
cap 2

Naruto: The First Airbender

Disclaimer: This will be an Avatar: The Last Airbender X Naruto fanfiction. With that said, I hope you enjoy my literary contribution.

Chapter 2: The Bending Arts

Pondering over their words for a moment, Naruto then grinned as he gave them all a thumb's up and said, "Sure, why not. The more the merrier!"

"Indeed, the burning flames of youth are meant to be shared with everyone!" a loud boisterous voice suddenly said. Turning to face the person who spoke, almost everyone gaped in shock and horror as they saw Guy in all of his spandex-clad glory.

"Yosh, as expected of Guy-sensei!" shouted a genin who had to be Guy's son or clone.



Seeing the two spandex-clad ninjas suddenly hug each other, many of the onlookers felt ill while Naruto sighed and said, "Guys, these two are Might Guy and Rock Lee, who I also call Super-Bushy Brows and Bushy Brows."

"Naruto, why are they joining us?" asked a terrified Iruka. While well aware of Guy's abilities as a powerful jounin, an elite-ranked ninja, with a speciality in taijutsu and his eccentric nature through rumours, the rumours of Guy's "eccentricities" just did not do justice to the real deal.

"Long story short, they really helped me out by improving my taijutsu and suggesting that I mould my chakra into the air around me as I move my arms and legs to airbend," explained Naruto.

"Wait, you're not telling us that they're training us, are you?" asked Kiba.

"Well, you guys did want to learn bending quickly and they're the best help available."

Groaning, Shikamaru muttered, "This is even more troublesome than helping my mom with the groceries!"

"I can only pray that they would not demand us to dress like them," said Shino. Almost everyone nodded in agreement with the Aburame boy.

Feeling ill from just looking at Guy and Lee, Ino mentally whined, "And I thought Naruto-baka's bright-orange jumpsuit was awful…!"

Hinata on the other hand thought, "That would explain why Neji-niisama never wanted to talk about his team…"

Scene Change

After introducing themselves, the group stood before Naruto, Guy and Lee as the orange-clad boy spoke, "Before we start our lessons, you all need to first understand the four elements." Drawing on the ground with his staff, Naruto continued to explain as he drew the symbol of each element, "The four elements are water, earth, fire and air. Water is the element of change, flowing gracefully like the changing tides of the ocean from the push and pull of the moon. Earth is the element of substance, its strength found in its persistence and endurance, waiting patiently for the right moment to act decisively. Fire is the element of power, an overpowering force tempered by an unflinching will to accomplish tasks and desires. Finally, air is the element of freedom, finding a path with the least resistance to achieve peace and spiritual perfection. There is also a fifth element, the element of energy, but unfortunately I know very little about it other than the fact that you can use it to vanquish a great evil without killing by taking away the person's might and that it is not one of the four major elements but something even older than that."

Looking at the four drawn symbols which represented each element, Iruka then asked, "Am I correct in assuming that each of the four elements follows a different style of fighting based on their respective philosophies?"

Before Naruto could reply, Guy loudly spoke, "Indeed, my scarred friend! Each element has its own unique taijutsu style. Waterbending requires learning how to take advantage of your environment as well as mastering your versatility. Earthbending requires precision and perfection after undergoing rigorous and rigid training which emphasizes the need for solid footing. Firebending requires drive and passion tempered with discipline, correct breathing and a deep respect for fire. Lastly, airbending requires learning to avoid direct conflict as well as spiritual peace through meditation.

Wincing from the loud voice, Naruto nevertheless nodded in agreement with Guy as he spoke, "It'll be easier to show you how bending is done."

