
Naruto: Shinobi Lost

Unable to move onto the next life, Uzumaki Naruto travels the world. He comes back to Japan, the place where Konoha once stood, and soon finds himself sucked into a game of battling busty women. It all started when a girl fell on top of him. Literally

Dess222 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 010

'Dammit,' Naruto cursed to himself. 'How the hell is it that I've gone from trying to seduce a woman to thinking that the very act of seducing said woman was the most morally and ethically wrong thing I've ever thought about doing in my life?' Seriously, how screwed up was he that his way of thinking could be irreversibly changed within a single meeting?

Apparently pretty damn screwed up.

"Why does that matter?" once again, Musubi sounded confused. She looked at him with a quizzical gaze, her eyes roving his face as if searching for the answer to her own question on his person. They went back to his eyes a second later. "We might not be in a battle for me to use my Norito, but I don't see what that has to do with you almost kissing me?"

Naruto opened his mouth to speak, but then frowned as one of the words Musubi had spoken caused him to pause. "Norito?" he tested the word out, and when he couldn't think of it's meaning, looked back up at Musubi. "What's that?"

"It's a special ability that we Sekirei have!" the girl said with an enthusiastic smile. "First, the Ashikabi has to kiss their Sekirei. Then the Sekirei recites their Norito. After that they can use their strongest attack!" She finished her impromptu lesson on Sekirei abilities with a nod of her head. Naruto frowned.

"So it's... it's like a power boost then?" he voiced, his tone sounding like he was asking a question. "By kissing I guess it's like when you first became my... Sekirei," god that sounded so weird to say out loud. Why was Musubi and everyone like her named after a bird? Couldn't they have been named after something cooler, like an orange velociraptor or something? "By kissing you, you gain a boost in power and can use your strongest attack after reciting your... Norito? Is that like some kind of chant or something?"

"Yes!" Musubi's head bobbed up and down emphatically. She looked almost like one of those bauble heads Naruto had seen standing on the dashboard of cars. "Whenever we kiss, it allows me to use my Norito."

"I see," Naruto frowned, then shook his head. "I suppose I can see why you wouldn't think much of kissing considering what you just told me. However, kisses are used for far more than just granting someone an increase in power. When shared between two people a kiss is also seen as a sign of affection."

"Sign of affection?" Musubi repeated, her eyes opened and she stared into his.

"Yes, when two people love each other, they often share kisses to show each other how much they love each other," Naruto said. This entire experience was becoming very surreal for the blond shinobi. How many people in their lives could ever claim to have had to teach a fully grown woman about kissing? He couldn't be sure, but the blond was almost positive no one else had ever had to do what he was doing just then.

"Oh, I get it!" Musubi smiled, her eyes lighting up as she finally seemed to understand Naruto's words. "If that's what you're worried about, then you don't need to worry at all!" She told him passionately. "Naruto-sama is my Ashikabi, I wouldn't have chosen you if I didn't love you silly."

Naruto raised an eyebrow at the last few words Musubi spoke. It seemed so strange to him, to hear her say that after they had just met barely even two days ago. He wanted to tell her that she couldn't love him, that it took a lot more time than a couple of days, or even a couple of months, before someone could possibly tell someone they loved them.

For some reason, he couldn't bring himself to be so cruel. Instead, all he managed to get out was a mumbled, "ah," before falling silent.

If he were honest, Naruto would admit he was more than a little uncomfortable with this whole affair, especially with Musubi now proclaiming her love for him after they had only known each other for a day. He had originally been intending to help the girl find her Ashikabi and than let that person deal with her. Now though, he was her Ashikabi, which meant he was essentially stuck with the girl. And while the idea of being stuck with someone as beautiful as Musubi was not unpleasant, he still wasn't sure he wanted this.

After all, one hundred years from now Musubi would most likely be dead, and then he would once again be left alone. Despite the morbid and defeatist thought, Naruto was unable to deny the girl. For whatever reason, much as he wanted to tell her no, to tell her that they couldn't have any kind of relationship, the blond found himself wanting to be with her just as much as she apparently wanted to be with him.

He decided to rack it up to him being extremely lonely rather than the possibility that he might actually feel something for this girl. It would only hurt him if he allowed himself to become too attached.

"Naruto-sama?" Hearing Musubi call his name, the blond looked up to see her staring at him. He opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off when his Sekirei gave him a quick peck on the lips, not enough for him to feel more than a slight tug on his chakra, but enough for her wings to flare briefly, illuminating the room before fading once more.

"Yes, Musubi?" Naruto said almost on reflex. It was strange how he could still react on reflexes like those. Having spent so little time around people, he would have thought that those kind of reflexive responses would have been stamped out of him.

"I love you," she said, and there was such conviction in her voice that whatever protest Naruto might have had, might have thought, died a painful and gory death before it could even form. "I love you, so there is no need to worry about us just meeting or something like that. If Naruto-sama wants kisses, then all he has to do is kiss Musubi."

Apparently finished talking, Musubi brought her hands up to cup his face and pulled his mouth to hers. The kiss started out simple enough, and the brunette Sekirei couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of her Ashikabi's lips against her own. They were so soft, so warm, and like his eyes seemed to connect her to Naruto in ways she had not thought possible. However, as they continued to keeping their lips locked, Musubi felt the desire to for more, only she was unsure what exactly she should do.

Fortunately for her, Naruto had been around for a while, long enough to pick up on queues when a woman wanted something and figure out what they wanted, even when they didn't know what that was themselves.

Once again, chakra began to physically manifest into wings behind the brunette Sekirei as they kissed, the wings spreading out around the room. They conformed to the room itself, folding inwards as they pressed against the walls and ceiling. The two of them ignored it in favor of each other. Naruto licked Musubi's bottom lip, making the girl almost pull back in surprise at the contact. However, the blond had placed a hand behind her head, so she couldn't break away in surprise. He had already figured out that she didn't know much about normal relationships, nor the meaning of physical affection, but it was becoming even more obvious just how inefficient her knowledge on this subject truly was.

Being gentle and going slowly so he wouldn't freak her out, Naruto once again licked Musubi's lower lip. She still didn't have a clue on what to do, however, and the blond took a more drastic measure. He pushed his tongue in between her lips and licked her teeth. This time the brunette gasped as she felt his tongue, opening her mouth and giving the blond shinobi an opportunity to slip in.

While she was surprised at first, when Naruto began to caress her tongue with his own a moan escaped her throat at the pleasurable sensations he action brought. From there her own oral appendage seemed to almost move on it's own, meeting the blonds as they pushed against each other. As they continued their session, Musubi began gaining more confidence. She didn't have any experience, but she more then made up for it with a new found enthusiasm.





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