
Naruto: Strength Through Teaching

Mutsuki traversed into the world of Naruto, becoming an ordinary middle-level ninja teacher at Konoha's Ninja School and a member of the Root organization. Fortunately, he awakened the teacher system, allowing him to become stronger through teaching. In order not to become a brainless tool for Danzo, Mutsuki diligently teached to enhance his strength. "The first time completing an A-rated teaching evaluation. reward: Complete Mastery in Fire Chakra Nature Transformation." "Your student Shisui gained +30 chakra after hard training. You gained +60 chakra!"

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Chapter 15: The Underestimated Obito

At Training Ground 16, Mutsuki is taking attendance before the exam.

Since it's a school-wide exam and requires space for practical training, the school's playground is clearly not enough to accommodate everyone. Therefore, they go directly to the training ground for the exam.

After confirming that all the examinees are present, Mutsuki and Kimura announce the start of the drawing lots.

The rules for the practical exam are simple. Students come up and draw lots according to the class roster. The drawn number determines their opponent in the battle—number one fights number two, number three fights number four, and so on.

"I'm number one. Rin, what's your number?" After drawing the lot, Obito eagerly approaches Nohara Rin.

"I'm number ten. So, Obito, you're in the first match." Nohara Rin replies.

"Doesn't matter which match it is. I'll win anyway." Obito is very confident, believing that his current strength will surprise everyone.

After training with Mutsuki for a month, Obito felt a sense of constant improvement every day. Presently, he has left behind the version of himself from a month ago by an uncountable margin.

After asking Nohara Rin, Obito inquired about Might Guy's number.

"Number forty," replied Might Guy.

"In that case, we probably won't meet until the end," Obito expected Might Guy to be on the opposite side of his at the finale.

"Don't lose before me, Obito." Might Guy gave Obito a thumbs up for encouragement.

"That should be my line. After all, I am an Uchiha." Obito didn't know if Might Guy was intentionally provoking him or not, but it sounded quite challenging.

"Where do you two get your confidence from?" a classmate nearby commented, wondering how these two trailing students ended up facing each other at their peak.

"The first battle is about to begin. Please prepare for the exam, the first examinee, Uchiha Obito, and the second examinee, Uchiha Tekka," Mutsuki announced as they checked the time, officially starting the exam.

Obito didn't argue with those who were mocking him. He quickly walked to the square area marked with white lines, preparing for the exam.

Uchiha Tekka also swiftly entered the exam area, exchanging a glance with Obito.

Although both were Uchiha, of the same age and classmates, they had hardly spoken to each other.

There were no dramatic plot twists; it was simply a lack of interest from both sides.

Uchiha Tekka thought Obito seemed a bit clueless, lacking in strength, and often late—never seen such an inexperienced Uchiha.

Obito felt that Uchiha Tekka appeared cold and unapproachable.

"Both sides are Uchiha; this should be interesting," someone with a sense of humor couldn't help but laugh.

Being from the same ninja clan, the embarrassment of defeat would be shared.

"What's interesting about this? It's clear Uchiha Tekka will win, not Uchiha Obito," the person next to him believed it was a battle without any suspense.

"Keep in mind that, apart from being suppressed by Kakashi in the first year, Uchiha Tekka has consistently ranked first in the class in both the second and third years."

"Uchiha Obito's skills are subpar in theory, and his practical abilities are just average. How could he possibly defeat someone like Uchiha Tekka?"

Upon reflection, it seemed that the person making this comment had a point. Uchiha Tekka could be considered the epitome of an outstanding Uchiha ninja, excelling in both practical skills and theory. Except for the abnormal Kakashi who graduated in the first year, there was no one in the class who could match him.

It indeed seemed challenging for the trailing Uchiha Obito to win against the excellent Uchiha Tekka from the Uchiha Clan, who had both practical and theoretical advantages.

"Obito, be careful," Nohara Rin said with concern.

She felt that Obito's luck was not great.

Originally, with Obito's abilities, he might not be at the top of the class, but he shouldn't have been eliminated so easily.