Stepping away from the group, Naruto took a deep breath before he spoke, "Air." Wielding his staff, the boy stepped lightly as he spun and gyrated, his movements dynamic, flexible and free like the air which flowed with his movements. As the air flowed around the boy, fallen leaves rose and danced around him is a circular dance which was almost captivating. While the girls blushed, Hinata having the deepest shade of red, both Guy and Lee shamelessly wept in admiration of Naruto's youthful moves and Iruka now truly understood just what Naruto meant by finding joy in airbending as he thought, "Freedom…"

No longer aware of the impressed onlookers, Naruto unexpectedly placed down his staff and spoke, "Water." While defensive like before, Naruto's movements became more graceful and elegant than dynamic and flexible as the air shifted its flow to accommodate with the change in taijutsu style which focuses mainly on upper body movement. Observing the chance in taijutsu style, Iruka quickly noted that waterbending can easily change from defence into offensive counterattacks unlike airbending which simply deflects and avoids attacks. It was also apparent that Naruto was not nearly as skilful at the taijutsu aspect of waterbending as he was at airbending as Iruka wryly thought, "Well, graceful is the last thing I would ever describe Naruto."

Suddenly, Naruto's stance became firmly rooted as he spoke, "Earth." Naruto's movements became solid and strong, his feet never completely leaving the ground as his current taijutsu stances focuses mainly on his lower body. Blocking, punching and kicking with a strong force of wind with each action, Naruto's current taijutsu style was apparently balanced in both offence and defence, relying on precise steps and endurance. "Naruto is certainly not very precise, at least other than his pranks, but he's definitely the type to endure," noted Iruka as Naruto's movements were more natural than when he did the taijutsu for waterbending.

Finally, Naruto got to the last element as he spoke, "Fire." Naruto immediately went all out for the offensive as he struck aggressively to the point that they could almost swear that the flowing air was starting to heat up. Moving quickly, Naruto's successive attacks exerted extreme power momentarily, much like individual explosions. Seeing the passion and life in Naruto's movements, Iruka thought, "Now, that is what I had expected Naruto to learn."

After sending out a stream of air from his outstretched palm, Naruto took a deep calming breath and turned to face his audience as he spoke, "So, any questions?"

Quickest to ask was Kiba as he spoke, "Dude, bending or not, you have so got to each me how to do those taijutsu moves!" Akamaru yipped in agreement.

Raising his hand, Shino said, "I observed that you can still bend the air around you even as you shifted your taijutsu styles. Therefore, it is safe to say that the same goes for all the other elements?"

Shrugging, Naruto said, "I guess so. I may not be able to bend the other elements but I can still use the taijutsu style from the other bending arts to complement the taijutsu in my airbending. It's just that I can't airbend as effectively when using other taijutsu forms."

Shino nodded in thanks while Ino asked, "So, how exactly are we going to learn our elemental affinities?" Ino's question was shared by everyone else as they wondered the same thing.

"That part is actually quite easy. All you have to is mould your chakra into an element and then get it to move or change its shape. If it happens, then you're a bender of the element you just controlled."

Dubious, Sakura asked, "That easy?"

Nodding, Naruto said, "Yup, at least as long as you can mould enough chakra to do a jutsu in theory. That's why I got the training tools stored in this storage scroll." Taking out the scroll, Naruto opened it to reveal four large goblets. He then placed water, dirt, charcoal and leaves into each goblet. After filling the goblets, Naruto ignited the charcoal to produce a smoky flame as he spoke, "Remember, you have to pour your chakra into the element and then try to manipulate it. Also, don't get discouraged if you can't do elemental bending as not everyone can become a bender."

Nodding, Guy said, "Indeed, while his flames are most youthful, my dear student, Lee, is incapable of bending although it may have to do with his handicap."

"Handicap, as in his inability to use ninjutsu and genjutsu?" asked Iruka. "I heard quite a bit about last year's dead last who somehow graduated despite his inability to use any jutsu due to his poorly-developed chakra-vessels."

"That is indeed true, my scarred friend. However, I have faith in my students who will become a great ninja even if only capable of taijutsu."


Facing his joyous student, Guy said, "Lee!"


Staring at the pair, Shino had to ask, "Are they really the best help around?"

"Like it or not, they are," said Naruto as he shook his head in exasperation at their antics.

After the two spandex-clad ninjas calmed down, the first to step forward was Kiba as he eagerly moulded his chakra and placed it into the flames. Giving Kiba a warning glance, Naruto warned, "Before you try it, let me warn you. Fire is a very dangerous element and can burn out of control if you don't keep it under control."

