
Naruto: Shikigami Aizen

In the world of Naruto, let's see how Aizen set off a huge wave! You can read 40+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 笔下藏剑 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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275 Chs

210.The Death of Sōsuke (1)

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You can read 40 chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon.

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Upon hearing Sōsuke's words, Tsunade followed his gaze toward the direction he indicated.

Seeing the countless black needles flickering with a cold, eerie light, her complexion turned even paler.

"Sō... Sōsuke! Hurry, get away!" Tsunade urgently shouted.

Upon hearing her words, a faint bitter smile appeared on Sōsuke's face as he softly said, "But... my chakra is also..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Tsunade's expression changed in an instant, and she instantly understood his meaning.

Earlier, Sōsuke had released a powerful ninjutsu, blocking the terrifying jutsu of The Third Kazekage, and nearly injuring The Third Kazekage. At this moment, he probably had no surplus chakra left in his body.

With determined eyes, Tsunade, realizing this, leaped down from Sōsuke's embrace, supporting the shoulder of the blood-stained Sōsuke.

She stood firmly in front of him, her determined gaze staring at the incoming black sand.

"Sōsuke! This time, let me protect you!"

Tsunade shouted loudly, her voice incredibly resolute.

Hearing her words, Sōsuke stood behind her, gently watching her petite yet strong figure. His eyes flickered with complex emotions.

"Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!..."

Countless black sands covered the sky and shot over overwhelmingly!

"Whether you're Sōsuke or the 'Child of Konoha' leave your life here for me!"

The distant The Third Kazekage's face darkened, shouting in a deep voice.

Just as the myriad black needles were about to hit Sōsuke and Tsunade!


A colorful giant snake suddenly rushed over from the side!

"Ding!" "Puff!" "Da!"...

The enormous snake, which resisted countless black sand magnetic needles, instantly had flesh and blood flying, and fragments splattered!

A giant snake that several ordinary sand ninjas couldn't handle died instantly under the attack of The Third Kazekage, presenting a pitiful and miserable sight. It was evident how terrifying the black sand was.

The blocked black sand magnetic needles were only a small part, and many were still floating in the air, attacking towards this side.

At this moment, a hoarse voice followed.

"Sōsuke, Tsunade, quickly leave this place!"

Hearing this voice, Tsunade quickly looked over, only to see Orochimaru, with a little cold sweat on his forehead, rushing over, glaring at the two and shouting.

Without unnecessary words, the two quickly followed Orochimaru and left.

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"...

The remaining black sand magnetic needles, like a swarm of black insects, closely pursued the three of them, continuously bombarding them!

The swarming black sand, every time it fell, would create a terrifying deep pit on the ground.

The three ran, and in no time, they encountered the equally exhausted Jiraiya.


The few people panted heavily, their expressions extremely solemn.

"We can't continue like this anymore. Everyone is already exhausted. We must quickly withdraw from here!"

Orochimaru hoarsely said.

Hearing his words, the three people breathed heavily, their faces not saying a word.

"We can't leave like this. There are still others!"

Sōsuke let out a sigh, his face slightly solemn.

Hearing his words, Orochimaru's eyes dimmed, and he said in a deep voice, "Sōsuke, remember our goal this time. Sakumo's traces have been found, and the goal of disrupting the Sand Shinobi has been achieved. If we stay here any longer..."

The remaining words he didn't say, but everyone understood his meaning.

If they were to die here, it would be a severe loss for Konoha.

Sōsuke's face showed a very solemn expression. After hesitating for a moment, he seemed to make a certain decision and said in a deep voice, "I understand. The three of you take Sakumo with you and leave immediately."

Upon hearing his words, the three were slightly stunned, and Tsunade quickly asked, "Then what about you, Sōsuke?"

Upon hearing her words, all three looked at Sōsuke with a serious expression.

In response, Sōsuke's mouth revealed a slightly heavy smile. He gently stroked Tsunade's golden hair and said softly, "The main target of The Third Kazekage is me. I will stay behind, stop him for a moment, and you take the opportunity to leave with Sakumo."

Upon hearing Sōsuke's words, tears glistened in Tsunade's eyes, and she sobbed, "No! If you stay behind, you will undoubtedly die. I won't allow you to stay!"

