
Naruto: Shinobi SI

(WARNING: Naruto is a brutal world, and it is not for beginners.) ----- A captivating tale of a medical student's new life in Konoha, set in the same era as Kakashi and Might Guy. Immerse yourself in the world of Naruto, with intricate details that place you at the heart of the action but expect the action to be of a shinobi brand. ----- ------ Note: Naruto anime enthusiasts will easily connect with the story. The protagonist wields an AI.. . . Please review, comment and give stones in an encouraging way.

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Chapter 20 : Sabotage-2

------------3 days later----------


---------Daimyo's palace/ Kusakage office----------

----------94/Kyudo Kirito----

It is time to begin the plan. It frankly seemed stupid to kill the leader of a country after just 3 days of information gathering and preparation. It is stupid.

That's why we have the full resources of Root dedicated over the last decades. Like the spy network, planted officials etc.

All in all, even my fellow janitors don't know that they have been indirectly working for Root in the last few years. The current identity I am using is something a Root agent made after years of undercover. So, I have everything about this identity, ranging from the number of times this identity has been eaten to the love interest it had in the palace.

I did my best to correct my blouse distracting the horny butlers as I am called to clean the main hallway. Fuck, it is tough to live as a working woman. My skin crawls due to the number of eyes that follow me. Just control yourself, perverts, I am not into men.

It took me not more than a few minutes to get into the hall for cleaning. I spread my sensing using the excuse to clean the floor as an excuse. Thank you fully, a beautiful maid trying to work half-assed is acceptable. What can I say? Beauty is a blessing.

[Module for Chakra since starting.

Receiving the info from Sensing.

Map of the Residence made with the lifeform locations marked.

3458 civilians detected.

325 Genin detected.

58 chunin detect.

35 Jonin detected. 3 are possibly elite Jonin]

Fuck, as expected of a Daimyo palace. Even a fucking a tree is a Jonin in surveillance. The Place is a death trap to attack frontally.

But it is not a frontal attack but an assassination.


Strike my previous words, it is sabotage + Assassination. I could see that Hawk and the other two teams were successful in their tasks.



I could hear people running and screaming in fear due to the loud explosion that signalled that Kusa was going to starve for the next few years. As expected, Hawk is quite ruthless. A well-deserved graduate of Danzo's School of Darkness.


The shout of their Daimyo stopped the people in their tracks. I guess that unlike the Ono I killed a few days back, this guy is better in all sorts of ways. No, it is an insult to this guy.

I watched as the people shit scared of the rising flames over their city got control over themself as they saw him. Shit, can't you be an asshole?


I watched as he came running out to look through the windows that showed the wide city view. As expected of Root Standards and its training, Hawk and others managed to coordinate the explosion with the arrival of heaps of emergency messages.

" Daimyo-sama, it is an emergency. The minister of agriculture, Taro-sama is found murdered."

"...Daimyo-sama, the security chief is found to be an impersonated shinobi...."

"....The academy and granaries are the centre of damages....."

"....Riots in city.....:"

"...Your majesty, the accused are escaping through the north, their strength is estimated to be Jonin and 3 chunin....."

I could taste the despair as the flood of messages appeared. If I was a sadistic psycho, then I might have a hard-on. But, the sheer agony on everyone's face made me hesitate about proceeding for a second. But, I can easily imagine Konoha being the same. The orphanage is the same. My pizza restaurant is the same. The Leaf Academy is the same.

Fuck, Danzo succeeded. He ensured that the sole source of joy and happiness in my leaf was inside Konoha. 

I must kill this guy, Shino Kusumo, who is currently shouting out orders in a single breath, "Ren, Shin and Ko. Take your squadrons and run to the city to quell the riots. As for the fires, the shinobi corps will take care of that. The assassination will be answered later, but we must stop the situation from getting out of hand."

""" Hai"'"

Impressive, rather than increase his security, he sent the majority of them out. 




The only ones left are the few Jonin in undercover and the Chunin guards. a total of 30 shinobi.

"It's alright Koko. We will be fine. Daimyo-sama is here."

I felt the supportive hand on the shoulder from this identity's love interest gardener.

I hugged the gardener in disguise and with my arms around him, I said to him, "It's alright Rimen-san. I know Daimyo-same will protect us, But I am scared."

"Don't worry, Koko. I am here, my love."

