
Naruto:The Bird Freed from Its Cage

Restricted-Level Naruto On the day the cage was broken, the imprisoned bird could finally soar across the sky. The taste of freedom is wonderful, yet Hyuga Shin aims to forge a cage for the world. Wherever the sun shines, who dares to disobey? pateron link for more chapter ;https://shorturl.at/eDNRL

KUMOsgusjj · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Chapter 6: Dream Serpent

Chapter 6: Dream Serpent

In the evening, a light rain began to fall from the sky.

Shin received a summons to visit Hyuga Hiashi's residence.

The living room was lit with a warm yellow light, but there was no one in sight.

"Shin, are you here?"

Hiashi's voice came from the study.

"Yes, Lord Hiashi."

"Come in."

Shin removed his shoes at the door and walked in quietly. The study door was open, and he could see Hiashi bent over the desk, writing something with a brush on rice paper.

"Have you had dinner?" Hiashi asked without looking up.


"Let's eat together later."

"Huh?" Shin's eyes flickered, and then he looked surprised.

"What's the matter?" Hiashi asked, glancing up.

"Nothing... It just doesn't seem appropriate," Shin hesitated. "How can I dine with you, Lord Hiashi?"

"What's the big deal? We are of the same clan. There's no harm in sharing a meal."

"Thank you, Lord Hiashi. I will join you then."

After saying this, Shin stood quietly to the side, watching Hiashi as he continued to write.

After a while, Hiashi let out a long breath, put down his brush, and carefully examined his work.

He looked at Shin and pointed to his work, asking, "What do you think?"

Shin had been watching all along and estimated that Hiashi's level was just beginning, barely average.

He remembered that the Third Hokage seemed to love calligraphy.

"It's impressive."

"Do you understand calligraphy?" Hiashi asked, slightly surprised.

"No, but anything by Lord Hiashi must be impressive."

Hiashi chuckled at Shin's straightforwardness. "You really know how to talk."

He walked out from behind the desk and headed out of the study.

As they walked and talked, Shin followed half a step behind Hiashi, leaving the living room and walking along the corridor to another courtyard.

Hiashi asked about everyday matters, seemingly showing concern for Shin.

The rain was getting heavier. Although they were sheltered by the corridor, the wind occasionally blew raindrops onto them, feeling cold.

Before another courtyard, a young woman dressed as a servant was waiting with two umbrellas.

Shin recognized her as Hyuga Harucha, the maid of Hyuga Ayanami.

"Lord Hiashi," Harucha greeted Hiashi and handed one umbrella to Shin while holding one for Hiashi.

Shin then understood that Hiashi meant to dine at Ayanami's place.

Ayanami's residence was much larger than Ayari's, as she was the future clan leader's wife. Only she, apart from the main family, enjoyed such treatment.

Shin often visited Ayari's home, but this was his first time at Ayanami's. The furnishings were noticeably more luxurious, and a faint fragrance filled the air.



"Shin is here."

"Lady Ayanami."

"Don't be so formal. Just call me Sister Ayanami," Ayanami said softly, smiling at Shin. "I don't know your taste, so I made a few of my specialties. Try them and see if you like them."

"I won't mind! It's an honor to eat Sister Ayanami's cooking," Shin quickly said.

The table had three or four dishes, all looking very appetizing. It wasn't particularly lavish, more like a regular family dinner.

But this made it feel more intimate.

Shin thought this, though he appeared somewhat nervous.

Hiashi took the main seat.

Harucha had left at some point, and Ayanami began serving Shin, gently telling him to feel at home.

"How is it?"

"Delicious! I haven't had such good food in a long time," Shin said with satisfaction. "Sister Ayanami, your cooking is amazing!"

"Shin, living alone now, if you need anything, just ask. The clan will try to meet the needs of its members," Hiashi said. "If you're short on living expenses, we can give you more."

"No need, it's more than enough," Shin quickly said, putting down his chopsticks.

This was true. As a prestigious clan in Konoha, even the branch family members lived quite well.

"You went to the hospital today, right?" Hiashi asked.


"What did the doctors say?"

"They said I'll be fully recovered in a week."

