
Naruto : Sunfire

A generic teen wakes up in the body of a final year Konoha academy student in Naruto's class.

AyyyZelos · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Recapping Skills

As I finished my light breakfast, I went into the middle of my apartment where there was some open space and decided to try the 3 academy jutsus that would be required for the practical exam.

First, the Transformation Jutsu, changing my skin to dark green, my hair to black and growing both wings and horns.

Surprisingly I had an easier time pulling this technique off than the previous Tatsuya which I can probably attribute to him not being as bright and having a good imagination to visualise things with.

My transformation was incredibly detailed, from sharp fangs to rough scales. I looked like something right out of a child's worst nightmares.

Dispelling my transformation I return to my normal appearance.

Trying the Clone Jutsu I pulled it off without much issue, noticing that it also appears much easier but this time I noticed what exactly was different.

My chakra control, the previous Tatsuya always had issues with it and thinking back on it, his chakra control only got harder when he got more chakra from taijutsu training.

I assume this is due to me having more spiritual energy than before because of my transmigration whilst he had more physical energy from taijutsu, so now it was in a sort of equilibrium.

Like yin and yang, so to say.

In the future I will have to both study and train hard if I didn't want to have low chakra reserves, maybe the Shadow Clone Jutsu would make that more efficient.

I grabbed a set of drawers from the side of my room, empty since I didn't have many material possessions due to my tight budget, and pushed my chakra into it, preparing it for use of the replacement jutsu.

I make the hand signs and feel as my chakra is altered and given different properties before it comes out from my hands in the form of a string and latches on to the chakra inside of the drawers before I swapped locations with it.

'That made me quite dizzy." I think to myself through my light-headedness, in the future I will need to practice this enough that I get used to the discomfort of swapping locations with objects.

Now I was confident in executing the 3 academy justus well enough to pass, I'm glad that I didn't lose all of the previous Tatsuya's hard work.

I will aim to reduce the number of hand signs needed for the replacement and transformation jutsus, as they would be used quite a lot in the future.

I could test out my skills with throwing weapons later, now was time for my daily routine.

Changing my clothes into a generic pair of blue trousers and a black shirt I left my room and made my way to the closest park at a light jog.

Dropping down to the floor I began doing push-ups, surprisingly even when my arms were shaking and my breathing grew heavy I could persist onwards.

I definitely couldn't have done this in my previous life, I would have given up 5 reps into this exercise, I'm glad this iron will for training passed on to me as well.

My morning training was simple bodyweight training 2 sets of maximum push-ups, sit-ups, squats and pull-ups until my body gave out.

After a short rest and water break, I practised some taijutsu in the air, basically shadowboxing.

Practising combos of punches and kicks, elbows and grapples. I then took a training kunai into my hand and did the same, slashing, stabbing and parrying as if I was fighting a real opponent.

After the morning session of my physical training was over I looked over my body.

I was slightly sore and tired but most of all happy, exercise just had that effect on me, making me feel more alive.

As it was still rather early in the day, only being half past 7 in the morning so it was still rather barren in the park with me being the only person here so I decided to practice my throwing techniques on a tree here instead of going to the closest training ground which was a 20 minute jog.

For the next half an hour I practised my throwing techniques, making small variations to them that the previous Tatsuya hadn't thought of.

Flicking my wrists, holding shuriken in my fingers or entire palms angling my elbow differently.

These things may seem inconsequential separately but together they allowed for stronger, more precise throws with the option of throwing multiple weapons at different angles with different flight paths or a single weapon with greater speed and strength by using my entire body weight to throw the small weapon.

With my training over I decide to return home for a quick shower and rid myself of my sweat.

Since it had only just turned 8 o'clock I had the entire day to myself, I should make a training plan for the weekend.

Since the morning session of my bodyweight training is complete, I have some free time until my weighted training in the afternoon, I will need to try to improve my chakra control and proficiency.

I could delay my acquisition of theoretical knowledge until Monday when I went back to the academy.

I should ensure that I don't specialise into anything yet as it's best for me to be an all-rounder until I become a genin, chunin is where most ninja decide to specialise anyway.

So no focusing on specific weapons like swords as of now since I don't know what kind of ninja I will be, besides the fact that I'll probably be a ninjutsu specialist if I have the talent for it.

I mean who wouldn't? The opportunity to cause hurricanes and tsunamis is at your fingertips and you give it up to put people into illusions of being chased by buff nudists? Hard pass on that for me.

Though that would be rather funny, the sheer mental fuckery and vexation genjutsu could cause is a valid enough reason to pick it up to a basic level at least.

Enough rambling for now, I should do something productive.

My chakra control might have improved due to the potential influx in spiritual energy but it could always be better.

Who am I kidding? I just want to walk on water like Jesus.

I don't understand any of this but its hype af : https://youtu.be/m2leRAXFbAc

~1058 words~

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