Grinning, Kiba said, "Come on, how hard it can be when even you managed to get it right?"

"Well, don't say I didn't warn you," replied Naruto as he cautiously backed away. "Just remember, control your breathing and don't lose control of your temper. That's the key to mastering firebending."

Hearing Naruto's advice, Kiba took a deep breath before trying to make the fire lift with his hand. To almost everyone's shock, Kiba lifted the fire from the burning charcoal. Staring at the burning orb of fire in his hand, Kiba grinned wildly as he shouted, "Alright, I'm a firebender!" However, due to his excitement, the fire in Kiba's hand expanded and engulfed his clenched fist, causing the boy to comically cry out in pain after a stunned moment of silence and swing his burning hand around for a bit before plunging it into the water-filled goblet.

Shaking his head, Naruto grinned at Kiba and wryly said, "We're going to have to work on your discipline, can't have you burning anything by accident." While the sight was indeed amusing, Naruto learnt enough about the destructive potential of fire from the scroll, and his only attempt to cook anything other than ramen, to know that losing control of fire is dangerous.

Licking his singed hand, Kiba was just glad that Naruto was not poking fun at him. Suddenly, the boy thought of something as he asked, "Hey, can animals bend to?"

"Well, according to the scroll, the very first benders were mostly animals, so I guess it's perfectly possible."

Not surprisingly, Kiba quickly placed Akamaru before the four goblets and said, "Go for it, boy!" Unfortunately, even after earnestly trying to bend the flames inside the goblet filled with burning charcoal, the puppy could not bend it even by the slightest bit, leaving it crestfallen as a result. Angry, Kiba yelled at Naruto, "Hey, you said that Akamaru could be a bender too!"

Shaking his head, Naruto said, "No, I only said that it is possible. I never said that Akamaru can definitely bend an element. Like I said before, not everyone can be a bender." Seeing that Kiba was ready to explode, literally if he plans to do any firebending to make his point, Naruto sighed and said, "Look, if it makes you feel any better, not even the avatar, the master of all four bending elements, can get it right the first time he tries. Besides, Akamaru's might be a bender of a different element for all we know. Most people don't bend more than one of the four major elements from what I understand."

Blinking, Kiba then turned his attention to Akamaru and asked, "You want to try the next element?" Yipping with renewed determination, Akamaru faced a goblet filled with earth before channelling its chakra into it. To everyone's surprise, the dirt changed shape to resemble a cartoony pile of poop.

Everyone stared at the goblet in surprise before Naruto recovered and said, "Well, I guess Akamaru's an earthbender." The boy then made a mental note to later tease Kiba and Akamaru about the shape Akamaru moulded through earthbending for the first time. Kiba meanwhile was throwing Akamaru into the air as he cheered for Akamaru's achievement.

Next to stand before the four goblets was Chouji who decided to first try earth as he felt that it suited him the best and quickly found out that he was indeed an earthbender as the dirt inside the goblet changed shape according to the movements of his hand until it resembled a Chinese dumpling. When asked, Chouji embarrassedly admitted that he was thinking about food while trying to earthbend, Chinese dumplings to be exact. Naruto later informed Chouji that to be a truly successful earthbender, at least spiritually speaking anyway, one needs to act decisively without uncertainty or doubt as well as steadfastness, something which Chouji usually lacks unless it is about food, being angry at being called fat or having faith in his best friend, Shikamaru. Akamaru also fulfils that requirement as it is loyal to Kiba and would act decisively for his sake, something which Kiba was quite happy to brag about while claiming that he himself would do the same for Akamaru.

Chouji was soon followed by Shikamaru who, after a few tries with the other elements, was surprisingly an airbender like Naruto as evidence by his ability to make the leaves in the goblet dance with the wind he created. When Naruto later explained that airbenders generally prefer to avoid direct confrontations and detach themselves from worldly problems, Chouji was not surprised that Shikamaru would become an airbender given his laidback attitude and his tendency to try to weasel his way out of trouble rather than face it head on unless he has a plan that requires it. Upon listening to Naruto's explanation, Shikamaru sighed and muttered, "Airbending is surprisingly troublesome…!"

