
Naruto: Sukuna's Vessel

A guy with Sukuna's powers in the Naruto world?

NecoArkForever · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

some answers to questions


Apparently I forgot to explain some things Thanks to digerion12 for reminding me

So that the MC does not use Cursed energy when describing the levels of templates, there is control over the energy and the name of the chakra is not a cursed energy

MC has no attraction or aversion to murder

When the MS received the template, he was calm about the influence of the system at the moment, this influence remains, but still not as strong as then

And also Sukuna's experience, I forgot to add it to the template level, but the experience will still be there at level 0, it's just not 1000 years old

And it's more likely that it's not assimilated into the MS, it's more like muscle memory and some hints from the depths of the mind that it's worth attacking or not

If you have questions, write them and I will try to answer them all.

By the way, initially I wanted the MC to be able to choose whose body to capture, but then I realized that there are too few suitable people and they give too many cheats

Just imagine a red-haired sukuna with a rinengan?

Although perhaps I will change my mind if, as the story progresses, the MC does not become relatively strong for the later stages of Shippuden Of course if I get there

And Gege has not finished Jujutsu Kaisen yet and perhaps more details or abilities of Sukuna will be revealed

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

NecoArkForevercreators' thoughts