
Naruto: The Greatest Village

Shibai is tired of living a meaningless life. What will he do when he gets the chance to make a change in the world of Naruto?

TheGeoShadow · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 4: I can't be bothered to make up chapter titles anymore.

Sorry for missing a day I was ridiculously tired yesterday and just sat in my room looking at the wall. I did add a few possible future idead to my notes at least. Hope you like the chapter


Groggily opening his eyes and blinking multiple times Shibai sat on the bed and stretched his arms high up in the air.

'Looks like even after sleeping I'm still here, I wasn't delusional.'

After brushing his teeth and eating breakfast prepared by the system he walked out of the small hut into the bright morning sunlight. A small boy walked through the woods and after a while he arrived at the lake and took a quick dip. He put the standard shinigami uniform back on and then put the captain's haori over it. The clothes given by the system were self-cleaning and even grew with the user, they could even repair themselves after being damaged.

He walked back to his hut and stood on the entrance to the training grounds.

'System can I go now, I can't wait to start my training!'

[Of course,] A voice answered simply.

The floor suddenly started to shake a bit and the part of the floor that Shibai was standing on started moving. Slowly moving downwards like an elevator you could see the rocky mountain on all sides of him. Suddenly the tight space opened up and a huge underground area could be seen from. From high up it seemed like it was around the size of a moderately populated city on earth. Shibai was now conscious not to fall down hundreds of meters, not being aware that it was impossible since the system had ejected a barrier around the elevator. After a bit of time the elevator settled on the ground and he was free to walk around.

'This place is amazing, it's so huge,' He said to the system looking awestruck.

'Did you make it for me?'

[Yes. It's inspired by the one where Urahara trained Ichigo. Do you like it?]

'Of course this place is sick. What can I do here?'

[The better question would be what can't you do here. It's designed by me to be the perfect place with the training I've prepared for you.]

The area furthest away from Shibai was constituted of all kinds of different landscapes mimicking the geography of various different parts of the Elemental Nations. For example there was a deserted area where you could simulate the fighting experience in the Land of Wind near Sunagakure and a forested area to prepare for fighting near Konohagakure. Shibai walked around the base area where there was a huge outdoor gym and a small warehouse full of a bunch of ninja tools like kunai, shuriken and different types of swords. Then his eyes landed on a long table.

'What's this huge table for?'

[It's where you will be practicing Fūinjutsu.]

'Oh you'll also be able to teach that to me?'

[Naturally, since I'm a being created by a fragment of a god's soul. Stuff like that is easy for me.]

'Right…' Shibai thought, a sweatdrop appearing on his face.

'So how will I be starting my training?'

[You will most likely be training with the Kage Bunshin method since Byakuya's body and Garp's strength with the Pure Gold constantly cleansing you of impurities will allow you to access a large amount of chakra and control it exceedingly.]

'I really am blessed aren't I.'

[Yes, but you are still a little kid and you don't even have your chakra awakened yet. It's still locked away in your core. So the first part of your training before anything else will get you to awaken your chakra. Once you achieve that we can figure out what to do after.]

'You sure are livening up, no need to be so stiff all the time,' he smirked.


'Anyway I've never heard about anyone needing to awaken their chakra before. I'm supposed to meditate and find my core or something like that right?'

[Yes. You will clear your mind of any needless thoughts and concentrate on finding your core. Once you find it, give your chakra a quick tug and it should start flowing through every part of your body from your brain to the tips of your fingers.]

'Hmph sounds suspiciously like cultivating, are you sure you reincarnated me into the right world?'


'Well he's back to his old self at least. Let's begin.'

Sitting down in a lotus position he started taking deep breaths in and out to calm his racing mind. After a short while he was completely calm, the mind cas clear of obstructions and he focused on his stomach.

'I feel something, this must be my core and that liquidy stuff inside is my chakra.'

After a fast tug an incredible sensation was felt by Shibai, the feeling of energy flooding every part of his body at a fast rate. It could easily be addictive. With a byakugan you could now see thick blue chakra filling every part of the kid's body.

'Wow… I feel so energetic that I could run for days.'

[Well done, you clearly have high potential for chakra control. However that amount of chakra is so miniscule it won't be able to support the Kage Bunshin method in a while.]

'Way to ruin the mood system,' he said back but a smirk was plastered on his face nonetheless.'

[The best thing to do now would be to start your physical training until you can support one Kage Bunshin on the side. Now that you have your chakra alongside the Pure Gold you won't be stunting the growth of your body by training harshly too early.]

'This is good but it just means that hellish training awaits this ridiculously weak body.'

[Resistance seals will also be added to your workout later but for now they would only slow your progress since you are too weak.]

'I wonder how many times you've called me weak today'

[It's not malicious, I'm just trying to remind you to never get complacent and always strive to improve.]

'No worries, it's good motivation to prove you wrong.'

[Now then, to first warm up your muscles walk to the training field #13 and we will begin your first exercise there.]

Shibai turned to look at the map in the base of the underground area. Soon spotting training ground #11, then #12 and then the #13. He started walking towards the direction. After a while he arrived at a weird looking running track. It was the normal shape and length of the 400 meter track most people on earth were used to but the materials it was made of were too strange. The track was divided into four different parts: the first 100 meters was made of sand, the next 100 was made of some type or rocky surface, the one after that was covered in grass and the last 100 meters was a strange treadmill contraption that was moving in a the direction opposite the runner at a set pace.

'What the hell is this system?'

[It's made to prepare the host for running on all kinds of different surfaces. Doesn't it look fun?]

'Well I can't lie and say it's not cool or that I'm not excited.'

[Well then let's start. Remember that the host is always expected to never give up. Failure to do so will be punished.]

'Yikes, what's my goal system?'

[The first exercise: Run until you pass out!]

'Wait what!?'