
Naruto: Sukuna's Vessel

A guy with Sukuna's powers in the Naruto world?

NecoArkForever · Anime & Comics
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What if Naruto had an alter ego?With past life memories and sukuna template?

(this is a draft and I'm writing for the first time so there may be an incredibly large number mistakes)

My English is bad so there will be even more mistakes I also only know Naruto from some episodes from my childhood and fanfictions :P So yes everything will be bad

(this is a draft and I’m writing for the first time so there may be an incredibly large number of errors and very rare chapters coming out And it was just a sudden idea that came into my head. So I haven't had time to fully familiarize myself with Sukuna's powers yet. So if I do start writing, I hope I don’t make too many mistakes. Also, if you like the idea, you can take it, I hope you write it well)Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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