
Naruto: Shikigami Aizen

In the world of Naruto, let's see how Aizen set off a huge wave! You can read 40+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon. P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos (just replace the "@" with "a") Disclaimer : I don't own Naruto or it's characters neither this fanfic. The image used in the cover isn't mine. This is Chinese fanfiction. I'm just translating it. I'm just changing the name and some grammar. I'm trying to make it more understandable. All right reserved to the author 笔下藏剑 (for the fanfic) and Masashi Kishimoto (for Naruto)

Lessa_Grace · Anime & Comics
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278 Chs


Thank you to Viswa Venkat Mounish Vadlapudi, kiddeath1998, J for their support and becoming a patron on p@treon.

You can read 40+ chapters ahead of everyone on p@treon.

P@TREON - p@treon.com/lessaservantofcosmos

(just replace the "@" with "a")

ps: Please support me on P@treon. I can really use your help!


Hearing Mito's words, Kushina's young face instantly turned pale, and her eyes widened as she stammered, "N-Nine-Tails? What is that...?"

Mito's expression became complicated as she spoke softly, "The Nine-Tails is a terrifying creature. If left unchecked, it would cause great destruction to this world."

Hearing her words, young Kushina's face trembled, and she quivered, "A m-monster? Why do they want to seal it inside me...?"

Mito looked at the frightened Kushina with an affectionate gaze, gently embracing her. Her withered hand caressed Kushina's red hair as she spoke kindly, "Because it is the duty of our Uzumaki clan, Kushina."

"Kushina, don't be afraid. I am the current Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tails. Though it's scary, in some ways, it's also an interesting fellow."

"As members of the Uzumaki clan, we were brought here to become vessels for the Nine-Tails... Let's try to fill it with love before it's sealed."

Hearing Mito's comforting words, Kushina slowly relaxed in her embrace. Love...?


Several days later...

Due to the threat of war between Konoha, the Rain Village, and the Sand Village, which jeopardized the security of the Land of Earth, the country reluctantly decided to join the conflict.

The announcement of this news once again shocked the continent!

Konoha and the Sand Village had long anticipated the involvement of the Hidden Stone Village, which had been quietly observing the situation. Therefore, they had exercised restraint in the war, and this news did not surprise them too much.

However, after the Land of Earth's decision to join the war was announced...

In a remote corner of the continent, surrounded by towering mountains, a deafening thunderstorm raged over a grassy plain.

This was the territory of the Land of Lightning.

Near the coast, shrouded in clouds and fog, stood a massive village—the Hidden Cloud Village.

On a high platform within the Hidden Cloud Village...

A teenager in his early teens was diligently training.

"Swish! Swish!"

His movements were incredibly swift, each strike precise and fierce.

Despite his bronzed skin being covered in large drops of sweat, he persisted, gritting his teeth through the intense training.

Standing not far from him, a young boy wearing sunglasses and a burly middle-aged man observed his strenuous practice.


At this moment, a ninja suddenly appeared on the scene, holding a letter in hand, and handed it to the burly middle-aged man, saying in a low voice, "Raikage-sama, this is the latest war intelligence!"

The burly middle-aged man was none other than the current Raikage. He lowered his head to read the intelligence in the letter and spoke in a deep voice, "As expected, that old man Onoki couldn't hold back any longer!"

At this moment!

The teenager who had been training non-stop stopped his exercises, leaped over to the Raikage's side, and inquired with curiosity, "Father, why isn't the Hidden Cloud Village participating in this war? If we joined, we could gain significant benefits, right?"

Hearing his question, the Third Raikage's expression darkened, and he spoke sternly, "A! Listen carefully!"

"Only by being strong on our own can we not fear anyone! The Hidden Cloud Village is no exception!"

"As long as every ninja in our Hidden Cloud Village becomes stronger, we can easily overcome even the Leaf Village!"

With that, he placed his massive hand firmly on A's shoulder, locking eyes with him, and spoke with determination.

"You are my son, and that's why you need to become stronger! Stronger than your father!"

"Only then can you qualify to lead the Hidden Cloud Village! Do you understand?"

Hearing the words of the Third Raikage, young A stirred with seriousness and declared loudly, "Yes, Father!"

"I understand all your words!"

The Third Raikage nodded deeply upon hearing his son's response and then departed.

Meanwhile, the young boy with sunglasses standing nearby couldn't help but grin widely.

"Big brother, you better listen carefully to what the Third Raikage said!"

In response, A glanced at him and spoke with a serious tone, "I've told you countless times, Bee, stop with the rhymes!"

"But it's so cool, big bro! Oh yeah, oh yeah!"

"I've said it how many times? Bee, stop freestyling!"

"But it's so cool, big bro, oh yeah, oh yeah!"



Inside Konoha Village,

Sosuke found Danzo.

In a dimly lit room, with flickering candlelight, the two engaged in conversation.

"Sensei, I think it's time for me to return to the battlefield."

Sosuke smiled gently, like a cultured gentleman, and spoke softly.

Hearing his words, Danzo slowly opened his eyes. A faint smile appeared on his withered face.

"Is it because of the Hidden Stone's declaration of war? Even so, you can stay away from the battlefield, after all... you are my disciple."

Sosuke shook his head gently and said softly, "It's precisely because I am your disciple that I shouldn't hide in this peaceful village at a time like this."

"As you said, the Hidden Stone's declaration of war indicates that this war has just begun. If I stay in Konoha Village during such times, I'm afraid I won't earn the trust of the villagers in the future."

Danzo nodded slowly, with a faint smile, and said, "I see. Very well."

"However, the situation on the battlefield changes rapidly. Even though you have acquired a certain level of strength, you must always be vigilant and ensure your own safety."

Sosuke nodded slowly and said, "I understand, Sensei."

"Then go ahead. I will explain this matter to the Third Hokage without a doubt. Your intentions should be made known to all the villagers."

With a slight smile, Danzo said.

Upon hearing his words, Sosuke retreated from the room.

Seeing Sosuke leaving, Danzo's eyes, which were as withered as a tree, showed a hint of a smile.

After all... is it still a young heart...

This is fine... as long as you desire the position of Hokage... then I will help you... hehe...


Sosuke met Himiko and softly told her about what had just happened.

Himiko looked somewhat surprised and glanced at him, saying in a soft voice, "Why do you have to go to the battlefield?"

Sosuke smiled gently and replied, "Because that's the way to protect the village. I am 'Konoha's Child,' after all."

Upon hearing his words, Himiko couldn't help but give him a skeptical look, appearing slightly helpless.

Sosuke smiled faintly, turned, and slowly walked away.

Watching his tall figure, Himiko was momentarily lost in thought.

This guy... does he love the village that much...

Walking calmly through the streets,

Sosuke had a smile at the corner of his mouth, and a glint of determination in his eyes behind his glasses.

The position of the Nine-Tails had already been determined... with this, there was no need to continue staying in the village...

He wondered how the matters he had entrusted to Kakashi were progressing...

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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