
Naruto : Sunfire

A generic teen wakes up in the body of a final year Konoha academy student in Naruto's class.

AyyyZelos · Anime & Comics
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Chakra Control & Exploration

Chakra Control & Exploration

If I wanted to pull a Jesus cameo in this new world I would need to practise my chakra control and get pretty damn good at it.

Walking on water may have looked easy in the show since it only took a single episode for the main characters to achieve but they were in no way ordinary.

Since I don't have any leaves on hand I ripped a piece of paper out of a notepad I had nearby and tried to stick it to my hand, which was easy enough.

Next, I tried to use my chakra to rotate the paper in my palm, to no avail.

To fix this I changed my approach, instead of trying to rotate the paper from one fixed central point I stuck it to my hand at two parallel points and changed one of their positions slowly.

The first point would act as a stationary central point; the second point would rotate anti-clockwise, orbiting the first like the earth orbits the sun, making a small circle in my palm.

This made the paper spin but it was rather slow, so I did it faster and faster.

As the paper picked up speed it became harder and harder to control with the moving point of chakra diverting from its original pathway which stretched the paper and caused it to rip into two irregularly shaped pieces.

"That wasn't supposed to happen." I mutter to myself, I should have really seen it coming, I had already gotten too sucked into the intricacies of chakra once and lost a fingernail to show for it, it would grow back in around 6 months but it was still a rather painful reminder of what not to do.

The academy usually makes the students stick leaves to their foreheads so I tore a piece of paper to be the same size as a small leaf and stuck it to my head.

This time I tried to rotate it again but without using two separate points of chakra, instead only using one.

After a short while, I realised what I was doing wrong, I was treating my point of sticky chakra as a single piece with specific sticky properties.

If I could separate it into both parts with sticky and rotating properties I could achieve my goal.

But if I could do both at once without separating the chakra at all it would be better for the long run since I will have better control over adding properties to my chakra.

That's what the point of hand signs are, to shape the chakra and alter its properties, if I could do that with purely my chakra control I wouldn't need to use hand signs and could be the fastest ninjutsu user to exist.

But it was not going to be an easy task, if it was someone would have achieved it already, besides Jutsu like the Rasengan which doesn't need hand signs at all, the fastest casting for a jutsu that I had ever seen in the show was a single one-handed seal.

I guess I'd have to train my hand signs as well today if I wanted to achieve seal-less ninjutsu in the future.

After that, I tried to move the piece of paper across my body using only my chakra.

Except it wasn't exactly moving as I had expected. It was instead just falling and being caught by my chakra.

Now you could say that that's exactly what walking for humans is, falling and catching yourself with your legs but I want this movement to be smooth like a boat gliding over water.

Visualising a steady boat floating through water this time I tried to slowly move the paper and surprisingly, I could.

After practising this for a while I had gotten rather adept at it, being able to make it travel across my entire body in under a minute.

Since I still had around half of my chakra left that I could use to practice wall walking.

First I took off my shoes and socks so that I could feel the floor better and not have any obstructions that my chakra had to permeate through.

Sticking my feet on the floor wasn't very hard this way, probably since my chakra doesn't have to be used as a balancing point for my entire body weight like wall walking.

Tilting my body forwards as if I was falling I could feel the strain on my feet as the small amount of chakra couldn't handle my weight and supplied more chakra to it.

Having a decent grasp of this I decide to move on to wall walking, only to realise my feet are stuck to the floor.

"Haaah, I guess It'll take a while until I remember to unstick myself subconsciously." I sighed to myself.

Before I stick my feet into the wall I decided to use a very small amount of chakra and increase it if necessary so that I don't blow a hole in my apartment.

I'd rather not pay for repairs.

And so that's exactly what I did, sticking one foot on the wall before slowly raising the other.

Only for gravity to get the better of me as I fell downward, though I managed to catch myself on my feet at the last moment.

"I should probably put a cushion under there so I don't accidentally concuss myself." I acknowledged.

After placing a cushion next to the wall I tried to climb it, and failed, and tried again, and failed again.

An hour later, exhausted and low on chakra, I could either stand still on the wall indefinitely or take 3 steps before falling.

I was having problems with switching between steps as my balance would drastically change from being stuck to the wall from two points to only one.

Next time I would need to ensure that I reinforced the leg that was alone with more chakra before evening out the amount once I added the second foot.

I guess I should do some training that doesn't need chakra so that I have enough to practice my jutsus later on.

Time to practice hand signs then.


After my training, I decided to explore Konoha.

Walking around I could see a beautiful sight, on one side was a long strip of land that held many buildings, stores, hotels, restaurants and more.

Separated by a long river and a single bridge was a verdant green meadow, with small rabbits and deer bouncing about and a small forest on the side.

Since it was almost lunchtime I entered a small store and ordered some grilled fish and rice.

"That will be 4 Ryo young man!" The overly enthusiastic shopkeep yelled from behind the counter.

"Here you go sir." I said as I handed over the money, 4 Ryo wasn't much since My weekly stipend was 200 Ryo now that I was doing better in the academy.

Yes, improving your performance in the academy would increase your monthly stipend, it was the same for all orphans and served as a good source of motivation.

If they could do better in their studies and exams they would have more money to treat themselves to nice food or toys, they were still kids after all.

I, on the other hand, had around 700 Ryo saved up.

The previous Tatsuya had been quite cheeky, transforming into genin and trying to pay for ninja tools early, he had always gotten caught though.

He wanted to buy explosive tags so he could, and I quote 'blow some shit up like a real man'.

Not the best reason but I won't complain if it means that I've got something saved up.

I ate my meal of fish and rice while looking out of the front window of the shop at the surroundings, people walking around, socialising, yelling.

It set in that this wasn't just a show anymore, I may have ignored it so far since I was caught up in having superpowers but these people were real, I was real, and so was the danger that came with this world.

I didn't know if any of these people were enemy spies, would they know I was a prospective ninja? Would they target me?

What about Danzo and his Root? Would I be abducted and forced to join them if I stood out too much? Probably not anytime soon since even if I was amongst the strongest of my class I still couldn't fight off a seasoned genin.

Thinking about it, was joining Root even that bad? I'd get high-class training and jutsu, the organisation would be disbanded when Sasuke killed Danzo in a few years anyway.

Not that bad then, while dangerous it brought benefits with it. The cursed seal that stops root members from betraying Danzo would only be a problem if I intended to betray him before his very timely demise.

While I would be a slave in all but name who wasn't? Normal ninja were slaves to their village, Kage were slaves to their daimyo.

Hell, even back in my old world people were basically government slaves, shackled by invisible chains they either didn't recognise or just ignored as they didn't have the power to do anything about it.

Finishing my meal I thanked the shopkeeper for the food and left the store, absentmindedly walking around and finding myself on the bridge that led to the grassy area that I had seen earlier.

I wouldn't be safe around here so I needed to be careful, I wasn't strong enough to protect myself against any ninja as of yet and so I needed to either get stronger or be around strong people.

I needed people I could trust.

As I walked through the grass I heard a familiar voice call out to me.

"Hey, Tatsuya? Didn't think I'd see you here. Wanna Fight?" yelled one very excited child from across the meadow.

Kiba Inuzuka, my classmate and sparring partner.

Maybe I could trust him.




(A/N: I'm just going to make it that 1 Ryo is basically the same as £1 to make things easier on myself)

I'm loving this rn : https://youtu.be/i-V6cmSPIJ8

Will probably upload 2 or 3 times a week if nothing comes up.

~ 1664 words~

AyyyZeloscreators' thoughts