Hiashi nodded. "Your surgery is scheduled around that time."

At the mention of the surgery, Shin lowered his head slightly.

Hiashi noticed and asked, "What's wrong?"

Shin forced a smile. "Nothing."

"Are you worried about the surgery? Don't worry, the surgeon is an experienced Jonin. There won't be any problems," Hiashi said.

"I trust the village's medical skills. I'm not worried about the surgery," Shin replied.

"Then what are you worried about?" Hiashi asked calmly.

Shin hesitated before speaking, "I heard that the eyes to be transplanted are from some very outstanding predecessors... I'm just an ordinary Chunin. I might disgrace their eyes."

Hiashi observed Shin's expression. If this child was acting, he was very skilled.

But a twelve or thirteen-year-old boy couldn't have such deep schemes.

Hiashi felt reassured and smiled. "Don't worry. Just bringing back the intelligence from the battlefield makes you worthy of these Byakugan. The Hokage himself praised you, saying you accomplished what many adults couldn't."

"I was just doing my duty," Shin said.

Hiashi said with satisfaction, "The Byakugan passed down in our clan is not for display. Even if a non-ninja clan member lost their eyes, we would replace them without hesitation. If the clan can't be trusted, it will face extinction."

"Moreover, you have brought honor to the village and the clan. We won't let you suffer any injustice!"

Shin looked moved. "Lord Hiashi!"

"Shin, you are the future pillar of the Hyuga clan. We are the oldest clan in the ninja world, and our ancestors had great glory. We must always remember the responsibility of revitalizing the clan. This burden will fall on young people like you."

Shin responded with determination, "Yes, Lord Hiashi. I will remember!"

Hiashi nodded in satisfaction.

Ayanami laughed softly. "Why so serious during dinner? Shin, eat more."

She said this while serving Shin more food.

"Thank you, Sister Ayanami."

Shin, already filled with Hiashi's promises, continued to eat earnestly.

The rain outside grew heavier, with thunder and lightning. Inside, the warm light and harmonious atmosphere made them seem like a family if Shin were younger.

"Have another bowl."

"No, thank you, Sister Ayanami. I'm full."

"You're still growing. How can you eat so little?"

"Actually... I ate a lot of snacks before coming," Shin said, embarrassed.

Seeing his honesty, Ayanami couldn't help but laugh.

"Alright, but eat less of those. They're not healthy."

"I understand, Sister Ayanami."

Shin said his goodbyes, and Ayanami gently saw him to the door, giving him an umbrella.

"The rain is heavy. Be careful on your way back."

Shin bowed to both of them and then walked into the rain.

After Shin's figure disappeared in the rain, Ayanami returned inside.

Hiashi was still sitting there.

"How do you feel now?" Ayanami asked.

"I never doubted him. He's just a child. Even if he resents the main family, what can he do?" Hiashi said calmly.

"I'm worried the elders might use him to stir up trouble. If we hadn't interacted with him, it would be best. Once the eye transplant and curse mark are done, everything will return to normal."

Ayanami said, "It seems we were worrying for nothing."

"Hopefully. The Hokage hinted that I should go to the front lines. Staying in the rear during wartime might attract criticism. I hope this storm passes soon," Hiashi said, standing up.

"I should go too."

"Take care."

"You rest early."

Hiashi left with an umbrella, and the room fell silent.

Outside, the night was cold, and the rain poured down.

Ayanami sat alone at the dining table, looking at the untouched food. She hadn't eaten a bite.

She glanced at Shin's empty bowl, which was clean.

She picked up his used bowl and chopsticks and threw them into the trash bin beside the table.


"Yes, Miss Ayanami."

"Clean up quietly. I'm going to bed."


The thunderstorm finally quieted down by morning.

Water dripped from the eaves, and the courtyard was filled with puddles. The air was chilly, and a hint of dawn appeared on the horizon.

A terrified scream echoed, alarming the entire Hyuga clan.

Shin slowly walked out of his room, looking towards the source of the sound.

His dog, Subi, ran out and rubbed against his leg.

Shin picked it up and gently stroked its fur.

"Dawn has come."