
Naruto: The Greatest Village

Shibai is tired of living a meaningless life. What will he do when he gets the chance to make a change in the world of Naruto?

TheGeoShadow · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

After cleaning himself up and eating a light lunch it was time for the second training session of the day. He was still quite sore after running so he hoped for something not as physically demanding.

'So what do you have in store for me?'

[To let your muscles recover you will start doing chakra control exercises. Body strength and chakra control are the two most important aspects in your training right now. You can start fight training among other things when those two are up to snuff. ]

'Will I be starting with the classic leaf sticking exercise?'

[That is one way to start, yes. Just place a leaf on your forehead and try to keep it in place by holding it with your chakra. If the chakra concentrated on the leaf is too little or too much it will slip off. Go ahead and try it.]

A door opened in the 'Land of Fire' training area and a leaf was grabbed. Shibai put it on his forehead trying to force it to stick. At first he didn't even manage to emit any chakra in his forehead at all but before long he managed to connect his chakra to the leaf. Taking his hand off from the leaf he tried holding it with chakra alone. Unfortunately it fell off without any delay.

'Damn it! This is so much harder than it looks. Most fanfictions I've read make it sound too simple. There's no other way than to keep practicing.'

[Since host has just awakened his chakra and has a meager amount of it, controlling it is not second nature. Especially since you have already lived over twenty years without any internal energy in your previous life.]

'I won't let my previous self hinder my progress here. I have changed a lot in just this short amount of time. I'm not the same person I was then at all and can you blame me, I went through reincarnation after and arrived in a world I previously thought to be fictional.'

Shibai was still uncertain about what kind of a role he will play in this world. With his strength, wouldn't it be his responsibility to help those without power? And his knowledge of future events must make him responsible to change the cruel fates of others, right? Naruto promised to save the world but it didn't work out too well. He stopped the Five Great Nations from having scuffles with his strength but when he dies wouldn't it all go back to the way it was before? Shibai wasn't a bad person, he would rather help people than make their lives harder so all these questions were plaguing his mind.

Before going too far down the rabbit hole he shook his head.

'Damn I'm having such pathetic thoughts. I already died once and I'm already thinking of submitting to this life. I want to live in the moment for once without thinking about regrets or worrying about the future. Live in the moment! If I want to save someone, then I will do it. If I want to kill someone, then I will do it. I already realized that life is too short. Why wouldn't I be allowed to live how I want? And with my strength, I can do it!

With some mental blocks out of the way he started practicing again and managed to make the leaf stick to his forehead immediately. Shibai was stunned.

'Hey system, how is it so easy now?'

[Host has now fully assimilated to his new life. This body you previously associated with Byakuya Kuchiki is now you, this is your chakra and this is your strength. Abandoning useless lingering thoughts from your past life, you embraced your life and death. This is why humans are so interesting. From the billions of different species in the multiverse your ability to adapt is second to none. But don't get too cocky or I will have to start punishing you again]

'Heh I'm fully aware of my faults, you don't need to remind me,' Shibai smirked.

[You have managed to control one leaf on your forehead but shinobi need to have full control of their chakra in all corners of their body. When fighting you need to use chakra in multiple places at once in quick succession. For example when fighting on water you need to control the chakra on the soles of your feet, pump your muscles with chakra to move faster and coat your fist or preferred choice of weapon with it.]

'I get it just need to add more leaves'


He began picking up more leaves and sticking them to his body one by one. After a dozen leaves sat on him he couldn't concentrate on every one of them and some began falling off.

'When I can cover myself entirely in leaves without support I will consider this exercise complete.'

Practice continued until a few hours had gone by. All of Shibai's chakra had been exhausted and he was left panting on the ground. Even with all that he wasn't even close to covering his full body with leaves.

'This will take more work, well if there's one thing I got lots of it's time.'

[You will rest and recover your chakra. Go eat and do whatever you will with your free time.]

Shibai wanted to start planning some ideas about his future village. There were many strong clans he wanted in his village but couldn't realistically take otherwise the world would change completely. He still wanted the Five Great Shinobi Countries: Water, Earth, Lightning, Fire and Water to exist.

[The system will try to keep your butterfly effect to a minimum depending on what you do. For example if you take the Uchiha clan to your village, Konoha would never be formed since both the Uchiha and Senju clans are necessary to be the ones starting it.]

'The best way to convince a clan to join would probably be helping them when they are in dire straits. The Uchiha clan would be amazing to have but I probably won't get them to move until the coup d'état. I also plan to recruit the Sarutobi clan. I want to see what kind of strength Sarutobi Sasuke has for the prideful Uchihas to name a kid after him. Hiruzen was also implied to be the strongest hokage in his prime although I don't quite believe that statement he should still be ridiculously strong.'

Shibai also had thoughts about clans like the Yuki and Hozuki but he would think about those later. He wanted to have lots of outcasts joining since it would make him feel good by helping those who have been dealt a bad hand in life. It would also have the side effect of making them extremely loyal to the one who saved them.

With his break done and chakra recovered, another session of training would start.


another chap done please notify me if you notice any grammar mistakes or any criticism you want to give