Shino was next to test his elemental affinity which resulted in him discovering that he, like Chouji, was an earthbender as the earth changed shape into that of a chrysalis. However, unlike Chouji, Shino claimed that he is the type to act decisively once he makes a decision, "Why, because to be indecisive after making a dedicated decision is illogical and will only invite failure."

As for the girls, the first to try was Hinata after receiving encouragement from Ino to try. Nervous, she tried to bend water as she felt that it suited her best. Remembering Naruto's advice to the boys that water requires inner discipline as well as acting in concert with one's environment and guiding it, the girl took a deep breath before gently placing her hand into the goblet filled with water. Lifting her hand, she willed the water to follow it thus causing the water to float over her palm as a small globe. Staring at the globe of water in innocent fascination, Hinata's concentration broke when it fell apart and splashed over her hand when Naruto grinned at her and said, "Well, looks like you're a water-bender, Hinata-chan." The shy girl was blushing furiously as she poked her fingers together and shyly thanked him for his teaching and praise. Iruka, who knew about her unhappy family circumstances, was not surprised by her element as he knew that she wishes to change both herself and her clan.

Next to step in was Ino who was surprisingly a waterbender as well albeit not as skilful as Hinata's first try. Upon discovering her elemental affinity, Ino wasted no time to gloat the fact to Sakura who was unsurprisingly infuriated by it. Quirking in eyebrow, Iruka mused, "That was a little unexpected. Considering that she is confident and outspoken, I would have thought that her element would be fire. Then again, maybe there is more to her, or to bending, then we realize."

Storming towards the four goblets, Sakura wasted no time to discover her elemental affinity. Unfortunately for her, her element was earth as the dirt changed shape into a heart. Saddened by the fact, as she wanted to be a waterbender as well just to prove to Ino that she is better than her or a firebender as Sasuke knew fire-based techniques, Sakura nevertheless accepted her status as an earthbender.

Iruka was the last to try as he found out to his surprise that he is a waterbender as well. Guy, who already learnt bending from earlier training with Naruto, showed everyone his ability to "bend the flames of youth" which impressed everyone, Lee most of all, as he did his new technique which has impressively destructive results, "Burning Dynamic Entry!" The trees that served as his targets never stood a chance.

Having discovered their respective elements, Naruto, with Guy's help, proceeded to teach each new trainee the necessary moves to best manipulate the elements as well as the possible secondary elements of each element. Standing before Lee, Sakura, Chouji, Shino, Kiba and Akamaru, Guy explained in an unexpectedly professional manner, "Now, as Naruto-san had explained earlier, Earthbending is the element of substance and perseverance tempered with precision while Firebending is the element of power which must be tempered with discipline to avoid losing control. As Naruto-san showed earlier, earthbending's basic fighting style relies heavily on solid stances for both attack and defence with heavy emphasis on the lower body. Firebending on the other hand relies on highly aggressive attacks with powerful bursts of strength. However, firebending has the disadvantage of lacking defense."

Raising his hand, Shino asked, "What of the secondary elements which Naruto mentioned earlier?"

Nodding towards Shino, Guy answered, "Ah, a good question, Shino! Each of the four major elements has secondary elements which a bender can manipulate as long as it is a derivative of their main element. Earthbenders for example can manipulate earth as well as sand, mud, rock and even metal. Firebenders on the other hand can control fire as well as combustion, blue flames and even lightning."

Confused, Kiba asked, "Wait, what's so special about blue fire?"

"From what we could learn from the scroll, blue flame is hotter than normal fire which means that it is basically a stronger version of normal firebending." Now understanding why blue flames are special for a firebender, the students stayed silent as Guy continued to explain, "Now, although many of you are earthbenders, that does not mean that Naruto and I cannot teach you the basic training methods to help you gain a better understanding of earthbending. In fact, my training methods actually encourage the mastery of earthbending!"

