
Naruto: the forsaken

upon opening his eyes the MC found himself in the land of the five great nations... As a child of the.. fourth hokage? isaac, with the power of a JJK Template system to aid him on his journey, is left to find his own place in a world of shinobi. [warning]: there will be cursing and sexual content in this story. readers below the age of 17 please be advised. =============================== A/N: all copyrighted content in this story belongs to their respective creators. The art work for this story is not mine. I'm merely using it for this story. this is a non-profit fanfiction.

BrandonCH_7847 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
33 Chs

Chapter 22 - A scolding


{Houzu pov}



~ Early morning ~


Rising from his prone position upon the soft spongy floor of his new home Isaac stretched his limbs and popped any joints as he bent his body in unusual positions no human could accomplish.


Flinching from an electrical signal passing through his brain he was being notified by his many plant familiars dotting every crevice of his territory. Someone was wandering the forest edge...

"Seems I have an uninvited guest..." houzu thought as he closed his eyes in order to connect his vision with a plant with the best view of his target. What met the boys gaze was the small form of a little girl his own little brother's age. Wait...was that hinata!?

Switching back he quickly jumped on top of the few large petals looking over the entire village he was astonished to see his territory was far more spread out than he had anticipated. Small pockets of his flora had seemed to spread all along the vegetation along the walls of the city. Bordering on infesting the clan compounds nearby...



{Hinata pov}


"So pretty~" She gasped as the sight of so many beautiful flowers growing outside the compound walls. Her mother examined the flora along with her in facination and caution.

"Be careful sweety they might be venomous." The woman spoke softly as she nodded in understanding.

Suddenly the plants shrunk into the earth as the vines overtaking the walls slithered away into the forests beyond their walls. "Ah! Come back!" Hinata shouted as she ran off towards the main gate to pursue the plants further. Wishing to at least have one flower.

"Hinata stop! Don't just run off by yourself!" The hyuga matriarch shouted as she ran after her daughter to the best of her abilities. Running around the walls of the expansive clam territory she soon came to her destination as the vines could barely be seen continuing to recede towards the direction of the large lotus on the tree ridden horizon.

Before the pale eyed girl could run off into the wilderness her hand was firmly grasped. Looking back she was met the scolding gaze of her mother looking down at her in disapproval.

"U-um.." she stuttered but was pulled along with her mother back inside. 'I'm not getting dessert tonight am i...' hinata thought as tears pricked the ends of her eyes in a comical fashion.



{Tsume pov}




Standing on all fours the inuzuka clan matriarch used a fang over fang jutsu along with her trusted mutt companion upon the sentient plant monstrosity that invaded the edge of their compound, causing it to be torn to shreds. Falling over while others similar to itself continued on towards her.

'All of this chaos because my damb son yanked a flower out of the ground...' she grit her teeth as more of them emerged from the growing foliage.

"They just keep coiming!" One of her clansmen shouted in panick as they barely survived taking down a horde of small spheres with razor sharp teeth resembling bump riddled fruits crawling on multiple vined limbs.

Just as she was about to order a retreat her eldest daughter ran passed her. Before she could reprimand her child for her reckless actions the child simply yelled at the entire horde of plants with a tone that was like a mother disciplining a child.

"Bad plants! Your not suppose to be in here! Go back outside or I'll have to tell your daddy you've been naughty! And you've definitely lost your manure privileges for this week for the damage you caused!" The little girl chided as everyone including the plants froze in shock. "Hana stop this childi-" but her words caught in her throat as the plants let out a ear piercings whine like a toddler after being spanked and quickly back peddled away from the area.

"I-i... what the hell just happened..." Tsume gaped at the bizarre scene as the plants through the hole they made in the compound wall as the foliage retreated into the forest.


Hearing her daughter let out a annoyed sigh she looked to her mother and bowed. "Sorry for the mess mom...I'll make sure houzu is rightfully disciplined!"

"Uh-" Before she could answer her child the little pup ran off into the woods towards the same direction of the gaint lotus. "Lady tsume, should we send a few of our shinobi to protect her? There's bound to be even more dangerous creatures deeper inside the wilderness!" A chunin of her clan asked fearfully as she was still comprehending what the girl had done.

"No...i...have a feeling those plants are more fearful of her than she is of them..."



{Hana pov}


~ Houzu residence ~

"Aaaaaaah~ what the hell are you doing, let go of my cheeks!" Hana squinted her eyes at the pale boy as she pulled on both his cheeks. She more than knew he was letting her do this as the boy was far more powerful and durable than any shinobi she'd seen. Heck, he could more than likely take down her mother by now.

"What were you thinking spreading your plants so far across wilderness! Many clans house their homes out here!" She reprimanded as she pulled harder earning another squeal from her friend.

After another few minutes of her administering her punishment she finally let go as houzu rubbed his comically swollen cheeks.

"I shed I shwas showwy..." houzu said as he surrounded his hands with a peculiar energy and in less than a second his wounds were healed. "Aah~ and besides... I've already communicated with all of them to not attack unless threatened..."

"Your plants nearly killed a few of my clansmen!" She roared as she threw a swift punch onto his noggin.

"Gah! I know alright! They should be at a farther distance from every populated area. So can you please stop hitting me!" He insisted.

"Grrrr~ never! Aaaah~" Hana yelled as she shot a flurry of sloppy punches in a cartoonish fashion his way as he merely put a hand on her forehead and held her back lazily.

As the two were busy fighting amongst themselves itachi could be seen climbing to the top and was just peeking his head over the edge as he looked on towards the two with a nervous expression.

"Nope..." the Uchiha spoke to himself and began his tree walking trek back towards the ground.
