
Naruto : Sunfire

A generic teen wakes up in the body of a final year Konoha academy student in Naruto's class.

AyyyZelos · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Isekai'd By Stairs

Slipping on a rug and falling down the stairs wasn't the way I would have liked to go out if I had a say in the matter, but it's a bit late for that.

Waking up in the body of a ninja trainee from an anime wasn't on my list of potential afterlife options that I would willingly choose either but I'll have to make do with the hand I've been dealt.

Tatsuya, no last name was what I would go by from now on. Not that it bothered me at all, Orochimaru and Jiraiya didn't have last names either so it couldn't be too uncommon.

Knowing the past of the 11 and a half-year-old child I've found myself becoming was a nice bonus though, not that it would do me any good considering that the kid was as average as could be.

One of 4 orphans to be in the same ninja class as Naruto himself.

Average grades in all but history and taijutsu, the kid had a total hard-on for the Fourth Hokage, reading practically everything he could find about him.

The saviour of Konoha, a civilian who became the strongest ninja ever (in his opinion), and Tatsuya's role model/idol.

And the demon fox who caused his death was naturally the target of the former Tatsuya's ire.

But the former Tatsuya wasn't a complete idiot, he could tell that he wouldn't be able to openly bully Naruto since not even their chunin teacher Mizuki who hated the demon's guts dared to.

The only opportunity Tatsuya had to avenge the 4th Hokage was by beating the monster in a taijutsu match, and so he trained like mad.

From dawn at 5 o'clock in the morning to just before his lessons at 8 then again at 4 to 7 in the afternoon.

He had recently been noticed by Mizuki sensei during one of his afternoon training sessions and received some advice on how to hit his enemies where it hurt. The groin, liver, kidneys and throat amongst many other places.

And everything he used in his taijutsu spars with the demon.

Thinking about the former Tatsuya's irrational hate towards Naruto I couldn't help but snicker, no matter how smart or mature he was for his age or how strong his will was to train for 6 hours a day in gruelling martial arts and weights he was, after all, a child and was easily swayed by the opinions of those around him.

Contemplating my path from now onwards I sat up from my bed, glancing around my one-room apartment, furnished with a bed, a single sofa and a small table that seemed designed for people sitting on the floor. Also the basic kitchen appliances.

He didn't even have his own bathroom, instead, a shared one for all his 5 flatmates.

'Just like University all over again.' I sighed not looking forward to being gassed out by my flatmate's stink bombs. In retrospect maybe I shouldn't have cheaped out on living costs just so I could buy a PS5, if I didn't I could have had my own bathroom.

Washing my face in my kitchen sink with cold water to get rid of the last vestiges of tiredness I pulled out a small palm-sized mirror from a drawer.

I had fair skin, shoulder-length straight blond hair and amber eyes. I couldn't be said to be the most handsome person out there since I was still a child but my eyes and hair did give me a slight bit of charm as compared to Konoha's standard black/brown hair and brown eyes.

Now onto the important stuff, Ninja magic.

Feeling my chakra beneath my skin was both a strange and familiar sensation due to the memories I inherited.

Pulling on it and directing it from my core along my chakra pathways to my right hand, I could feel it radiating with strength, power, godhood.

But there was no visual feedback, don't get me wrong I could feel the power within my palm as clear as day but I wanted proof as I couldn't just go and punch a hole through my wall.

So I focused my chakra even further from the entirety of my palm to the smaller surface area of the fingernail of my index finger as it started glowing with a dull blue hue.

"Haha!!" I gleefully giggled as started poking the air.

Deciding to increase the output of chakra to my nail I watched as it glowed brighter and brighter before flicking my finger at the air in front of me.

Bad move.

With a gust of air coming from me, I heard a thud on the wall opposite me, looking like something was embedded inside of it, something rectangular and clear.

My fingernail…

"FFFUUUU!!!" I grunted in delayed pain, squeezing my hand into a fist only to feel even greater stinging pains from my finger.

'Not the smartest idea I've had.' I admitted to myself before bandaging my finger with a half-finished roll of bandages that were usually used on my bleeding knuckles from taijutsu training.

Inwardly I chastised myself for being so stupid and being caught up in my excitement, I would need to be calmer and more composed if I wanted to survive this world.

Complaining about the unfairness of my new reality wouldn't do me any favours and I doubt that the sage of six paths or any other godly entity would pity me enough to help me find a way home after I ended up dying in such a stupid way.

Today was a Saturday and so I had the entire weekend to myself before I had to return to the ninja academy for school.

Since I was halfway through my last year of school I had 6 months before canon officially began and I graduated, officially becoming a genin.

Now as I currently was I could pass in everything but theory, my taijutsu was amongst the best from the boys in my class if I didn't count the last Uchiha and the Inuzuka heir with his overly aggressive bestial fighting style.

How he could throw caution to the wind and not get absolutely bodied was beyond me but, as they say, the best defence is a strong offence.

My skills in throwing weapons weren't amazing but I could hit 7 to 8 out of 10 shots on a moving target.

Yes, a moving one. That was a little rivalry my predecessor had quite recently built up with the Uchiha as the two of them could easily hit stationary targets.

The Uchiha was confident enough in his own strength's that he had bet his clan's Fireball Jutsu as a prize if Tatsuya ever managed to beat him with their current score being 3 to 0 in Sasuke's favour.

The old Tatsuya wasn't the smartest in his class but he took to the practical aspects of his education like a fish to water, being in the upper quarter of his class.

Now with 2 days to spare I need to recap his skills and acclimate to my new body.

Even if my predecessor was confident in passing the practical aspects of the graduation exam before, I need to ensure that I could still do so after my transmigration.

And so with a hop, skip and a jump I made a small breakfast of 2 slices of toast and prepared to use proper ninjutsu for the first time.

Buzzing over this rn : https://youtu.be/WpuatuzSDK4

~1241 words~

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