Overhearing Guy's statement, not that it was particularly difficult given his loud voice, Naruto sighed as he shook his head. Knowing what kind of training Guy has in mind, Naruto thought, "I pity the earthbender trainees. As for Kiba, I'm going to have to teach him breathing control and how to feel the heat around him before Guy breaks him." Turning his attention to the assembled waterbender trainees and Shikamaru, Naruto spoke, "While I cannot teach waterbending, I can however tell you that the first step to mastering it requires learning how to manipulate the water and let it flow naturally while under your control."

"Is that why we're standing beside the lake?" asked Iruka.

Nodding, Naruto said, "Besides water, weterbenders can also control ice, water vapour and even bodily fluids like sweat and the water inside plants."

Surprised, Ino asked, "Wait, does that mean that they know how to use the fabled Mokuton?"

Confused, Naruto asked, "Mokuton?"

"It's basically the fusion of water and earth to form a wood element. It is also the elemental ability of the First Hokage," explained Iruka. Turning his attention to Ino, Iruka added, "As for your question, I do not think that waterbending allows one to use the Mokuton as wood is not a bodily fluid."

Realizing her mistake, Ino blushed in embarrassment as she though, "Still, it would be pretty useful to be able to manipulate plants."

Seeing that Ino was no longer asking any questions, Naruto asked, "So, does anyone has any questions to ask before I teach Shikamaru how to airbend?"

Raising her hand, Hinata timidly asked, "I-is there anything in p-particular that we need to learn?"

Thinking over her question for a moment, Naruto then said, "Well, there are a number of was to train. For example, you can take some water from that lake and let it shift and flow around you as you control it. You can also try to push and pull the water like making a wave at the beach." Naruto involuntarily shivered as he recalled Guy's and Lee's special "Sunset of Youth" which involves frothy waves crashing against the rocks. Seeing his shivering, everyone facing him wondered what he was thinking about as Naruto quickly got over it and said, "You can also make a globe of water and pass it to each other since there are more than one of you, any other questions?" Hearing none, Naruto left the three waterbenders to train while he turned his attention to Shikamaru and said, "As for airbending, you can use it to create a gust of wind to push, a vacuum to pull or even amplify sounds with it. You can also use airbending to control things that float in the air or can be blown away by the wind such as leaves, sand, clouds…"

Raising an eyebrow, Shikamaru asked, "Wait, clouds?"

"Yeah, you can manipulate clouds with airbending. A waterbender can also manipulate clouds since they are basically water vapour," replied Naruto."

Rubbing his chin thoughtfully, Shikamaru thought, "I may not like the idea of manipulating the clouds, but it should be a very useful ability to use together with my clan's techniques." Having made his decision, Shikamaru asked, "So, anything I need to do in particular to learn airbending?"

"Well, one of the training methods involves meditation to allow your spirit to wander freely like the air. There is also the airbending gates but I think we should start with meditation first since it does not require doing anything."

Hearing the meditation method for airbending, Shikamaru almost smirked as he thought, "I like airbending already!" He then thought of something as he asked, "Wait, so how you manage to be an airbender? The last time I checked, you're a hyperactive prankster who can't even sit still for class lessons."

Grinning sheepishly, Naruto said, "Well, to be honest, I'm not very good at meditating and I still have a bit of trouble with the airbending gates. I'm good at airbending mostly because wind is my chakra's elemental affinity and, once I got the hang of it, love the feeling of freedom it gives me."

