
Naruto: The Honoured One

A Naruto with six eyes Who can travel the multiverse

SDOxGENESIS · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Academy Life Part 4

Buying the multi shadow clone jutsu, I pour all my focus onto learning seals and my teleportation ability. I can make over a 1000 clones even without using the Nine tails chakra. 

I started my training nearby the training grounds of 43 and 44 in the forest of death. I have been investigating that place for a few months now and from the records I have collected nobody appears approaches that place too often aside from the snake who appears whenever she has time spare since she is also not liked by the villagers because of orochimaru's deeds. I don't get why hiruzen didn't kill him on spot when he had the opportunity why let him run.

I know that the Hokage is not that of a evil person but he is too lenient to his subordinates. He did some mistakes that are now haunting him in the long run. Even though he loves me and cares for me but he can't show favouritism toward me because of the pressure and influence of the council and that damn root. I always felt that he was everytime trying to manipulate me but he was guilty for what he was doing I can tell by sensing his emotion.

Yes he wanted me to love the village and protect it but he also didn't want me to suffer. I do open up to him a little since the moment I have sensed his emotions and knew that I could trust him a little but I will not tell him all my secrets untill I am sure that I can deter any forces who come near me. 

Just like that training started and the first seal I decided to on was the illusion barrier seal since I didn't want my 100 clones to seen or spied on while I was maintaining all my focus on my training. I first purchased the basics of sealing arts from the system and as for the materials I can buy them by using my transformation jutsu and I got the anomaly that naruto had in the canon, it was because had chakra he subconciously poured too much chakra than the necessary amount and it turned into a solid transformation.

After deciding everything what to and how much to buy, I checked my treasury to confirm if I had enough money to afford all the stuff. It was not enough to buy all the things in large quantity, that's when an idea struck me and a sinister plan started brewing inside my mind. A chill ran through the many people of konoha, One of the people said "ins't it chiiling outside today?" the other person "I don't think so its a pretty sunny day today".

Yep you guessed it I am gonna pickpocket some brainless dumbasses. I quickly executed my plan and this day in the future was known as the pickpocket mayhem. After everything said and done I purchased all the required materials for my training and I also was cautious to not buy large quantity through a single transformation or a single store.

Little by little time passed and 4 years have gone by.

4 Years Later

I was currently standing in front of the mirror and looking at my face which didn't have the whisker marks on my cheek. It wasn't that I didn't like them but it was inevitable after my bloodline purification.

My hair was also longer than the OG naruto and my hairs tips have also turned red same as my mother. My eyes were as always were ever beautiful like blue sapphire jewels glowing slightly. I stood at the height of around 4 feet 6 inches I was pretty tall compared to other average 12 year olds. I also had some muscles build up because of my training but I hide it under a transformation jutsu.

My status was also at a pretty decent level.



Name: Naruto Uzumaki 

Age: 12 years 

Affiliation: Konoha

Title: Jinchuriki of the Nine Tails, Demon Fox.


 jinchuriki of the nine tails: as the suggests. Control over nine tails chakra 0%. Perks high regeneration, larger chakra pool.

Demon Fox: Mostly addressed by the civilian. Reputation among the civilians -65%(more than 70% and the civilians will decide to kill you on sight

Str: Low Kage 

Agi: Mid Kage 

Int: High Kage

Dex: High Kage

Vit: Super Kage

Chakra: One tailed beast level

Kekkei Genkai: Six Eyes, Adamantine Sealing Chains, Healing Bite]

I took a quick bath and wear my clothes and my breakfast quickly because today is the day of graduation and I don't want to be late for this important occasion. I also talked with hiruzen about some important stuff a week prior to this day.

Flashblack No Jutsu

I was heading towards the hokage office to talk with hiruzen about some stuff, I heading towards him while running over rooftops since I didn't want to see those hateful eyes of the dumb villagers. I reached near the hokage building and jumped to near the window of his office to directly enter from there because everytime I came from the entrance the receptionist will always stop me and say he was busy and make me wait, so after a couple of times of waiting I started to enter from the windows .

After standing in front of the window I knocked on it. Waiting for some seconds hiruzen opened the window and greeted me and said " Hello Naruto how are you doing these days but first come inside or you might fall from there". I came inside and said " yo jiji, I am fine, how are you doing, are your old bones still able to keep up with this much paper work" I said while pointing at the loads of paper that were stacked to brim on the table.

Hiruzen with some affection for his surrogate grandson angrily said "I am not that old to die because of paperwork". I started laughing seeing his outburst, after sometime he asked me "Why did you came to meet me today since today isn't the 1st of the month. I looked at him with a hurtful expression and said, "Do you think I only come when I need something". Hiruzen with a deadpan expression said "Yes you do". After a few seconds of silence we both started to laugh. 

But after sometime with a serious expression I said, "Grandpa can you tell your anbu operatives to leave us for a moment". He looked at me for while and waved his hands to indicate to leave them alone, they quickly retreated out of the room and we alone were standing in the room, he took a seat on his chair started the silencing seal for privacy and asked "Tell me Naruto my boy what do you want to talk about with me alone". "Jiji I think you already but I should still tell you and little more that you might not know". He looked intrigued by my words and continued "You already know that I can sense my surroundings even without seeing things from my eyes right". He nodded indicating that he know, "So must also know that I am a sensor type, but what if I say there is more to it".

He had surprised look on his and told me to continue "Jiji what you don't know is that I can even sense when someone is saying the truth or a lie". Many emotions were swirling inside his heart and he was about to say something but I beat him to it.

"I know that Jiji whenever you said that you don't know who my parents are you were lying about it and I was angry that you were hiding the truth from me but after calming myself I thought it through and came to a conclusion that my parents were some high level people or any one of them was and you don't want my parents enemies to target me for their revenge".

Hearing my reply and conclusion he had a relieved and guilty expression on, he said, "Yes naruto I know who were your parents but your parents had told me to not tell you about them until you become a chunnin or have gotten married". After telling my secret I also told him about the adamantine sealing chains and he was surprised will an understatement. I didn't tell him about my other uzumaki ability healing bite since I want keep this a secret until I am able too . As for the others nope not gonna happen until chunnin exams I would say.

As for the sensing ability I didn't tell him the full capability since I don't want to and I have a feeling that I shouldn't tell the full capabilities of sensing ability.

After some small talk we decided to eat out at the ichiraku's and the hokage was beeming with smiles plastered on his face to save his ass from doing the paperwork. I think I should tell him the solution for his nemesis.

Flashback End No Jutsu.