However, facing Uchiha Tekka, a formidable opponent who had consistently ranked first, Nohara Rin just hoped Obito wouldn't be too stubborn and risk getting hurt.

Mentally, she supported Obito to achieve victory, but the reality was that there was a noticeable gap in strength between the two.

"Almost everyone has low expectations, but winning under such circumstances is even more exhilarating!" Might Guy crossed his arms, wearing a cheerful smile on his face. Unlike others, he believed in Obito's potential to win.

The commotion in Class 2 of the fourth year even piqued the curiosity of students from other fourth-year classes nearby, attracting quite a few who came over to take a look.

Practical exams were relatively free, as long as you didn't leave the training ground.

However, when it came to Obito and Tekka, many lost interest.

Being in the same grade and having taken practical exams together for several years, everyone knew which class had skilled students

Uchiha Tekka against Uchiha Obito – wasn't this just a one-sided beatdown? What's there to watch?

Only those curious about Uchiha Tekka's abilities stayed behind.

The two stood opposite each other, casting a symbol of opposition toward each other.

This was a necessary ritual in Academy battles, signaling that one was about to strike. After the fight, they would exchange a symbol of reconciliation, symbolizing that they were still good comrades.

"Begin!" Mutsuki, seeing that both were ready, announced the start of the battle.

As soon as Mutsuki's words fell, Uchiha Tekka swiftly retrieved three shurikens from his ninja tool pouch and hurled them at Obito, targeting his head, torso, and legs. Immediately after, Tekka rapidly charged towards Obito.

Obito also casually took out three shurikens and quickly threw them.

The clash of six shurikens produced a crisp metal impact sound as they all fell to the ground together.

"The Uchiha Clan's shuriken throwing is indeed extraordinary. Even someone like Uchiha Obito, with relatively ordinary talent among the Uchiha, has quite the skill in shuriken throwing," commented Kimura, the instructor.

Intercepting shurikens with shurikens requires remarkable accuracy.

Because the space was not large, Uchiha Tekka quickly closed in on Obito, launching a swift right hook.

Obito was undeterred, meeting the punch with a clenched fist, engaging in a close combat struggle with Uchiha Tekka.

Both sides were trading blows, raising clouds of dust in the intense battle.

"Wow, did Uchiha Obito actually have such skills in Taijutsu?" exclaimed onlookers who came to watch the commotion.

The Uchiha Obito, known as the trailing member of the Uchiha Clan, was actually holding his ground against Uchiha Tekka.

Those from other classes were surprised, not to mention the students from their own class, who wore expressions of disbelief.

The normal course of events should have been Obito getting kicked away and instantly defeated by Uchiha Tekka.

"Obito has really gotten a lot stronger." Nohara Rin's small mouth hung open slightly, somewhat incredulous.

She had always thought Obito was just being stubborn as usual, but she didn't expect him to genuinely become stronger this time!

"Uchiha Obito still falls a bit short." Kimura, the instructor, shook his head. As a Chunin, he could discern more than the students.

"In terms of Taijutsu, indeed, he's a bit lacking," Mutsuki nodded.

After all, with only a month of training, it was impossible to cover all aspects. During this month, Obito mainly focused on Fire Release Ninjutsu. Under Mutsuki's guidance, he made significant progress in nature transformation compared to before.

As Kimura observed, Obito gradually began to be pushed back.

"I knew it. How could Uchiha Obito be a match for Uchiha Tekka?" sighed the person who had just mocked Obito.

If Obito had won against Uchiha Tekka, it would have made him seem very short-sighted.

However, he felt that it would be better to drop the nickname "Uchiha Obito, the trailing one" in the future. This performance wasn't quite fitting for someone labeled as such.

Obito seized an opportunity to temporarily create distance between him and Uchiha Tekka, leveraging Tekka's fist strength. He quickly began forming hand seals.

He didn't spend so much time practicing Fire Release just to engage in a passionate fistfight with Uchiha Tekka.


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