
Naruto: Shinobi Lost

Unable to move onto the next life, Uzumaki Naruto travels the world. He comes back to Japan, the place where Konoha once stood, and soon finds himself sucked into a game of battling busty women. It all started when a girl fell on top of him. Literally

Dess222 · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Chapter 011

As Naruto marveled at how soft Musubi's lips felt, and how sweet she tasted, a part of him couldn't help but wonder. How long had it been since he had been with a woman? One year? Two? In retrospect, that wasn't a very long time, not for someone like him. However, it was long enough that when he was now presented with a perfectly willing female, Naruto found his mind and body slipping further and further into habit and hormones.

While their mouths were engaged in an age old dance, Naruto's hands wandered from rubbing up and down her torso, to her hips, then to her firm rear. He grasped her cheeks and began to kneed them with the hands of someone who had become an expert at the art of sex, making Musubi moan.

"Oh gods, Naruto-Sama, that feels so good," she managed to pant out in between kisses. It was impressive, despite hitting the twenty minute mark, neither one of them seemed ready to stop any time soon. The few times they had needed air, they would never truly break apart, instead giving each other intermittent pecks in between breaths to keep themselves from going cold, so to speak. "I don't know why but that feels really, really good."

Whereas the last time Musubi's words had been like dropping a bucket of ice on him, this time Naruto felt like someone had decided to drop him into the arctic circle in the middle of winter butt naked. He pulled his head back from their kisses and took several deep breaths to get his body under control. It didn't work very well, he would need a cold shower after this, but at least his mind was returning to him. And with the return of his mind, he felt another emotion, one that he was intimately familiar with in this day and age.


"We should... we should probably stop," he said, cursing himself for nearly losing control of himself. He should be better than this, he WAS better than this. If nothing else, Naruto took great pride in his self control. He had not survived all these millennial by being impulsive and thinking with something other than his head.

Just what was it about this young woman that had caused him to lose himself like that?

"What? Why?" asked Musubi, her eyes growing big and watery. Her words brought Naruto's thoughts to a screeching halt and caused him to look at her. It was an action he would come to regret. "Did you not like it, Naruto-Sama?"

Naruto's eyes widened as he saw the puppy dog eyes being directed at him. He had never been able to resist those eyes before and could already feel them breaking any resolve he may have had now. "No, I loved it," he said quickly. Once more reacting on instincts long thought forgotten, Naruto pressed his lips against hers in a quick peck of reassurance, then pressed his forehead against hers in order to insure they had skin contact.

He stared into her eyes, so wide and innocent, yet with a touch of hurt. It was almost unnerving, how his heart lurched when he saw that pain and realized he had put it there. He didn't want to see that look on her face, it wasn't natural his mind told him. Musubi was supposed to always be happy, always smiling and enjoying life. It was strange, he knew very little about her, yet somehow, somehow, he just knew instinctively that the look she had now was not natural for her.

"It has nothing to do with me not liking what we were doing," Naruto tried to explain. A part of him pointed out that he shouldn't need to explain himself, much as Musubi might say otherwise, they didn't know each other long enough to love the other. But that part was so small it might as well not exist. A mere wraith that whispered into the ear of one that could not hear it. The much larger part of him, which had suddenly sprung up out of no where, wanted, no, needed to give the woman still straddling him some kind of explanation. "But I feel it would be inappropriate for us to go any further right now, since we just met and I still don't much about you. Plus you don't know what sex is."

"Sex?" The look from before had vanished so quickly it was startling. No longer looking like someone had just killed her puppy in a satanic ritual, Musubi looked curious. Her head was tilted to the side, lips pursed slightly in thought as her warm brown orbs stared at him with unbridled curiosity. It was a look that set Naruto's blood racing, and once more he had to viciously beat back these newly acquired feelings with a savage vengeance.

Dear god, was anything she did not sexy?

As his mind was trying to come to terms with his newly reawakened libido, it managed to finally register what Musubi had said.

Cue the bucket of cold water.

Are you telling me you've never heard of sex before?" he asked almost nervously. It was bad enough that he had nearly lost control of himself in such an unsightly way, but to have almost starting something sexual in nature when this girl new nothing of sex made his blood run cold. Even if Musubi was perfectly willing, it was far to close to rape for him to be comfortable.

"Of course I've heard of sex!" Musubi declared, holding a fist a few inches above her head upon her declaration. Less then a second later a sheepish look crossed over her face as she once more knuckled her head and stuck out her tongue. "I just don't know what sex is."

If it weren't for the fact that Naruto was lying on the ground, he would have face-faulted. As things stood, he couldn't do that, so instead he just palmed his face in exasperation.

"I remember my adjustor telling me about it once, I think." Musubi looked up at the ceiling with a thoughtful expression, the index finger of her left hand poking her lips. After a second she nodded once. "Yes, I definitely remember my adjustor trying to tell me about sex."

"Then how come you don't know what sex is?" asked Naruto, sounding slightly irritated. Honestly, this whole situation was beginning to border more on the ridiculous than the unreal.

"Ah, well," Musubi rubbed the back of her head as another sheepish look crossed her face. "Musubi was so excited when she learned that sex was something she would be eventually doing with her Ashikabi that she forgot to listen."

There were no words to describe what Naruto was feeling. He could have tried, but all that would have done was give him a head ache. There was something oddly familiar about this situation, perhaps not in the same context, or even the same subject, but Musubi's statement just now reminded him of someone he had known a long time ago but couldn't remember who.

It would come to him in time, and it would be a startling revelation when it did.

"So," before he even had the chance to contemplate anything else, an eager Musubi was in his face, so close her nose was touching his. "What's sex, Naruto-sama?"


Really, how did one respond to that?

"That's... erm, just another way of showing affection," Naruto tried to explain nervously, edging his face as far away from Musubi's as possible while doing so. Considering he was already laying down it was no where near far enough in his estimation. Worse still, whenever Naruto leaned back, Musubi leaned forward. Eventually, there was no more room for Naruto to move his head, seeing how it was pressed against the floor. "I'll tell you about it after we find an apartment to live in," he edged, hoping it would get the uncomfortably close girl to halt this line of questioning. "Right now, we have things to do today so we should get ready for the day."







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