While curious about Naruto's love for freedom, Shikamaru decided it would be too troublesome to pry as he and Naruto sat under the shade and proceeded to meditate…

Scene Change

Before long, the training session for elemental bending came to a close. Shikamaru turned out to be much better at meditating than Naruto, if only because he's already so used to doing nothing but watch clouds and that he fell asleep while meditating. Naruto, being hyperactive, could not meditate for very long but was nowhere near as loud-mouthed about it as everyone had initially expected. Ino, Hinata and Iruka got wet a few times due to botched waterbending but were otherwise fine as Hinata realized that it is possible to dry their clothes by literally bending the water away. Hearing Naruto's praise almost made her faint but also made feel as though she was in heaven. Ino, in a moment of curiosity, decided to try bending the water inside some tall grass and realized that she can really bend the water inside. Needless to say, she would proceed to experiment the limits of her waterbending abilities on the plants in her clan's flower shop. Iruka on the other hand was quickly adapting the taijuts aspect of waterbending into the basic academy taijutsu style and was even teaching it to Hinata and Ino to help improve their taijutsu and waterbending.

Satisfied with everyone's progress for his group, Naruto wondered what was taking Guy's group so long when he heard, "Naruto… for the love of kami… please tell me there is another way to learn firebending!"

Hearing Kiba's pained plea, Naruto shook his head before facing the exhausted boy with an equally tired Akamaru on his head and asked, "Let me guess, Guy's training is killing you."

"That man is insane! Did you know that he actually wanted us to run around this entire village while carrying a boulder over our backs, or that he wanted us to juggle a rock while doing a stance over poles?"

Having gone through a similar experience, Naruto said, "Well, I have good news and bad news for you. The good news is that you don't really need to do all of that physical training as you're a firebender. The bad news however is that Akamaru is an earthbender and will need that training."

"Wait, are you telling me that it is the CORRECT way to learn earthbending?" screeched an exhausted Sakura who was dragging herself alongside with Shino and Chouji. Lee and Guy on the other hand were still training elsewhere.

Feeling sorry for the earthbender trainees, Naruto nevertheless replied honestly, "To put it in one word, yes."

Looking at Chouji who appears both exhausted and starving, Shikamaru thought, "Well, I'm pretty sure I'll never want to learn earthbending." Taking out a bag of chips which Chouji gave him just in case he felt hungry, Shikamaru asked, "Want some?" No words were needed as Chouji immediately took the chips and tore it open to devour its contents.

Kiba meanwhile gripped onto Naruto and pleaded, "Tell me how do properly train my firebending, please!"

"Well, all you need to do is learn to control your breathing, have the correct drive and have a close understanding of heat which is given off by the sun, fire and even from your own body."

Blinking, Kiba asked, "That's all?"

Shrugging, Naruto replied, "Basically, yeah, but they are not as easy as they sound. If you lose control of your breathing you will lose control of your firebending and end up hurting yourself or even Akamaru. If you lack drive or a heat source, you won't be able to firebend very much or at all."

"So why did you hand me over to that green-spandex freak?" asked Kiba with a hint of anger in his voice.

"Well, he's a firebender and he knows the methods as well. Besides, it's his choice to favour earthbender-style training and, like I said earlier, Akamaru needs it if he's to become an earthbender," explained Naruto.

Realizing that Naruto did have a point, Kiba sighed as his grip onto the blond boy relaxed and said, "Please tell me you know how to counter their "Sunset of Youth"!"

Shaking his head, Naruto sadly replied, "I'm sorry, but none of the bending arts have a counter against that. Hell, not even typical genjutsu-dispelling techniques work against it." Naruto's statement caused all of the earthbender trainees and the lone firebender trainee to comically wallow in despair.

Staring at their depressed state, Iruka asked, "Do I even want to know?"

Shaking his head, Shikamaru said, "I have a feeling it would be too much of a drag to even bother trying to find out." Even Hinata had to agree with Shikamaru as Naruto invited everyone to have ramen with him for dinner…

Scene Change

Meanwhile, Hiruzen who had learnt how to firebend, was using his newfound skill to light his pipe when he noticed four jounins enter his office. Smiling, he asked, "So, how did their training go today?"

First to step forward was a silver-haired man who wore a mask a hide the lower half of his face and a Konohagakure headband to cover his left eye while his right eye had a black iris known as Hatake Kakashi. Taking his attention of his favourite book, Icha Icha Paradise, the man with gravity-defying hair reported, "Surprisingly well actually. It seems that as long as you can do even D-ranked ninjutsu, you can bend an element. Of course, there may be special circumstance or, in Rock Lee's case, special cases when a person cannot be a bender."

