
Naruto: Shadows Of Perfection

Isaac is someone who possesses an unwavering pursuit of perfection. His obsession extends beyond mastering jutsu; he seeks to perfect not only himself but also the world around him. However, Isaac's perfectionism becomes a double-edged sword, threatening to consume him. Isolation and inner turmoil ensue, prompting Isaac to confront the shadows of his own obsession. Will Isaac follow through with his Eternal Quest for perfection? Or will he fall short, embracing what he hates most, imperfection?

VQuintessence · Anime & Comics
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54 Chs

Blood & Tears III

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Chapter 28: Blood & Tears III


"The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.." ~ John Milton

"AhhhHHH!!" Those were the screams and screeches of unbearable pain as many found themselves burning alive.

The Uchihas excel most at fire techniques. Therefore, that's what the ninjas of the Frost had to face, a torrent of flames, numerous fireballs, akin to the coming of hell.

If things weren't already chaotic, they certainly were now. However, as things should be, there are many capable and clear-headed ninjas among the Frost shinobi.

They reacted very quickly as high water barriers erupted from the ground, surrounding their companions, "Enemy attack!!! Fight to death! Bring them down with us."

The ninjas of the Frost already realized that death was their only destination that night after falling to such an ambush.

Even though they were wary and sent men to scout ahead, they still fell to such a simple ambush, all because of those damned bloody eyes.

The eyes, they could see them now in the darkness of the woods, as if numerous demons opened their eyes at the same time, bringing about light to the darkness of the woods.

"Fire Release: Great Annihilation Technique!!!" The pinnacle of Uchiha fire release techniques was released by none other than Uchiha Fugaku.

Fugaku's chakra kneaded inside the body was converted into fire, and then expelled from the mouth and shaped into a literal sea of flames.

"Defend!!!" The Frost ninjas' expression changed drastically as their hands swiftly moved, performing hand seals to summon seas of water for only that could stop the incoming tide of flames.

"Kill!" The blood eyes leaped out of the woods, following after the sea of flames, each with their preferred type of weapon, kunai, blades, shurikens, some none at all, relying entirely on techniques.

"AHHHHHhhhh..." The barriers of water simply couldn't stop the stop in its entirety despite the fire element being very weak to water as several fire torrents splattered about, reaching a few hopeless victims.

"AHHHHHhhh!!" That was no cry of pain, but one of courage as the shinobi of the Frost bravely leaped toward the Uchihas, hoping to take at least one Uchiha to the afterlife with them.

blades met blades, and thrown shurikens and kunai found themselves met either with shurikens and kunai or barriers of flames and water.

"Water Release: Water Bullet Technique!!"

"Fire Release: Flame Bullet!!!"

The techniques may have the word bullet in them, but they function nothing like a bullet, at least, not like Isaac's self-created water technique, which is also called Water Bullet.

Isaac's Water Bullets are highly pressured water bullets, so pressurized that they can go through metal like a knife cutting through butter.

That, however, comes with the cost of the technique being very short range as the water bullets lose their pressurized state quickly after leaving his control.

Their water bullets are different as it's nothing but kneading chakra in their stomach before expelling a large quantity of water in the form of a powerful torrent aimed toward their intended target.

It was as if time stopped for many of the Uchihas as their eyes spun widely, capturing the movement of the attacks to such an acute degree.

They either crouched their heads touched the ground, leaped back, or jumped high in the air to avoid the water torrents that managed to force back their fire bullets, and sought to reach them too.

However, despite the fire being weak to water, that only holds true if the opponents are in equilibrium when it comes to everything else, such as chakra reserves and quality.

If one side surpasses the other by far, such weakness would matter very little, thus it was no surprise when several fire bullets managed to overwhelm the torrents of water.

Naturally, it was also no surprise when screams of pain and despair were heard as many shinobis of the Frost found themselves being burned alive, their cries making their comrades' eyes turn red.

Therefore, the battle became even more violent, and the Uchihas responded in kind as a figure seemingly fell from the sky, finding himself in the middle of the enemy crowd.

