
Naruto: Shinobi SI

(WARNING: Naruto is a brutal world, and it is not for beginners.) ----- A captivating tale of a medical student's new life in Konoha, set in the same era as Kakashi and Might Guy. Immerse yourself in the world of Naruto, with intricate details that place you at the heart of the action but expect the action to be of a shinobi brand. ----- ------ Note: Naruto anime enthusiasts will easily connect with the story. The protagonist wields an AI.. . . Please review, comment and give stones in an encouraging way.

KK9494 · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Chapter 21 : Poor Kusa

[I am not gonna lie. This chapter will a bit of worldbuilding and the exploring of the past that got glossed over in the anime. Not that important topics, like the Uzumaki not gathering towards Konoha, Senjus extinction, Zetsu/Madara during that time.

I tried to keep it in compliance with canon and connect each info given by Kishimoto. I did my best.

- Yours sincerely Author, KK9494]

---------Third person pov--------

-------Chaotic streets of Kusagakure--------

" Mommy! Where are you?"

"Please, leave me alone."

"Shut up."

"AHHH! Fuck off, the gold is mine."




In an instant, the rioting criminals and opportunists were slammed into the ground. One by one, the Kusa shinobi controlled the normal civilians and through them the entire Kusagakure.

Soon, the beatings of drums were heard all across Kusa shouting three announcements.

"The Honourable Daimyo Shino Kusamu, along with his retinue died fighting valiantly against the Kumo invaders."

"All because we supported Iwa."

"Where were they? Shouldn't they protect us as their allies?"

"As if. Iwa is not Konoha, it just can't spare numerous war fronts and security to its allies."

Before the people can be sad or angry with the fact, the news about the burnt Granaries hit everyone in the face. Just when the despair of people reached its peak and when even the shinobi felt the loss of hope and livelihood, another announcement came.

"Lord Kariki Kusamu, the older brother of the deceased Daimyo, in these turbulent times has managed to request his friend Honourable Hokage to send the much-needed supplies to ensure the lives of Kusa."

"Yeah, Ho! I knew it. Lord Kariki, the elder brother must be the one to take the Daimyo seat initially."

"Yes, so what if he is not capable of martial side? That's what the Shinobi are meant for."

"Thank the Leaf. I knew it was a mistake to favour the Iwa over Konoha."

"But, Konoha still has multiple enemies."

"What's there to fear? Konoha always had to war with the world during both the First and Second Shinobi wars. And they won."

"...no, they had allies back then----HM_---"

So, amidst the voices being silenced, new voices rose.

"Hail, Lord Kariki."

"Hail, Lord Kariki."

Just like that the third announcement was made.

"We hereby call forth all nobles for the selection of the next Daimyo. The candidates are Lord Kariki. Lord Shinon, son of deceased Daimyo. Lady Janoki, daughter of deceased Daimyo....."

On and on it went, listing a dozen names. But, the truth of the matter is that the Daimyo is already decided. 

The smart ones know that to save the current Kusa, you need food, medicine and much more support. The only nations capable of that despite the war consumption are only a mere three- Konoha, Iwa and Kumo.

Kariki Kusamu holds an alliance with Konoha while the people of Kusa are angry with both Iwa and Kumo. As much as the Nobles look down on normal citizens, they know that hunger riots are fatal to them. So, the Daimyo was crowned and hailed.

"All Hail, The Daimyo, Kariki Kusamu."

The 5-year-old Yarin shouted up along with the crowd while sitting on the top of her parent's shoulders- Shiruai and Yumi. A couple of house servants work their best to put the food for their house. 

A simple household that can 3 meals per day only on their best days. Happy and bright.

But when they returned to their home, a voice greeted them right at the doorsteps with the words that changed their lives, "You know, you might want to leave Kusa. The earliest you can, the better."

They turned to see an old man with a brown skin tone, covered in scars, especially on the left shoulder visible from the sleeveless peasant shirts he wore. He looked like a street hawker considering the various straw hats he carried.

Shiruai asked the elderly out of sheer reflex, "What do you mean?"