"Thank you, love. I feel safe in your hands."

So, with a heart filled with disgust, I stabbed him in the back, which spluttered out blood as intended.




In a second the disguises fell around us both. The gardener is a Jonin guard in disguise, the love interest of this identity. No wonder, Danzo ensured another took this agent's place. Better to not have any risk in this mission. Love is a risk in mission. My dead parents in this life are proof of that, proof that Sarutobi's big bro left his mission for saving his love- A fucking Anbu.

As the smoke cleared I sent out 5 shuriken towards the other shinobi guards in disguise. Courtesy of my sensor capabilities and AI map.




Of course, Shuriken despite capable of causing harm, rarely does so. But, I aim to point them out to my teammates.

A team consisting of a dozen Jonin and Elite Jonin. Shows the importance of this task.






In seconds, the root agents started coming out from shadows, rocks and everywhere killing their way towards Shino Kusumo, our target.

I watched in shock as chakra-suppressing seals on our target were vaporized while was sent Taro flying into the wall. 


Fuck, of course, this guy is a Jonin-class combatant. Wonderful.

Shit, you can never trust sensing fully in Naruto world. Even S-rank sensing can escape, unless you are an Uzumaki. If you are Uzumaki, even Zetsu might be walking around naked shouting for mommy.


I watched as Shino pulled out a sword and started exchanging slashes with Boar.




In a split second of shock felt everyone, he extended his sword.


I dodged the large slash of the extended Kusanagi sword by jumping while screaming to myself- fuck me sideways. This mission is a disaster.


In that single swipe, two Root jonins are dead. Not the trash Kusa jonin that may have the strength but are glass canons. But real blood forged Root Jonin.

I have been spoiled by having information on my enemies. But, I wish that I had more info.

I parried one slash from one of the Kusa chunin and kicked him away with a chakra-augmented kick.


I ran towards the target as I got Tora/Fu's sign for formation G.

Gang up on the Target. 

Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger 

"Fire style: Great Fireball Jutsu."

In a second my fire-style jutsu opened up a path to the Target. While the remaining team members followed through the same using different Jutsu towards the Target.

One second the various mesh of Jutsus was hurling towards our target while I blocked The next thing I knew was sent into the wall of the hall.



I opened my eyes disregarding the numerous explosions that were occurring from the Jutsu's. Fuck, my broken ribs hurt.





I watched the area to find that it was covered in craters and dead bodies. But the stupid thing is the threads.

That's right the numerous threads shielding our target from the numerous attacks. The same threads that ripped apart my fireball and continued in its path to send me flying.

"Now that costs me 10 million Ryo more. I didn't expect multiple Jonin Squad attacks. These are fucking Anbu. As for which Village, I have no clue. However, they are all showing the slightest traces of Kumo Taijutsu and Kenjutsu."

"You will be paid the double for this help, but you must capture me a live one."



Without a second as a preamble, the threads managed to capture Rat and tore him apart not caring about the Kenjutsu slashes on it.


Beside my target now stood a man stitched up from top to bottom while spewing thread from his back. With a gulp, I counted the masks on various threads, some attacking Tora and Boar while others were swallowing the Jutsu. 

They are in total 5, confirming my fears. So, I called out as I fell to the ground, "Hey! I know you. You are the idiot who tried to attack the First Hokage."

Meanwhile, my muscles were dancing rapidly to convey the Official information from Root to my teammates who turned their attention to me. Unfortunately, not just my teammates, everyone turned their attention to me.

[Root 94: Confirmation "Grass is not Leaf"

New assailant Kakuzu, S-rank Nukenin. Famous feat, I already explained.

Personality traits: Obsessive with money and hatred for Takigakure. 

Kinjutsu: Earth Grudge Fear. The threads are agile and flow through his flesh. Can fasten his healing. Makes him impossible to kill. Hashirama tore him into 5 pieces, but he survived.

The five masks can each do one elemental Ninjutsu. The masks can only be broken by A-rank single target Jutsu, at minimum.

The threads at minimum require B-rank Jutsu to cut through or damage. But, recommended to use A rank and above.]

Well, My Team got the message. I curse myself for hesitating to give info on killing him but Danzo. Even if I work for him, He is Danzo.

That reason soothed me, but Kakuzu has looked at me with bulging threads for remark about the turning point of his life. 