Orochimaru also hoarsely said, "Although this is the best method, I, like Tsunade, disagree with this method."

"Sōsuke... If Konoha loses you, the loss will be immeasurable!" He added.

Hearing the words of Orochimaru and Tsunade, Sōsuke looked at them with warm eyes and said softly, "Don't worry. Even if I stay, I won't be captured easily. You leave, and I might be able to escape on my own."

Upon hearing Sōsuke's words, Tsunade and Orochimaru were slightly stunned.

Tsunade, with tearful eyes, blinked and murmured, "Space Ninjutsu..."

Just then!


A terrifying black sand suddenly swept towards them!

Seeing this scene, the four people's expressions turned cold. Orochimaru quickly formed seals and slapped the ground.

"Earth Style: Earth Formation Wall!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Numerous massive earthen walls suddenly rose, blocking countless attacks from the black sand.

However, before they could relax, the earth walls shattered under the overwhelming assault of the black sand!


Sōsuke's eyes narrowed, and he said in a deep voice.

Hearing his words, the four quickly moved towards the location of Sakumo!

"Swoosh! Swoosh!"...

The four moved swiftly and soon reached Sakumo's location.

But behind them, The Third Kazekage and numerous Sand Shinobi followed closely like locusts.

The eyes of The Third Kazekage stared coldly at Sōsuke's figure ahead, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"There's no time to say much. Leave immediately!"

Sōsuke said in a deep voice.

Sakumo's face turned pale. Hearing Sōsuke's words, he had a bad premonition.

Indeed, Tsunade, still full of worry, said, "Sōsuke, do you really have confidence!?"

Hearing this, Sakumo's eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn't speak.

Sōsuke looked at Tsunade with seriousness and said softly, "Trust me, Tsunade."

Then, he gave Orochimaru a glance and turned around without looking back, rushing towards the direction of the Sand Shinobi, where The Third Kazekage was.

"Let's go, Tsunade. Don't let Sōsuke's efforts go to waste!"

Seeing Sōsuke leave, Orochimaru patted Tsunade's shoulder and said in a deep voice.

At this point, Sakumo also understood Sōsuke's actions, feeling a heavy weight in his heart. He looked at the heavy back facing the four of them.

Shikamaru also looked at Sōsuke and said with a hoarse voice, "He's really... an amazing guy."

Then, the four immediately left the Sand Shinobi village.

At the same time, facing the Sand Shinobi, Sōsuke rushed towards them urgently.

Whether it was The Third Kazekage or the countless Sand Shinobi, seeing this scene, they were slightly stunned, and then their faces turned dark.

"Chiyō! Send a sealing squad to deal with him! Remember not to let him escape!"

Hearing the words of The Third Kazekage, Chiyō immediately said in a deep voice, "Understood!"

Then, under her leadership, a group of Sand Shinobi rushed towards Sōsuke.


The yellow sand floated in the air, suddenly dissolving in the wind.

When Tsunade looked back at the Sand Shinobi village for the last time, what she saw was the overwhelming black sand almost obscuring the sky!

"Boom! Boom! Boom—"

In the distance, the terrifying thunderous explosions echoed, and even where they were, they could feel the terrifying vibration on the ground!

She quickly turned around, her voice extremely poignant, shouting, "Sōsuke!"

Seeing this scene, Orochimaru's eyes also darkened, and his voice hoarse, he said, "Let's go... Tsunade..."




A/N: P@treon price update:

-Tier 1 "Deva Path": 2$ for 10 chapters of Naruto: Shikigami Aizen + 5 chapters of I am Uchiha Sasuke Uncle

-Tier 2 "Animal Path": 5$ for 20 chapters of Naruto: Shikigami Aizen + 10 chapters of I am Uchiha Sasuke Uncle + 5 chapters of Uchiha With Glasses

-Tier 3 "Human Path": 10$ for 30 chapters of Naruto: Shikigami Aizen + 20 chapters of I am Uchiha Sasuke Uncle + 15 chapters of Uchiha With Glasses

-Tier 4 "Outer Path": 15$ for 40 chapters of Naruto: Shikigami Aizen + 30 chapters of I am Uchiha Sasuke Uncle + 20 chapters of Uchiha With Glasses

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