"It is not safe for the girl here. Especially with her talent. You know, a 5-year-old civilian with genin-level chakra, arising from an undernourished peasant house can be considered a genius. But, if her chakra grows any further, then the truth might as well be in the open."

Yumi, the girl's adopted mother pulled Yarin back to her arms, while Shiruai stood in front of his family, "Excuse me, sir. I am not sure who you are. But, Can you please leave? You are scaring my family."

The old man only nodded and said, "I am scaring you and your wife. But, not your daughter. Isn't that right little Yarin?"

The little girl poked her head out and said, "That's right. Daddy, Mommy, there is no need to be afraid. The big brother is a good guy. He feels warm."

The parents flinched at her reveal. 


With a poof of smoke, the elderly changed to a young man with a 5 foot foot with a broken armour and a swollen left shoulder. The completely hanging left hand with bulging veins shows that the injury is not small.

Kyudo said while trying to make sure his voice conveyed the seriousness of the matter, "Mind's Eye of Kagura, an ability said to be the greatest sensory talent in the world. Legends around the world say that its wielder is capable of viewing the world through the Rabbit's goddess eyes from her prison on the moon. Nothing can be hidden under them- Chakra signatures, Emotions and limits have never been explored. "

While rubbing Yarin's head, he seriously told them, "Just this alone can lead to her being used as a weapon, it's not safe for her in Kusa. If you doubt my words, just think about who is the biggest beneficiary from the fiasco a few days back. Kariki Kurasmu despite being the eldest was put aside by his father due to his incompetence, lustful and cruel nature of his. Even now, the nobles and the shinobi leaders are playing him around to get their fill of power. To set themselves up, the loss of shinobi from the war will be covered by mass conscription. If they know of a talented child with massive chakra reserves who is part of a family hailing from Uzushiogakure, you can guess the next."

It will take much longer for the dots to be connected. A Uzumaki with tremendous sensory talent. Considering their famous abilities, it is just a matter of time.

Shiruai gulped but held strong as he said, "While we may have been common citizens in Uzushio, even we heard that mind's eye gives absolute mastery of over its user's chakra. Capable of roaming as a civilian even under the eyes of Hashirama-sama himself."

"That's the scary thing. It can conceal her from the eyes of a shinobi hailed as God by the world. Still, it is not as overpowered as you say. The hiding can only be done as long as she doesn't use chakra. But, it is not the biggest problem."

He got down before Yarin, disregarding the discomfort of her adopted parents, he said "Yarin. what do you feel from me?"

Yarin looked thoughtfully before saying, "You feel a bit muted as if trying to hold down the burp. You feel sad, guilty and angry at, hmm, at yourself. Now, a bit excited at seeing me. Also, the burp seems like a pain. You are hurt. A lot."

Kyudo just gave a weary smile and said, "Everyone will feel excited when they meet a special girl like you. Can you trust me? I mean that I just want to know."

----------Kyudo's pov---------

".....Can you trust me?"

Innocent child. I am not angry at myself. I am filled with self-loathing. It seems she is too innocent to understand the difference. 

Especially considering her fate. I know the fact she is the only one filling the criteria to be Karin's mother. Forget about her Canon fate, right now she is just a 5-year-old. Meaning the age and condition she gave birth to Karin----

I felt Yarin flinch at the rise in my emotion. I controlled myself and waited for my judgement. I hope an innocent child who has the sole- SSS rank Sensor ability can just say what she thinks about me. I want to know what kind of person, I am. People with her ability are the best in terms of judging a person.

Even Tobirama Senju mentioned that Hashirama's ability to judge others is like a castrated version of Kagura's mind eye. The OG Talk no jutsu.

I want to know if I am becoming like Danzo.


I felt the hug of the 5-year-old as she said, "It is alright big brother. Don't feel sad. The boo-boo will go away."

I felt like a weight left me while the couple relaxed visibly. But, I am sure the next actions will get them on edge for the rest of her life, "Yarin, Can you show your secret to me and your parents? Please."

I don't know what she saw or felt, she agreed with my request with a nod. With a run, she ran inside her house. 

