
Naruto: Shadow Mage

In a world ravaged by war, Yasuke, a young boy from a branch family of the Nara clan, finds himself inexplicably transported to the tumultuous era of the Naruto universe. Faced with the grim reality of daily casualties and the burden of a mysterious curse seal embedded in his hand, Yasuke struggles to navigate his new life while mourning the loss of his parents. ------------------------------------------ 2 Chapters a day 10 Chapter Advance: patreon.com/ReadingOasis

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72 Chs

The Miraculous Effect of Weight-bearing

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!"



During the half-month of rigorous training, Yasuke excelled not only in projectile weapon training but also in chakra accumulation and the practice of Nara Clan secret techniques. He didn't neglect any aspect of his training!

Using the Multiple Shadow Clone Jutsu, Yasuke created over ten shadow clones to practice projectile weapons while still having plenty of chakra to spar with Guy Sensei. This showcased Yasuke's progress in chakra control.

And at this moment, as Yasuke rapidly performed hand seals, his shadow dashed towards Guy Sensei. This demonstrated Yasuke's improvement in Nara Clan secret techniques!

Typically, a regular Nara Clan member would take 3 seconds to perform the Shadow Imitation Jutsu. However, Guy Sensei's casting speed was 1.5 seconds, setting a record in the Nara Clan's history.

In the original storyline, perhaps Nara Shikamaru, one of Konoha's Twelve Ninja Guardians, and a more talented member of the Nara Clan than Guy Sensei, could cast the Shadow Imitation Jutsu slightly faster than Guy Sensei. But at this moment, Yasuke, even before Shikamaru's birth, had already surpassed Guy Sensei. Yasuke managed to cast the Shadow Imitation Jutsu in just 1.3 seconds!

Don't underestimate a 0.2-second increase in speed!

In ninja battles, even an inconspicuous 0.2 seconds could determine the outcome and even life and death.

As Yasuke performed the jutsu, even Guy Sensei was taken aback. Yasuke's mastery and speed in using the Shadow Imitation Jutsu were exceptional!

Seeing Yasuke's shadow swiftly approaching, Guy Sensei couldn't help but admire Yasuke's skill, recognizing him as the top elite of the new generation of Konoha.

Because during their time at the ninja academy, Guy Sensei had sparred with Nara Clan members. So, Yasuke's speed and power in using the Shadow Imitation Jutsu surpassed those Guy Sensei had known before, making Guy Sensei more alert.

However, as Guy Sensei prepared to change tactics after kicking out with Leaf Hurricane, Yasuke, who was using the Shadow Imitation Jutsu, suddenly noticed a slight contraction in his pupils!

"Something's not right!"

"Guy Sensei obviously noticed my Shadow Imitation Jutsu earlier, so why is his speed so slow when changing tactics?"

"Is it that Guy Sensei's actual strength is far below what's portrayed, or am I overestimating Guy Sensei, who recently became a Chunin? This level of skill is not what a Chunin should possess!"

"Well, let's go easy for now and see what happens!"

Critiquing Guy Sensei's taijutsu in his mind, Yasuke deliberately slowed down the extension speed of his shadow when using the Shadow Imitation Jutsu. This allowed Guy Sensei to narrowly evade Yasuke's jutsu, landing safely on the ground.

"Leaf Hurricane!"


Just as he landed, under Yasuke's slightly serious gaze, Guy Sensei didn't give up the attack. Without realizing that Yasuke had been holding back, Guy Sensei continued as if he hadn't noticed Yasuke's intentions, launching a Leaf Hurricane kick directly at Yasuke.

Leaf Hurricane, unlike the upper-spinning kick of Leaf Whirlwind, was a downward-spinning kick.

Both techniques were based on the Leaf Strong Fist style, and Guy Sensei's execution showed no flaws in power or speed.

However, when Guy Sensei's Leaf Hurricane came at Yasuke, Yasuke couldn't help but feel something was amiss.

Furrowing his brows, even Yasuke, who was not proficient in taijutsu, couldn't figure out what was wrong. Then, bursting his chakra, Yasuke successfully dodged Guy Sensei's Leaf Hurricane, then stepped back several times, gripping a shuriken in his hand and directly throwing it towards Guy Sensei!