The man's blood-red eyes revolved, showing a three-tomoe eye, one of the few in the Uchiha with it. After all, how could he become the clan leader of the Uchiha without it?

It was indeed Fugaku as the shuriken in his hand spun widely while he swung out, drawing with him splashes of blood before the enemy could react.

"He's their leader!!! Kill him!!!" And when they did, when their hands moved to perform hand seals, they found it largely useless as his eyes constricted, capturing their movement.

The Sharingan not only gives the Uchihas a more acute perception but also allows them to see chakra and its movement.

That's one of the reasons why the eyes are called Copy Wheel Eyes as they can copy most techniques if they witness them performed.

That also means that they can predict the opponent's action based on the movement of their chakra, specifically, the techniques they are seeking to perform.

Just like Fugaku right now, predicting their actions through a combination of observing their muscle, eyes, and chakra movement, then reacting accordingly.

What's it like to see your friends get sliced before you? What's it like knowing that you could do nothing about it?

You could hope and hope some more to take just one Uchiha with you, but that seemed to be a very difficult task.

That's especially surprising considering not every Uchiha has Sharingan for it's not common, yet somehow, the ninjas of the Frost found themselves missing quite a bit.

They found their blades skipping the enemy by just a bit, just enough for the enemy to respond in kind, except they didn't miss.

That was certainly not normal, even though they continuously disrupted their chakra just to make sure they weren't still in an illusion.

The only anomaly on the battlefield was quickly picked up by the still-living ninjas of the Frost, it was a kid standing on the far backline of the battlefield.

The kid was strange for several reasons, he seemingly was only observing from afar, except for the second reason, he had his hands up, widely pointing his fingers at the battlefield.

On the tip of his fingers were complex patterns forming two large crimson rings.

It didn't matter what they were. In fact, even the Uchihas didn't know what they were, what mattered was that he was the most anomalous individual on the battlefield.

Therefore, many went after him, rage and despair clear in their eyes after watching many of their people die, but they wouldn't stop until they brought someone with them.

And in this case, their goal was none other than Isaac whose eyes paid no attention to the approaching enemies, his red eyes merely observing the battlefield.

Speaking of his eyes, they were the third strange thing about him, how a kid as young as him managed to awaken three-tomoe Sharingan, so he had to go!

"Stop them!!!" "Protect Isaac!" The Uchihas of course would sit by and watch that occur, but there was only so much they could do when the enemy would gladly die for the cause.

Blades swept by their necks, and great fireballs fell upon them, but the shinobis of the Frost made sure to make a last struggle before their passing.

"AHHHHH! Die!" And finally, not only did several shurikens and water techniques find themselves heading his way, but someone managed to slip their way in, getting very close to him.

The brave man who sought to end Isaac had half of his body burned trying to get to him, but that didn't stop him from leaping toward Isaac, swinging his sword to take off the latter's head.

"Good luck," A gentle sigh was heard from behind the brave man as something went through his head, a blade.

The brave man wasn't sad. He had already accepted death, so as long as he brought down at least someone with him, he wouldn't care, especially as his hands were still swinging his sword.

Why? Why did he find himself feeling only despair? Could it be because his sword cut through a mirage instead of Isaac?

Could it be because the blade that went through his head was that of none other than Isaac, not some other Uchiha?

Could it be because he realized that his comrade's attacks were heading toward Isaac's real location instead of the mirage he just attacked?

The Uchiha's Sharingan is one of the most horrifying weapons of war ever, making him realize that what's real and what's not are all under someone else's control.

The blade kept him up on his feet, stuck in his skull, thus forcing him to receive his companions' attacks... The brave's body served its purpose, protecting Isaac.

The brave died very quickly... Not quickly enough to not realize that, leaving him in Blood and Tears, just like many on the battlefield, and just like many Uchihas... Isaac can not protect them all.


[ 2000 Power Stones For An Extra Chapter!!! ]


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