I decided to make sure that they mentally prepared themselves by saying, "Have you ever wondered? Why did Yarin never feel any sickness or wounds? Even the small playground scrapes. Because there hasn't even been a medical record for her."

That is a glaring thing for the people who know what to search for.

Yarin came back with a needle and pricked her finger. She gave me the bleeding finger as if to say go on. Yumi gasped as she understood what that meant. An ability that was quite famous in Uzumaki, even more than their Fuinjutsu.

The moment I tasted her blood, I felt a lava of chakra flood into me. It is not much, just a part of her genin-sized chakra reserves. But its efficiency is unbelievable.




[Unknown chakra entering.

Analysing and cross-referencing from the database.

Found type: Yang Chakra. {Heavily loaded with Physical energy.}

Shoulder dislocation: Inflammation resolving. The nerve connection is being reestablished.

Burns: Healing

Trauma in the abdomen: healing]

I felt my shoulder set itself and the nerves healing from the basic first aid I could do in my chakra exhaustion stage. I felt light like the depression and tiredness were being exorcised. Then came the final rush. I felt my body moulding chakra like a pump, filling my reserves rapidly.

It took her a minute. A fucking minute to heal me to my prime. I would have taken a month and that is with the facilities of Konoha supporting me.

As I stood back up, I turned to the troubled faces of the parents, "Now, do you think she can be safe in Kusa?"

---------Kusagakure gate of graze.-------------

------------Security checkpoint--------

We walked through the line of security with me being the elderly ex-shinobi, who had to live out as a merchant after the injuries in the second war. 

Shiruai and Yumi are my servants for the trip, taking care of the horses, food etc

The little Yarin is their daughter who was brought along.

"Here you go, Sir. Everything checks out. Do you need any shinobi as an escort? There is a mission centre post just a block away."

I just grunted back to the gatekeeper, "I am not that old, youngster. Besides, I already confirmed with the Merchant group to meet them at the next stop. They already had hired a B-rank mission as an escort."

I got a weary nod with him grumbling, "Cranky old man."

Just like that, we are out. So, easy. A process I have done many times as a Root agent. It says something about Root's resources, and having a good identity ready on the fly. 

While we were rolling down the road to the next town, where I planned to send them along with the merchant group. It wouldn't be a problem since I knew the merchant. He supplied the stock for my pizza restaurant and most importantly, Kusa and Konoha are back to being Allies. So, there shouldn't be a problem for them to pass the security at Konoha.

I already gave the letters to Shiruai who will go to the restaurant for work and stay. Yuma Jingo, my manager will help them.

Yarin is not going to use the Uzumaki status. I had taught her to hide her chakra status. But, Damn. Mind's eye is fucking OP. A skill I have been trying to learn for years. She did it better. Now, I am starting to understand the bullshit called bloodlimits. 

Still, I asked the question I have been curious about, "Why didn't you guys go for Konoha after escaping the end of Whirlpool?"

[End of whirlpool: It is the event from the second ninja war that had Uzushiogakure being invaded by Iwa, Kumo and Kiri. It holds special significance in the fact that the world's oldest city and most advanced in Fuin jutsu was annihilated. With its sole shinobi force clan were hunted to extinction.]

Shiruai answered with a sigh, "I guess we couldn't trust Konoha back then. You know that the Uzumaki clan sent massive support when it was established. Even in the first ninja war, it always held for its ally. But, we always got dragged into conflicts and enemies due to Konoha. But in the 2nd ninja war, we were alone. Uzumaki, a single clan was our only protection. A single clan faced and held down 3 fucking nations on their own. A single clan held down the monsters that were hundreds of meters high. A single clan against 3 pages."

I watched his breathing grow faster with each word. Yarin grew uncomfortable in her sleep due to her father's unstable emotions. Looking at his daughter he calmed down and said, "By the time we escaped and reached Kusa for safety, It was annihilated. We hid here since the number of people searching for Uzumaki survivors was to many. But, then we heard about Konoha's brutal genocide of Land of Sky's hidden village and its plundering. In just a year after the invasion, the war ended with Konoha being the victor, while the other nation languished in loss, Konoha grew again. Konoha is no longer Hashirama-sama's Konoha. Senju's were no longer our family, no one aided us in tiring times."