"Hey, Daimyo-sama. You don't mind if he was the prisoner right."

Shino Kusumo, who I was no longer guilty about killing replied, "No. You should capture him. After all, he was the original infiltrator, which seems to be the sensor considering he tore open my guard's disguise. Most importantly, he seems knowledgeable, considering he recognised you."

All I got was a laugh before the S-rank dived towards me.

I would have liked to say I managed to dodge or fight back. But, he was in front of me in a second and rippled me towards the Daimyo by grabbing my Head.


I could feel the threads tighten against me as I became a sitting duck being carried away.


In a second the tiger masked Tora appeared near me and Kakazu.

Thankfully, Tora is here. I knew he liked me despite my being a brat to him. Hey, a point to me, he is a mind reader who offered to read my mind on first encounter. Social aptitude is not something Root is famous for.

But, with info on hand, Roots are quite as scary as shinobi. Capable of managing any situation as long their strength permits. Considering 


In a second I was running backwards, pumping my chakra like crazy. Out of the corner of my eye I watched as Tora used his wind chakra-covered Tanto to Cut through the Fibers. 

I was puzzled as he continued engaging with the Lightning mask and the Wind mask of Kakuzu. But, I got my answers as the world lit up literally.

"Lightning Release: Thunder Bind"

"Lightning Release: False Darkness"

"Lightning Release: Electromagnetic murder."

In a second the waves of lighting, Jutsu went towards Kakuzu who had tried to reduce the damage using the rest of his masks.

Fireballs, Water Pumps, and Earth walls meet the torrent of electricity.






It was Tora's tanto breaking from the strain on it that greeted me as the explosions ended. I never considered the usefulness of Chakra metal till now.

Thankfully Tora had the support of the rest of the team who were holding back the Kakuza from killing them.

I forgot something.

"Kusanagi: Extend."

Right, My target. I noticed that he knocked away Boar, his opponent ripped open Beetle's Abdomen and headed right for me.


I felt Kusanagi's special property with my body. Even though my Tanto defended against the stab, I felt the force of its extension on me as I was forced back multiple meters.


Thank you Boar for knocking away the Daimyo.

I got to my duty and headed for Beetle who was trying his best to stop the bleeding. The moment I got to him, I noticed his Intestines bulging out.

So, in a minute. I cut away his intestines with the Chakra scalpel and threw them considering they are useless now. In a minute I patched him up enough to get him back to his feet. But those feet alone consumed 5000 units of my Chakra.

[current chakra status: 4000/12000]

I bit on a chakra pill to restore my chakra.

In the two minutes that I was from the battle, it turned into a cluster fuck. Our site is down to 8 including me.

On their side, Let's be honest. The only ones that are a problem are Daimyo and Kakuzu. The rest of the enemy shinobi are shit scared of the brutality going on.

Ooh, I saw a skunk who lost his right hand jumping onto the Kusanagi stab to get close to the target. It worked as he managed to come near the exhausted Daimyo.

Well, Kusanagi's ability is chakra-consuming.

But, Kakuzu's Fire mask appeared in a flash and let it rip with the flashes.

As the burnt husk of Skunk fell, I heard the rhythmic - WHISTLE WHISTLE WHISTLE.


In a second like a madman, All of them lit up their Tanto with Fire/Wind/Lightening chakra and started, going after the target, Shino Kusumo like crazy.


Kakuzu's thread covered the path to Shino while he screamed out, "SHIT! Get back here, Daimyo-sama. Enough playing around for you today. You are my money."

In a hurry, the Daimyo was pulled back towards the greedy Nukenin. 



I watched as Taro kept changing kunai as his Wind Chakra crushed them. But he made them count in cutting up of the threads.


Boar was using the lightening property to pierce, to keep stabbing towards the Daimyo 



"Get the fuck away from my Money bag."

In a single combination of all 5 masks, all 5 elements were sent out as Waves to clear the field around those two.


As the threads started sprinting through the Ground, I uttered, "3"


I felt as Boar and Beetle land beside me. In a single look towards them, I understood the next move. I channelled all the Fire Chakra stored in my armour, as I weaved the hand signs for the only A-rank I knew. 


"Fire style: Phoenix fire Jutsu."

Boar and Beetle used their experience to sync with my jutsu to release, "Wind style: Great annihilation."

