
Naruto: Shikigami Aizen

In the world of Naruto, let's see how Aizen set off a huge wave! You can read 40+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 笔下藏剑 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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279 Chs

22.Mission Action

Thank you to Isk0 for their support and becoming a patron on patreon.

You can read 20 chapters ahead of everyone on patreon.

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The next day, as the sky gradually brightened, Sosuke and Hannya set off to the designated location after having an early meal.

The somewhat eased relationship between the two seemed to have returned to its original state after Sosuke asked an inappropriate question yesterday.

Throughout the journey, Hannya wore a cold expression and remained silent, leading Sosuke towards the mission location. In response, Sosuke could only show a helpless smile.

This time, they didn't accelerate their pace anymore.

Regardless, the nighttime was the optimal time for executing the mission. Therefore, they didn't rush and aimed to reach their destination before nightfall.

This approach also allowed them to preserve their stamina. Using the Shunshin no Jutsu, as Sosuke did yesterday to travel quickly, was not something a normal ninja would do in normal circumstances. This highly chakra-consuming method could easily lead to uncontrollable situations if unexpected events were to occur.

Since this group of bandits, mixed with enemy ninja, had already appeared within the mission target, their task was straightforward: eliminate the bandit group.

After a day of traveling, they finally arrived at a place that appeared to be a village.

The sky had darkened.

Standing on a high rock, Sosuke and Hannya both wore masks, ignoring the cold wind at the elevated position. They carefully observed the village in the distance, shrouded in wisps of smoke.

At first glance, it seemed like an ordinary village.

However, upon closer inspection...

The surrounding fields were completely abandoned, and the farming tools outside each house were covered in dust. In this season of autumn harvest, such a situation revealed significant flaws.

Sosuke softly shared some observations he had made about the village with Hannya, who stood beside him.

Upon hearing Sosuke's words, Hannya's expression eased somewhat, and she turned to look at him with a hint of surprise.

"I didn't expect you, this brat, to have such powers of observation. You're right. According to the intelligence, the people in this village were likely massacred about a year ago. The ones living here now are nothing more than a group of bandits."

Her voice was calm, as if she wasn't surprised by the complete annihilation of a village.

Upon hearing this, for some reason, Sosuke felt a sense of discomfort. When he looked at the village again, his eyes involuntarily carried a tinge of melancholy and nostalgia.

"If the Leaf Shinobi hadn't arrived at that time, I would have ended up like the people in this village, with no one to bury my remains. Damn bastards."

With those thoughts in mind, he looked back at the village with a cold and indifferent gaze, unbeknownst to Hannya standing beside him.

After observing the specific layout of the village, the two temporarily retreated.

As exceptional shinobi, every mission required a detailed and comprehensive plan. Only with such preparation could a shinobi complete the mission perfectly and survive.

Although Hannya was young, she was already an experienced Jonin who had completed countless missions.

In no time, she formulated an effective attack plan for this mission.

Taking advantage of the dim light of the sky and the faint moonlight, it was evident that her figure was tall and slender.

She extended her hand, pointing at a rudimentary map of the village, while her bright black eyes focused on Sosuke as she spoke softly.

"Here, here, and here. Try to avoid these areas as much as possible. If I'm not mistaken, these places are likely filled with traps and explosive tags. Never underestimate the cunning of the enemy!"

At this point, Sosuke raised his head and looked at Hannya, speaking softly.

"Captain Hanya, aren't we supposed to execute this mission together? Why does

the plan I'm hearing now seem to suggest that we split into two teams and attack from different directions?"

Upon hearing his question, Hannya responded in a cold voice.

"Well, this is an order directly given by Danzo-sama. Although I'm your team captain in name, during the mission, I won't go out of my way to assist you. You must know that you, a single person, defeated four Root shinobi with your own strength. I believe you have enough self-preservation ability."

She answered Sosuke's doubts coldly, but inside her heart, there were two completely different emotions, and she felt a bit amused.

You little brat! What's wrong? Are you scared too? Haven't you always been laughing? Let's see if you can still laugh this time!

Upon hearing Hannya's words, Sosuke pondered for a moment, seemingly wanting to say something but ultimately decided not to oppose her.

"I understand."

Well, that's good... It will be even more convenient to punish these worthless lives of thieves if there are no outsiders around...

Hearing Sosuke's soft response, Hannya was a bit surprised.

He didn't raise any objections. This little brat is indeed quite brave!!

Although it may be challenging for you, a little brat who has always lived in the village, rest assured, from now on, I'll protect you from the shadows. After all, if you were to get into danger, your uncle would probably be unhappy as well.

With that in mind, Hannya finished her instructions confidently and prepared to take action with Sosuke.

The two of them slowly sneaked into the surroundings of the village.

Just as they were about to move, Hannya suddenly stopped Sosuke. Although her voice was cold, she still reminded him.

"Remember, Sosuke. Follow the route I provided. Every one of these thieves should die, so show no mercy!"

"Although it's unlikely, if you encounter powerful ninjas, immediately send a signal for assembly, and I will arrive as soon as possible!"

Upon hearing her words, Sosuke thought to himself that even at this moment, Captain Hanya still has some sense of humanity.

Although his face was covered by a mask, he still showed a smile and spoke softly.

"I will execute the mission with caution. Thank you for the reminder, Captain Hannya."

This time, Hannya was somewhat satisfied with Sosuke's attitude.

Like this, the two of them slowly infiltrated this unusual village.

The mission was in motion.

Let it begin!

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