I answered him back while pointing out, "That is your one-sided view. You know that Uzumaki had reinforcements. The kind that had only been mobilized once before- to end the Warring Clans era. The Senju clan."

It was hidden at the time, which might be why they didn't know. After that, they lived as normal citizens, not knowing the hidden reinforcements sent.

"The result- Tsunade senju is the last senju."

He got ashamed of this information but soon got puzzled, "Wait, what do you mean by the last Senju? What about the kids and children?"

I answered back, "Hashirama's Kindness."

I dispelled his confusion by bluntly saying, "Hagoromo clan had been responsible for killing his brothers in Hashirama's childhood. So, despite his peaceful nature, when he grew up, he punched them till he vented his anger. As far as I know, he came close to commanding complete annihilation, but his innate kindness won out. He spared them. Well, that was a fuck up.

I turned to see if Yarin was awake. Since she was not, I gave a small sigh of relief. I have to remind myself, that Guy, Kakashi and I were not normal examples of children. Children even Shinobi kids tend to be more innocent.

"You see as the Hashirama changed the world, the world grew to fear and respect him. So, the World didn't dare to accept his enemies. Trust me, the Hagoromo clan were the only ones to hold the title after Uchiha and Senju made up. "

So, no nation dares accept them. Not when Hashi had games with Madara like catching a tailed beast, Earthquake 9-10, terraforming the country.

"Fast forward time, we got the second ninja war. By this time, Hagoromo's revealed itself as a flying country over Konoha. A Konoha that didn't have the Hokage or a majority of its fighting force. Even Mito Uzumaki had left for the Uzushiogakure waterfront. Let's just say the Hagoromo survivors, had their revenge for being forced to be an ostracized clan and vented it on their enemy. So, Hashirama's kindness ended with Senju's annihilation. Teaching the world that Kindness to enemies will bite back. Even the mighty are no exception."

As a consequence, Konoha adopted the philosophy of never sending out their Hokage and Nine tails out in war. At least that is the current situation.

All of this is a puppet show by Mastermind in the Shadows. Because it is a scripted play being acted out.

Info on the movements of Hokage, Mito Uzumaki and Senju forces was shared and used. Info like that is held closely. Come on, in the timespan between Mito Uzumaki reaching Uzushiogakure, the three allied nations suddenly started an all-out war. Throwing away lives to plunder Uzushiogakure before her arrival.

Still, the mess got an answer, as enraged Mito blew up the flying land of the sky. Konoha hunted down the Hagoromo till extinction.

Another sage of six paths- descendant clan gone extinct. How convenient.

...(* ̄0 ̄)ノ

Of course, Danzo strikes at this point. Using these movements to enrich Konoha by taking away the Land of Sky's resources and technology. Being Danzo, He went for assassinations and destroying any Uzumaki technology that got out, ensuring the systemic inheritance of Uzumaki was only left in Konoha.

Just like that, In the eyes of the world, scattered Uzumaki, Konoha became the same as every nation, away from the respect it held for being Hashirama's symbol of ending the Warring Clans era.

Standard Danzo fuckup. But his measures worked efficiently and Konoha grew strong in the 5 years between the 2nd and 3rd wars to the capacity to face the entire world alone.

Despite its perilous stage, Konoha is now without a doubt -the strongest. A Konoha without the Senju brothers or Uchiha's ghost of the battlefield is still the strongest.

Strong enough to take on the world

That Konoha has now found an ally. Now this beast which had been tightened by closed paths has room to manoeuvre and it will go for the world one by one. Starting from the culprit for this mess-Sunagakure.


Post mission objective to Anbu White Tora/KK: Escape Kusa on your own and meet at checkpoint #234 within 15 days. = COMPLETED


ANBU mission for White Tora/KK.

New Objective: Travel to Suna Warfront and report to the Commander in charge. Sanin Tsunade Senju.


Root Mission for 94/KK: Congrats on being alive. Report to Peacock at Suna war front for further mission.