"""Renkei Ninjutsu: Pheonix Sage formation""""""


The tumultuous wind from the Jonin carried the fireballs, simultaneously feeding them to grow bigger and also dragging them as the wind circled Kakuzu.


The wind vortex gathered the growing Fireballs, until they focused on Kakuzu from everywhere, "SHIT!."


As the explosion smashed on them. The remaining teammates led by Taro formed a circle at the corners of the hall and weaved for "Wind Style: Great Breakthrough."

Under their control and shared training, the winds gathered towards the explosion at the centre.




I distinctly heard the curse of Kakuzu, "I want a raise for this shit."



---------Third Person POV--------------

The once bright icon of Kusagakure the Daimyo's Palace/Kusakage's office just blown up in flames. Plunging the already chaos-filled village into total Anarchy.




The burning rubble of the palace was searched by the surviving Root squad, retrieving their dead comrades and changing the evidence to point at Kumo. Ensuring that the Iwa backing Kusa and Kumo will fight more viciously on the Iwa-Kumo waterfront.


"Ok, you guys are good to move, and I am almost at Chakra exhaustion." Kyudo's words only got a nod from the Root shinobi, as they cleared the flames at the centre of explosion for the remains of their target. 

Kyudo sighed as he cradled the broken Root mask, making him wonder if he should quit Root. This was an insane mission. Might as well try his luck at the insane war grinder filled with Thousands of shinobi and multiple Monsters.

Yeah, No thanks.

Root is better comparatively in the fact it is rare to encounter opponents who are not planned for. This mission is the first outlier in all the missions he knew of. Because, the root take their work seriously, even the minute details in background checks.

All work and no play is the motto of Root. A motto that Kyudo tries his best to oppose internally. Thought, it was mostly the second part- Play. His way to avoid becoming a robotic doll-like rest.


As the epicentre of the flames was put out, the only thing greeting the Root Shinobi was a completely blacked crater with ash.

The answer came as Kyudo called out, "Shit."


The ground rumbled to the point it burst open to reveal a vast forest of threads that captured the root in an instant. Strangling most of them while capturing one shinobi in particular he was brought before the ball of Threads that emerged.


The ball opened up to reveal the Daimyo half burned but alive. While Kakuzu's skin and body were being put back together by the Thread. The newly formed hand held the completely cracked Fire mask and water mask, while the threaded mouth said, "Well, that has to be replaced. Seems like eating and repelling the fire was too much for them. Another expense to be covered."

The Daimyo could only groan at that while resting at Kakuzu's feet. 





Among the gags and muffled screams of the dying Root, Kyudo voiced out as he was pulled towards the powerful duo, "Frankly, being held up as a cross in the air is not comfortable at all. How about a million Ryo to let me live? I may not be as rich as you, Kakuzu-san. But, I can pay for my life."

Kakuzu laughed out, "KUKUU, Tempting offer kid. But, I am sure, the Daimyo would outraise you any time."

 Kyudo could only raise his eyebrow as he said, "I don't think he will be alive to do it."

Kakuzu's eyes grew red in anger as his thread dragged Kyudo right in front of him, a reachable distance. He grabs Kyudo's head with his hand and whispers out, "Oh! Who will do that? The trash who are about to die right now."


Amidst the sounds of flesh and bone being crushed, Kakuzu said, "Correction. Who died right now."


He turned towards the Kusagakure as if sensing something in the distance, "Or the other squads that blew up the village. Let me tell you, kid, I can do this all day."

Kyudo grits out, "I know you can do this all day. But, can the daimyo survive the second attack? In fact, can you survive the second attack?"


The dead bodies of the Roots gushed out with black liquid that rained down everywhere. But, the moment it touched the fire, it added oil to the Fire.




The threads tried to burrow back, but they failed as Kyudo's voice rang out, " I tend to be a good distraction. You see, I consider myself skilled for my age, but the main force for this mission was the Boar."

They could feel the cracks that threads were made in the ground being forced shut by Boar's Earth Hardening, an S-rank that efficiently seals away Earth.


Kakuzu just smirked as the fire caught the oil and followed towards the Oil spill from Dead Roots.

He said, "Do you think another explosion can kill me, kid? You are underestimating my S-rank status. My threads are my flesh. The ultimate form of flesh that is no different than Chakra itself. Even the body you are seeing is just me being accustomed to my former human body and it's fighting style."

