
Naruto: the forsaken

upon opening his eyes the MC found himself in the land of the five great nations... As a child of the.. fourth hokage? isaac, with the power of a JJK Template system to aid him on his journey, is left to find his own place in a world of shinobi. [warning]: there will be cursing and sexual content in this story. readers below the age of 17 please be advised. =============================== A/N: all copyrighted content in this story belongs to their respective creators. The art work for this story is not mine. I'm merely using it for this story. this is a non-profit fanfiction.

BrandonCH_7847 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 21 - Partial acceptance..


{Houzu pov}



As the platform carrying his guests arrived his three comrades ran onto the scene with childish excitement. Jumping into the air as the spongy material on the ground broke their fall like a trampoline.

"This is awesome!" Hana squealed in delight as itachi and shoko merely laughed at their comrades joyful antics. As the three continued to play off to the side the adults looked on towards himself with determination as they trudged across the mossy terrain.

The moment the four of them were a mere few feet away he could feel their eyes examining every unnatural aspect of his being. "I allowed you here to speak, now speak.." houzu said as the two adult put down their children who stayed by their parents due to the tense atmosphere.

"Houzu...I know we made a rash decision on leaving-" Minato spoke but was cut off by scoff from the pale boy.

"Left me? No... you abandoned the 'original' in this...squalor." Houzu's eyes glared towards the village seen from their perch. Minato squeezed his hands in response to Houzu's words. "I...I know. We received the report about the...incident." the blonde looked down in shame.

"Clearly you received it at a later date..." the boy mocked as he got to feet. "Do you have any idea what I've been through since your departure? What those animals have done?"

Both of flinched at his derogatory title for the villagers. "I've been chased, beaten, even a few have tried to kill me. Almost succeeded a few times." He dryly chuckled as he paced around the open space, the memories of his dramatic experiences flashed before his eyes.

"Houzu..." kushina uttered as she got up to go comfort him but in response he raised his hand to stop her attempts.

"Sit down."

The moment those words escaped his lips her body seized as she sat down against her own will. Noticing black markings on each side of the boy's mouth Minato surmised this must be a new kekkei genkai. But... he couldn't feel an ounce of chakra from the technique or houzu's body.



{Minato pov}



'A technique revolved around speech. Just what else are you hiding houzu?' Minato thought as he saw the mysterious markings adorning the boys mouth dissipate.


Hearing the laughter of his daughter he saw the girl at the 8 year olds feet tugging at his pant leg. Watching houzu look down towards the toddler he prepared to use his flying raijin in case the boy tried anything rash. But to his surprise houzu kneeled down and ruffled the red hair of the infant, displaying no hostility.

"Hm, and who might you be?" Houzu spoke with a uncharacteristicly soft tone while he poked the little girls button nose, his foul mood seeming to dissipate. But all he received a plethora of toddler babble.

"Mito...her name is mito." He heard his wife speak out, looking her way he saw the woman trying to hold herself together as she watched the two bond. Feeling his son escape his grip he watched the blonde maelstrom run towards his brother and gave the eldest's other leg a tight hug.

"You must be Naruto, I heard your name being mentioned when that old clown kicked me into a building." Houzu chuckled as Naruto did the same. "Sorry about granpa... i didn't mean for you to get hurt..." Naruto apologised with guilt in his tone. But he saw houzu merely ruffle the blondes hair.

"No need to apologize little guy, I made sure to punish the geezer." He smiled smugly to which Minato grimaced. He had seen Jiraiya's wounds after their scuffle in the capital. If not for begging tsunade to heal his wounds the old sannin would have lost one if not both his legs from the searing attack houzu unleashed.



{Houzu pov}



He had decided a while ago not to hate the kid. Despite Minato and Kushina's decision to leave him behind he never despised the blond. For awhile longer we talked amongst each other and although he didn't trust a thing the yellow flash spoke he could tell the last Uzumaki was riddled with guilt at her choices.

Eventually they all decided to depart once the sun began to set. Although Naruto begged to sleep over he soon dozed off on his way out the door from fatigue.


Allright fine he may have gave the kid a dose of sleeping pollin in the midst of the hug he allowed the child to enthusiastically give.

With their departure he was finally allowed to train in peace...


Sorry for the short chapter. I just wanted to end the squabble between the Mc and the parents. question: should I do a timeskip for the next chapter? if so how many years? what should the Mc be involved in next?

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