
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

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Chapter 16: Trust Level Upgrade

"Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Jutsu!"

Obito swiftly formed hand seals, gathering Chakra throughout his body, completing nature transformation and shape transformation at the fastest speed. He unleashed a fiercely burning fire dragon, rapidly charging towards Uchiha Tekka.

During the close-quarters combat with Obito before, Uchiha Tekka became more and more astonished.

He didn't expect that in just a short period, Obito had grown so much, progressing far beyond his past level during third grade.

Seeing Obito forming seals to release Ninjutsu, Uchiha Tekka immediately started forming seals, preparing to use Ninjutsu and confront Obito head-on. He didn't believe that with Obito's Taijutsu improved so much; there could be much progress in Ninjutsu.

He didn't believe he would lose to Obito in a Ninjutsu showdown.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Jutsu!" Uchiha Tekka erupted with Chakra, blowing towards Obito a fireball as tall as a person.

On one side is a fierce fire dragon with a mouth full of fangs, and on the other side is a menacing flaming fireball; the two Ninjutsu are about to collide.

"I envy them; they've already learned offensive Ninjutsu."

Many onlookers, some of whom haven't even mastered the Three Basic Jutsu, expressed a bit of envy. They don't have the opportunity to learn new Ninjutsu beyond the basics.

"No way, you call this being a tailender?" Other students from different classes were surprised. They were initially assessing Uchiha Tekka's strength but discovered that Obito could perform such a well-executed Fire Release Ninjutsu.

This level couldn't be considered as being a tailender; it was more like an honor student.

"But I feel like Uchiha Tekka is more formidable. His fireball seems much larger than Uchiha Obito's fire dragon," someone commented.

In a Ninjutsu showdown, he believed that the one with the seemingly larger Great Fireball would be the winner.

"Truly worthy of the Uchiha; I didn't expect Uchiha Obito to hide so much. Even if he's not as good as Uchiha Tekka, his strength gives him a chance to take the top spot in my class. It's a pity his theoretical grades are too poor," Kimura, while scoring the two, sighed.

Those students from prestigious ninja clans are indeed different. During their student days, they would feel content once they mastered the Three Basic Jutsu.

Relying on their Taijutsu performance and demonstrated Ninjutsu, even if it was just a friendly match, they would give Obito a decent score.

Just as the two Ninjutsu were about to collide, the fire dragon suddenly rose towards the sky, avoiding a collision with the Great Fireball. Instead, it continued to bite towards Uchiha Tekka.

Obito swiftly moved, dodging the Great Fireball while controlling the Great Dragon Fire.

Uchiha Tekka didn't expect Obito to be so unsportsmanlike, not continuing the Ninjutsu showdown with him. However, he was momentarily helpless; the Great Fireball couldn't change its course.

Seeing the fire dragon closing in, Uchiha Tekka tried to dodge, but it was too late. He could only grit his teeth and brace for impact, preparing for possible injuries.

At that moment, Mutsuki, who was prepared in advance, took action. He used the Body Flicker Jutsu to appear beside Uchiha Tekka, took him away, and then reappeared outside the battlefield, gently placing him down.

"Thank you, sensei." Uchiha Tekka expressed his gratitude to Mutsuki. Without Mutsuki's intervention, getting injured would have been unavoidable.

Mutsuki nodded in acknowledgment and then announced the outcome of the battle:

"The winner of the first round is Uchiha Obito."

Some of the onlooking students hadn't fully grasped the situation; the sudden change in dynamics happened too quickly.

Originally, they were all prepared to witness a clash of Fire Release, but Obito played a clever move, swiftly ending the battle.

If it weren't for sensei's intervention, Uchiha Tekka might have ended up injured.

"This Uchiha Obito is not to be underestimated." Some onlooking students stared at Obito with a sense of wariness.

Uchiha Tekka's towering Great Fireball indeed looked impressive, but under normal circumstances, it wasn't easy to land a hit.

Obito's Great Dragon Fire Jutsu, on the other hand, was different. Although its attack range wasn't extensive, it was highly flexible and more likely to hit the opponent.

"Great job, Obito." Nohara Rin congratulated Obito with a delighted expression.

She genuinely felt happy for Obito, winning a face-to-face battle against Uchiha Tekka in the practical exam. This victory meant that even with lower theoretical scores, no one would label Obito as a tailender anymore.

In the end, a ninja's reputation depends on their strength.

As Obito walked over, he heard Nohara Rin's praise. An elated smile instantly appeared on his face, and proudly he said,

"Hehe, I told you there wouldn't be any problems."

At this moment, Obito felt immense gratitude towards Mutsuki.

He knew that all these changes were because of one thing – becoming Mutsuki's disciple and receiving daily meticulous guidance. If it were the him from before, he might have lost in the Taijutsu showdown with Uchiha Tekka.

[Disciple Uchiha Obito's trust level increased, current trust level: three]

While Mutsuki was reading the exam list, a system message popped up.

He glanced at Obito, who was currently wearing a full-faced smile, engrossed in a conversation with Nohara Rin.

"It seems having a love-struck brain isn't without its benefits," Mutsuki thought inwardly.

Increasing trust levels is exceptionally challenging because even a one-level boost results in a significant increase, doubling the benefits directly and enhancing the effects of teaching disciples.

Despite the relatively low Chakra returned during previous disciple training, it was because individuals like Shisui hadn't entered a period of rapid strength growth.

In that phase, if Shisui gained ten thousand Chakra, raising one trust level, it meant an additional ten thousand Chakra.

Mutsuki's expectation was to have at least one disciple reach trust level three within a semester.

Obito's unexpected advancement to level three within a month was a pleasantly surprising gain.

The subsequent battles were not as intense as the first round, with almost no situations requiring sensei's intervention. Mutsuki sat in his chair, evaluating student performances and casually chatting with Kimura.

If it weren't for the need to proctor the exams, Mutsuki would have wandered around, using his appraisal ability to see if there were any overlooked talents.

He had four disciple positions, currently utilizing three, leaving one still vacant.

Uncertain about whether it's possible to increase the number of disciple positions, Mutsuki isn't planning to allocate this slot to someone with potential below the S-rank.

The higher the disciple cap, the greater the rewards he can obtain in the future.

With numerous talents in Konoha and a vast ninja world, there's no rush to fill the position. Having an additional disciple in the short term wouldn't bring about significant improvements.

Mutsuki opened the panel to check his own attributes.

[Name: Mutsuki Yumi]

[Age: 18]

[Chakra: 5300]

[Skills: Water Release: Water Severing Wave, Fire Release: Great Dragon Fire Jutsu, Water Release: Water Wall, Wind Release: Pressure Damage...]

[Evaluation: You've mastered various Ninjutsu, including several advanced ones, allowing you to handle a variety of situations. A regular Jonin is no match for you.]

In reality, his progress in enhancing his abilities was relatively fast. He increased his Chakra by a thousand points in a month, and his repertoire of Ninjutsu expanded from just two to dozens, including powerful techniques like Water Severing Wave. Judging by the panel alone, he could easily surpass his initial capabilities when he first arrived in this world.

One morning passed swiftly, and the first two rounds of battles were quickly concluded.

However, Might Guy couldn't quite establish his reputation like Obito did. His opponents were relatively ordinary, and while Might Guy handled them with precision, it didn't reach the point of overturning everyone's perception.

Yet Mutsuki knew that it was just a matter of time. In the afternoon, the internal practical exams within the class would come to an end, and by then, a class champion would be determined.


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