Kyudo smirked back in reply as he said, " You know this co-operation Jutsu despite its strength, is originally meant to be a method to create time for the Trump card when facing monsters like you. Besides, It is foolish to go for you, from the start. All we want is this chance to go for our target."

I could see his eyes widening in understanding as I said, " Yep, you will be alive but what about the Daimyo? His chances are low. Especially from a piercing S-rank Wind Jutsu in this Fire."

As if on cue, Fu/Tora's voice was heard, "Wind Style: Vacuum Piercer"


The Vacuum-style wind style, Signature of Danzo, ripped through the air like a lance heading straight for Kakuzu. Piecing through the Flames while dragging the flames to give the Ultimate explosion of vacuum flooded with burning wind.



-------------Kyudo's pov-----------




I coughed out while taking the Kusanagi sword out of the dead burnt corpse of the Daimyo. I used it to cut off the threads digging into the Severed arm.


I stepped foot on the served arm, while Kakuzu got put back together. After Renkei Ninjutsu, the palace was rubble. Now, it no longer exists.

I heard his irritating immortal laugh, "You are one insane kid. You used your Chakra scalpel to cut off the threads to jump on me, to protect yourself from your comrade's murderous jutsu. Well, I must say I am flattered by your strong belief in my capability to defend against the attack."

Well, duh! He was alive till canon. So did Fu/ Tora. And Kusagakure had a shitty leader and administration in canon. I was 50% sure about the outcome. That is such a wonderful odd for a shinobi.

However, a part of me feared the Butterfly effect. But the same part screams back that I am not even as strong enough to swing my wings.


I cut the other threads approaching me and the fallen arm, while Kakuzu pointed out my sore point while looking into the distance, "Seems like that Elite Jonin is not going to save you, kid. Considering his mission is done, I am sure he scrambled."

I know that. So, I became ready to use the last resort.

I shouted out with a deep breath.

"1 million Ryo."

Under Kakuzu's go on gave I continued, "That's everything I have. Might as well make a profit considering your expected Paycheck is dead."

Kakuzu laughed like a madman at the bargain for my life," You got guts, Kid. But I don't do credit."

I nodded and swiped the Fuin seal on my shoulder with my blood, the rolls of cash fell with a sweet sound.

I sweetened the deal for him further by saying, "3 more million for you to collect from the underworld bank as long as I am alive. I will make sure to put your name on the delivery."

Kakuzu just retorted, "I am supposed to believe you. Even the million you spit out would have been pried from your corpse."

I gulped at his words about to wave the only weapon in hand. Kusanagi, it is the only thing I can do considering my Chakra exhaustion.


I put down the sword as Threads scrambled to collect everything around the rubble. From kunai to even the money I left on the ground.

I felt a whisper from behind me as Kakuzu in front of me dissolved into threads, " I want 5 million Ryo in my account in a month kid. Otherwise, I will hunt you down. I remember your face well; from that it is easy to find you."

I nodded at that while saying, "I will add in a million Ryo more."

Under his greedy gaze, I took my foot off the severed arm and lifted it. I asked Kakuzu while giving it to him, "You see, I am chakra exhausted. If the arm is not put back in 5 more minutes, it might as well be gone. From what you told me, these flesh threads can stitch my arm back up to my shoulder."


As a gale passed up, I distinctly felt my lack of left hand down from the shoulder. Without my arm, I am struggling to balance. That may have to do with my final act of numbing pain using my last chakra reserves. 

What can I say? To live, I jumped on to Kakuzu. But I didn't expect Kakuzu's threads to be so strong that they ripped my left arm out. 

"Sure kid. I will stitch you up."

Looking at the ruins of the centre of power of Kusa, I couldn't help myself from asking, "How come no Kusa reinforcements have come?"

Kakuzu answered disappearing into threads, "It takes a special form of insanity to run towards the epicentres of S-ranks. Be it love, hatred or Patriotism. Unfortunately, everyone from Kusa who had that insanity was here from the start and died. So, make sure to send my money kid."

I could only feel wonder as the threads put my left hand onto my shoulder. I can more or less feel the hand.

How fascinating. No Medic Ninjutsu, just the threads can function as every muscle or tissue, even the bone based on Kakuzu's wishes. I want to research them in the future.

Wait, why does this feeling remind me of someone?