Next to step forward was a man with black hair and beard as well as brown eyes with a smoking cigarette in his mouth. Known as Sarutobi Asuma, the man who is also Hiruzen's son reported, "From the training session, Shikamaru appears to be an airbender while Ino is a waterbander and Chouji is an earthbender. It also seems that Ino can manipulate the water inside a non-woody plant."

Fascinated, Hiruzen said, "Really? That is indeed interesting to know."

A young woman with black untamed hair, uniquely red eyes, purple eye-shadow and red lipstick was next to step forward as she spoke, "Hinata is also a waterbender like Ino and appears to have a uniquely strong affinity to it as she showed more control than even Iruka who is also a waterbender." The young woman named Yuuhi Kurenai then added "On the other hand, Iruka is already adapting the taijutsu aspect of waterbending into his own taijutsu style which follows the academy basics. If all goes well, he will be able to help teach the students elemental bending alongside with Naruto thus reducing the need to expose them to Guy." Despite respecting Guy's abilities in his taijutsu and his loyalty to Konohagakure, the man's eccentric nature was just too much for almost any sane person to put up with for long.

Last to step forward is a young woman with purple-hair done in a spiky ponytail, light brown eyes and was dressed in an unbuttoned overcoat, a fishnet suit and a mini-skirt. Named Mitarashi Anko, the smirking young woman spoke, "Speaking about Guy, it seems that his ridiculous training methods are actually suitable for earthbending training."

Wearing a worried expression, Hiruzen had to ask, "And who are these… earthbenders?" The elderly man was tempted to call them unfortunate victims.

"Let see… we have the Bug Boy, Pinkie, Chubby-Butt and even Kiba's dog."

Surprised by the fact that even Akamaru could be a bender, Hiruzen made a mental note to inform the Inuzuka clan before he asked, "What of Kiba?"

"He's a firebender like Guy," explained Kurenai who then added, "On a side note, Guy's training methods aren't too suitable for firebenders apparently."

Nodding in understanding, Hiruzen said, "I see, is there anything else that you wish to add?"

"Other than the fact that it is perfectly possible to at least know the taijutsu basics of each bending art, that you can adapt elemental bending to different situations by using different taijutsu styles and that you don't even need to use the sharingan to at least understand the basics of bending as long as you have an affinity to it, not much else." As if to prove his point, Kakashi created a small globe of fire in his hand.

Seeing that the others have no further comment, Hiruzen said, "Very well, thank you all for your observations. You are all dismissed."

As the four ninjas left, Hirzen smiled as he thought, "It looks like this year's graduating class will be most interesting!"

-Chapter Fin-

Note: Sorry for the late update and hope that this chapter is well-received. Anyway, the list of benders and possible benders are as shown below:

Naruto: Airbender of the Free Winds

Hinata: Waterbender of the Graceful Change

Chouji: Earthbender of the Heavy Blows

Shikamaru: Airbender of the Calm Thoughts (Cloudbending)

Kiba: Firebender of the Bestial Strikes

Akamaru: Earthbender of the Faithful Rock

Ino: Waterbender of the Possessing Blood

Shino: Earthbender of the Precise Steps (mantis-style)

Lee: Non-Bender, genius of hard work

Neji: Earthbender of the Destructive Palm (if he learns any)

Tenten: Earthbender of the Iron Weapons (if she learns any)

Might Guy: Firebender of the Youthful Flames

Sasuke: Firebender of the Black Flames (if he learns any)

Sakura: Earthbender of the Shattering Earth

Sai: Waterbender of the Living Ink

Kakashi: Firebender of the Cold Flame (can manipulate water and earth but not as well)

Kurenai: Firebender of the Phantom Flames

Asuma: Airbender of the Slicing Winds

Anko: Firebender of the Snaking Flames

Iruka: Waterbender of the Echoing Waves

Hiruzen: Firebender of the Burning Earth (can earthbend but not as well)