
2. Reborn

Forcefully sleeping for most of the 7 months Suresh became super mad he would have gone insane if not for the Naruto system which he often talks to.

On a rainy night full of thunderstorms an high pitched baby's cry is heard even outside of the majestic mansion with the name capsule corporation on it.

As for Suresh he regained his ability to make noise from his mouth so as soon as the doctor delivered him he shouted his stomach out but what everyone heard was a just born baby's first cry.

Suresh was depressed at first when he heard it as he would have to take it slowly like a newborn which he is not. Then he became joyful again as he thought how his life will be.

Till now he neither saw his father nor his mother so he's excited to get to know who gave birth to him.

Wet nurse gave him to a middle aged man with blue hair and mustach. Suresh saw him and recognised him at the first glance as he's the owner of capsule corporation Dr. Briefs. who's well known in the Anime.

Then he glanced at the lady sleeping in the bed it was Panchy. Suddenly a thought struck him his rebirth somehow changed the timeline .

Maybe he's born in the timeline in which Androids are going to destroy the world, in which Goku dies. he threw all those distracting thoughts aside and focused on getting powerful to stop the Androids ,to not let Goku die.

As his train of thoughts wander around getting powerful he remembered what the Naruto system told him.

((" Host the Naruto system will be taking time off to regenerate the power used to reincarnate you and the time will be around 3 years. Goodbye host."))

Then he remembered some notifications by the system which he didn't care when he was born.

((" reborn package successfully obtained do you want to open it Y/N"))

Suresh answered yes in his mind and it opened

(("Chakra obtained

Chakra circulation manual obtained"))

Suresh found some energy flowing through his new born body and assumed that is chakra. He opened the manual in his mind a set of instructions registered in his memory.

Even though he struggles hard to adapt being a child he does his job perfectly, crying sometime, laughing his mouth aloud whenever someone trys anything funny.As a child his body needs more sleep and milk than anything else. Naruto system will be awakened around 3 years so he has to do these.

His father and mother showered him with lots of love which made him think about his parents in Chennai in the past life they showered him with the same Love even though they're not rich and struggling to may a living they'll buy anything he asks without even thinking twice.

One day Dr.Briefs invited people allover the state , It is to name his newborn son. They both fought for 3 days and finally Panchy decided the name Arnold. she said that name sounds cool. As such Suresh's name in this universe is Arnold.

Time passed as such, when he's three months old Suresh's parents brought him outside the mansion for the first time. While they're roaming he saw a cute but famished puppy near the garbage he started crying to get his parents attention and pointed towards the puppy. the couple saw the puppy he points and found it adorable. It has snow white fur which is now full of dust. Puppy's age should be around 2 months old so they took it with them to raise a pet which will be playing with their son.

They decided not to name the puppy and let their son name it when he starts to speak. Suresh understood japanese which is the spoken language in this universe as he watched many Anime and learn it. He's grateful to his new parents when he heard that. Their position in his heart rose up. As they're very considerate.

Everyday before sleeping he trains his chakra using the Chakra circulation which seems to improve his Chakra capacity. After thee months he found it even easier as he circulated even in his sleep.

Little puppy is cleaned and looks like a snow ball when sleeping curled up beside him. He played with it daily while his parents watched them playing.

After 9 months

It's his first birthday party which had many people coming and going. He got tons of gifts from who knows where and it's in the corner of the hall like a small hill. Panchy's stomach is bulged out , looking at the size she should be five months pregnant. Dr.Briefs sure does his job well.

Suresh really enjoyed the rich life where what ever he wanted was there with out even asking for it. birthday party went well he was like a celebrity cutting cake in front of a huge crowd.

The same for his second year it's starting to bore him as the same went everyday. He bites his teeth to endure the long three years.