
Naruto: Shadow Mage

In a world ravaged by war, Yasuke, a young boy from a branch family of the Nara clan, finds himself inexplicably transported to the tumultuous era of the Naruto universe. Faced with the grim reality of daily casualties and the burden of a mysterious curse seal embedded in his hand, Yasuke struggles to navigate his new life while mourning the loss of his parents. ------------------------------------------ 2 Chapters a day 10 Chapter Advance: patreon.com/ReadingOasis

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72 Chs

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"Special item?"

"Besides the Nara clan's secret medicine, does the app also consider weights as special items?"

"And it even gives a buff for accelerating taijutsu training? That's amazing!"

His eyes were filled with joy. The miraculous effect unearthed by the app from the weights, despite being only a 10% acceleration in taijutsu training, solved Yasuke's urgent need.

You see, the app's modification of training progress could only affect ninjutsu and secret techniques.

For instance, in the training of throwing weapons or taijutsu, Yasuke himself had to gradually complete them bit by bit. Otherwise, he wouldn't have spent so much time completing the throwing weapons training according to the Uchiha clan's secret scroll. He just needed to modify the training progress a bit, and the throwing weapons training would be completed early.

Moreover, compared to throwing weapons training, taijutsu training was undoubtedly more challenging.

Because in throwing weapons training, Yasuke could gradually complete it according to the records in the Uchiha clan's secret scroll, coupled with the consumption of throwing weapons. On the other hand, for taijutsu training, without the guidance of a master, let alone whether Yasuke could even get started, the difficulty of taijutsu training was not comparable to throwing weapons training!

Now, with a 10% acceleration in taijutsu training, Yasuke finally didn't have to worry about the problem of being unable to get started with taijutsu training for a long time.

Then, his gaze fell on Guy Sensei, secretly attracting Guy Sensei's attention.

Yasuke thought the future taijutsu master was right beside him. If he didn't make good use of him, he would be a fool.

Following that, with a exploratory attitude, Yasuke first took Guy Sensei's weights and tried whether they could increase the percentage of taijutsu training acceleration.

Sure enough, with the weights on both hands, Yasuke suddenly found that the 10% taijutsu training acceleration became a 20% taijutsu training acceleration.

With Yasuke's exploration, he gradually understood the law of taijutsu training acceleration, which was that 10 kilograms of weights could increase the taijutsu training acceleration by 10%.

If Yasuke could train under 100 kilograms of weights, then he would have an astonishing 100% acceleration effect in taijutsu training. Unfortunately, later, after talking with Guy Sensei, Yasuke learned that, without harming the body, 10 kilograms of weights were his limit. As a result, Yasuke could only have a 10% training bonus in taijutsu training.

However, realizing that as long as it was a weight, it could activate the app's taijutsu training bonus, Yasuke felt that his gains were not small. Immediately, looking at Guy Sensei who was struggling to put on the weights, Yasuke thought of trying it out and asked Guy Sensei, "Guy Sensei, can I train with you in the future? When we sparred just now, I felt that you were very good at taijutsu. Could you guide me in taijutsu training in the future?"


Hearing Yasuke's words, Guy Sensei was stunned for a moment, and after a while, he couldn't help but ask, "Yasuke, aren't you from the Nara clan? Haven't you been training in taijutsu in the clan?"

"No, I haven't trained in taijutsu in the clan."

Helplessly shaking his head, Yasuke sighed deeply and said, "People of our Nara clan generally focus on the training of secret techniques. So there are very few people in the clan who focus on taijutsu training. Moreover, the taijutsu of our Nara clan is far less powerful than that of the village's Strong Fist style. Just now, I saw that you were using the Strong Fist style of the village, so I wanted to ask you to guide me."

"I see!"

After Yasuke explained, Guy Sensei understood the situation.

Then, he directly gave Yasuke a thumbs-up and smiled, nodding, "Yasuke, if you're not afraid of hardship, then train with me! My training is very hard! For the burning youth, let's work harder!"


Guy Sensei was a straightforward person and didn't like beating around the bush.

Coincidentally, Yasuke fit Guy Sensei's temper, and he was also from the Nara clan, so Guy Sensei not only didn't keep any secrets from Yasuke in training but also took great care to teach Yasuke taijutsu training.

Especially the next day during training, Guy Sensei deliberately brought a set of weights for Yasuke, which further touched Yasuke's soft heart.

In Konoha, the closest person to Yasuke was Uncle Nara, the only person who had entered his heart.

And Guy Sensei, to put it bluntly, was just someone they had met by chance.

If Yasuke didn't know that he was the "Guy King" from the original plot, he wouldn't even bother to pay attention to him. Who would have thought that although Guy Sensei seemed foolish, his heart was very considerate?

Don't underestimate that set of weights.

The weights on both hands and feet added up to only 10 kilograms. With Yasuke's status in the Nara clan, wanting to get a set was as easy as waving his hand. However, what Yasuke really cared about was that Guy Sensei always thought of him.

So, besides Uncle Nara, Guy Sensei became the second person to enter Yasuke's heart.

Especially as they went through two months of hellish death training together, Yasuke gradually formed a deep bond with Guy Sensei, and

 the two became very good friends.

Time flew by, and two months later.

"Leaf Hurricane!"

"Leaf Hurricane!"



The early morning sun had not yet risen, and in a secluded training ground in Konoha, Yasuke and Guy Sensei had already begun their training.

With Guy Sensei's help, Yasuke had undergone two months of hellish death training, and he finally got the hang of the Strong Fist style of the village.

Moreover, after two months of hard training, taijutsu was no longer Yasuke's weak point; instead, it had become one of his strong suits!

In their sparring sessions, both had taken off their weights, and their movement speeds were extremely fast.

While using the same techniques, Yasuke's speed and strength might be slightly slower than Guy Sensei's. However, in pure taijutsu exchanges, even Guy Sensei clearly noticed Yasuke's progress. After hundreds of rounds of sparring without a clear winner, Guy Sensei wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile:

"Yasuke, you're improving so fast! To reach this level of taijutsu proficiency in just two months truly deserves the title of genius!"

"What genius? Do geniuses not need to work hard?"

"Guy Sensei, don't think I don't know you're not using your full strength! What, are you saving your strength to challenge Kakashi?"

After two months of getting along, Yasuke and Guy Sensei had become friends who could talk about anything.

So, as early as a month ago, Yasuke knew that Guy Sensei had begun to challenge Kakashi Hatake, as recorded in the original plot. However, it was unfortunate that Kakashi was at his peak now, especially after obtaining the Sharingan from Obito. It was even more difficult for Guy Sensei to win using taijutsu. Because of this, every time Guy Sensei challenged Kakashi, all Yasuke saw was Kakashi easily overpowering Guy Sensei and eventually defeating him using the insight of the Sharingan.

But surprisingly, every time Guy Sensei fell into Kakashi's hands and returned to train harder, it further ignited Yasuke's desire for victory.

Now, seeing Guy Sensei preparing to challenge Kakashi again, Yasuke couldn't help but feel excited.

Because at this moment, Yasuke really wanted to know, after two months of hard training, with his overall improved strength, did he have the qualification to face a high-level ninja!


10 Advance Chapters: patreon.com/ReadingOasis

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