"Let's end this meaningless sparring!"

"Guy Sensei, you really disappoint me!"

Guy Sensei's first Leaf Whirlwind had impressed Yasuke.

However, as Yasuke sparred with Guy Sensei, he gradually realized that Guy Sensei's taijutsu was not as formidable as he had imagined. Yasuke even had to hold back for Guy Sensei to remain undefeated, which made Yasuke lose interest in sparring with Guy Sensei.

The next moment, after Yasuke threw the shuriken, the half-month of rigorous projectile weapon training did not disappoint Yasuke.

He consecutively threw three shurikens, and each one hit its mark without fail.

Following the predetermined flight trajectory, Yasuke first used two shurikens to distract Guy Sensei. The third shuriken smoothly nailed itself to Guy Sensei's shadow, successfully executing the Shadow Shuriken Technique, ending this disappointing encounter for Yasuke.

"Guy Sensei, you're really amazing!"

"I want to challenge you again!"

As Guy Sensei failed, Yasuke felt disappointed.

On the other hand, Guy Sensei, always exuberant and enthusiastic, showed no signs of discouragement in the face of failure, eager to continue sparring with Yasuke.

Seeing Guy Sensei's taijutsu was not as invincible as portrayed in the original storyline, Yasuke realized that "Guy Sensei" needed more time to develop. Therefore, just as Guy Sensei declared he wanted to spar again, Yasuke, with a face full of black lines, prepared to politely decline Guy Sensei, thinking that training together would be better than engaging in such boring sparring.

After all, Yasuke already knew Guy Sensei's level, and winning against Guy Sensei several more times would be meaningless!

However, just as Yasuke was about to politely decline Guy Sensei, the next move from Guy Sensei suddenly left Yasuke stunned!

"Guy Sensei, you..."

"Bang! Bang!"

Unwrapping the tight sleeves and pant legs of his training gear, from inside, he took out something resembling bandages.

As Guy Sensei casually tossed the bandages onto the ground, the dust kicked up from the ground left Yasuke stunned!

Then, Yasuke realized that it wasn't that Guy Sensei's taijutsu skills were lacking; rather, he had not been using his full strength in their previous engagements!

During their spar, Guy Sensei had been wearing a heavy weight! This explained the strange feeling Yasuke had experienced during their bout!

Approaching, Yasuke lifted Guy Sensei's weight, and his expression turned serious.

When Yasuke lifted the weights on Guy Sensei's hands and feet, he felt they weighed at least 20 kilograms.

At that moment, Yasuke found it hard to believe that Guy Sensei had been fighting with an additional 20 kilograms of weight!

If it were Yasuke, even 10 kilograms of additional weight would leave him gasping for air. So, after understanding the root cause of Guy Sensei's weakened strength, Yasuke couldn't help but feel embarrassed, especially when he met Guy Sensei's innocent gaze. Yasuke quickly apologized to Guy Sensei:

"Sorry, Guy Sensei, I naïvely thought you were weak. Who would've thought you were sparring with me while car

rying weights."

"It's okay, Yasuke. Aren't you also engaging in other training?"

Thumbs up to Yasuke, Guy Sensei flashed a bright smile

, seemingly unaffected. "Besides, Yasuke, you're so much younger than me. Being able to defeat me while I'm carrying weights proves that you're a genius in the village. Now that I've removed my weights, do you want to take a break and spar with me again?"

"No need for another spar, Guy Sensei. Can I try your weights?"

"No problem! Go ahead and try!"

With Guy Sensei's affirmative response, Yasuke, curious, didn't hesitate. He directly strapped on the weights to his legs, and walking became incredibly difficult.

But as Yasuke felt Guy Sensei's weights, unable to help but smile bitterly, realizing how extreme Guy Sensei's weight training was, unexpectedly, the app issued another prompt, filling Yasuke's eyes with a surprised gleam once again!


"Player, you have used a special item: Weights, gaining a special BUFF: 10% increase in taijutsu training speed!"


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