fill up, the so called 'cool' Sasuke Uchiha also arrived, seeing him appear the girls in the classroom started squeal and fawn over him. A little while later the voice of the two loudmouths also came from outside the door. Sakura banged open the door and said "Haha take that ino pig I came first now I can sit beside my sasuke-kun~".

"That's not gonna you big forehead". They were so much into their own world about who's gonna sit beside sasuke that they didn't even notice that both the seats around him were empty. After there little show the same thing happened like in the canon where a little 'incident' happened between naruto and sasuke but this time the person in action was kiba. The female students got enraged for stealing the first kiss of there preciuos sasuke and started ganging up on him.

Meanwhile all this was happening, Iruka entered the classroom and used the his special big mouth jutsu to silence all the students.

"Today is the day of graduation so you should at least be serious for once, now me and mizuki sensei will distribute the test papers for your theoretical exams and you have a total of 2 hours to finish it" Iruka said.

then they started to distribute the papers, when mizuki handed me the paper a genjutsu was placed on my paper. "Naruto good luck" Mizuki encouraged me but I can see the sinister and calculative oozing out from him. "Don't worry sensei I will make sure that I graduate today" I said. Seeing him go away I dispelled the genjutsu from the sheet after all this type of level genjutsu can't do shit to me. But tsukuyomi and some high level can still give me a challenge.

2 hours passed and Iruka started collecting the papers. I answered all the questions but not every answer was right since I only wanted to barely pass. I could have scored full after all I already read all books for academy student in the village that were allowed to access, and obviously I didn't personally went in the library since they won't let me enter so everytime I send a shadow clone with a transformation on.

After collecting all the papers he told us to follow him to the training for the next exams. The exam was as follows first was shuriken throwing second was a field running with obstacles test third was the physical test the fourth test was a sparring sessions between a teacher and student and lastly the fifth test is jutsu examination. 

Shuriken Throwing Test

Everybody took their set of shuriken for the test. As usual I got the blunt and failure ones for myself from mizuki. I swear that I will him for the things he is doing to me, well whatever because of his help I don't have to purposefuly try to miss some targets. Everything went like the canon and sasuke also scored 10/10 like the 'cool' Uchiha he was. I also scored 4/10.

All the first three test were conduct smoothly lastly the fourth and fifth tests remained.

Sparring Session

Mizuki would be the one to spar with the students and Iruka would take records for their test and pass them accordingly. Everyone's names were arranged in an alphabetical order and I was last.

When sasuke went inside the ring the nymphomaniacs were acting like they have seen their god or something. I don't get it even though in the ninja world children mature faster but do they also get hornier. Is this the influence of chakra since even kaguya was not spared from harem jutsu even though she was a being of chakra.

After the 'elite Uchiha's' match was over my name was called out. I entered the ring and decided even though I don't want to show my strength but that doesn't mean I can't 'accidently' hit him somewhere 'safe' right.

"Start". Getting the signal from Iruka to start the match I started to approach in a fast pace but slower in the eyes of Mizuki.

"Let me show you brat the difference between us, you blind demon demon bastard. I will not break any of your bone at least not in front of Iruka but I can fracture one or two, kukukuku" Mizuki was thinking inside his mind when see he saw Naruto approaching him in a clumsy manner.

When I was near enough Mizuki to punch him in the chest like a street brawler I 'accidently' over my own feet and my speed incresed instantaneously, the fist that I was throwing towards Mizuki to his chest was was slammed to his sensitive part with a 'bang'. When I gain my footing again everybody heard a low but painful grunt from Mizuki I was looking at him with some 'guilt' in my eyes, but before I could say anything Mizuki passed out because of the pain.

Everybody had a varying reaction by seeing the painfully passed out sensei who was still clutching his sensitive part with his hands. Some had a look of pain, some with laughing faces and there were some who were actually curious?.

After seeing that Mizuki passed out because of the pain he approached him and check for some possible injuries seeing no bleeding he sighed in relief. He instructed all the students to go back to class and wait for him and since it was lunch a little while later so the jutsu exam will happen after lunch break.

After lunch break Iruka sensei came back to classroom and said, "Me and the other 2 chunnin examiners will be at classroom and wee will conduct your jutsu exam one by one. so come to the next door whoever is called out".

" cannon fodder 1, come with me"

" cannon fo......"

One by one everyone was called out and all the rookies from rookie 9 were wearing a leaf shinobi hitiate except Naruto signifying they passed. 

"Next Naruto Uzumaki".

My name was called and I quickly arrived at the venue, looking at me the other chunnins inquired why do you cover your eyes, does you eyesight have a problem?". I replied the same to the chunnins as I did to the hokage about my situation.

Then my examination started. 

"First do a transformation jutsu".

I asked a question, "I can transform to anyone I like?". "Yes, you can". They replied.

After hearing their answer I used my transformation jutsu and transformed into the most respectable hokage of all hokages. They had a look of awe and respect after seeing my transformation.

Yes I transformed into the hero of Konoha, The 4th Hokage, Minato Namikaze, Also known as the Yellow Flash. Basically I didn't entirely hate the guy after all he was also an orphan from war and konoha gave him home so to protect his home he did whatever it took to protect it, but I was just disappointed that even after after being a smart person who can create a jutsu that can be at planetary destruction level he was too naive to understand human nature.

Seeing my transformation they asked me, "Naruto why did you transform specifically into fourth hokage?". I only said "Because I like him". Well a little while ago I wanted to actually transform into Madara Uchiha but I decided not to do it since I can sense someone was spying on me and I know for sure who is it. Hiruzen must be spying on me from his office with his peeping tom jutsu.

Next was the substitution jutsu. I substituted with a chair nearby. Lastly the clone jutsu was remaining the big black spot in the file of canon Naruto but not me since I can control energies at atomic level, and over the years my mastery over six eyes and infinity increased greatly.

I formed the hand signs and used only a miniscule amount chakra like taking a teaspoon of water from the vast ocean. The clone jutsu was executed without any problems but the clone had a little discoloration since I didn't want full marks for my jutsu practice. After examining my clone they passed me and Iruka handed me the last hitiate remaining with a proud look on his face. 

After tightening the Hitiate at my right arm, I returned to the classroom. Iruka entered the classroom a little while later and congratulated to all those who passed and motivated others to try again next year. He also informed us about the holiday of two days and that after the holidays we will be announced about our team team placements and jonin sensei.