

***Aizawa POV***

It's being three days since the bandit extermination, I have yet to submit my quest. Let me first find a suitable place.

After some time, I came across a cave. I first scouted for any anomalies. After confirming that the place was safe, I decided to take a rest and submit my quest.

**Quest Title:** Road to Strong 2

**Objective:** Aspiring strongman, your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to rid the land of bandits without shedding a drop of blood.

**Rewards:** Your reward will be based on the number of bandits killed.

***Would you like to submit your Quest?***

***Yes*** ***No***

After seeing the confirmation screen I clicked on yes.

***Congratulations for completing your mission. As a reward you have being rewarded with 100 energy points.***

Ohh a 100 points four time that of my first reward. Now I need to carefully choose to distribute my points. System show my status

Name:- Aizawa Shota

Age:- 23

Tile:- The Player, Chunin

Chakra:- 2000 (501 to 2500)

Physique:- 43(26 to 50)

Speed:- 44(26 to 50)

Strength:- 42(26 to 50)

Chakra Nature:- Yin, Lightening, Wind(30% Proficient)

Ability:- None

My stats and chakra have seen to be increased since before. I am now neaing the level of being elite Chunin according to system. With that in mind I decided to distribute 45 stats evenly to my attributes and remaining points to my Chakra.

My current stats looks like

Name:- Aizawa Shota

Age:- 23

Tile:- The Player, Chunin

Chakra:- 7500 (2501 to 7500)

Physique:- 58(50 to 100)

Speed:- 59(50 to 100)

Strength:- 57(50 to 100)

Chakra Nature:- Yin, Lightening, Wind(30% Proficient)

Ability:- None

In retrospect, I rue not saving a few points, given the marginal difference for the next level of chakra. Nevertheless, I acknowledge the prudence in maintaining stability. The surge in my current strength had made me lose control of my mastery of my strength. It would be better I take sometime to hone my skill as I lack in control of my strength.

With that realization guiding me, during my journey back to the hidden village in the leaf, I carved out some personal time to reassert control over my burgeoning strength. Transitioning from a state of rigidity to one of mastery required nearly five days of dedicated focus. Reflecting on my impulsive tendencies, I nearly forgot the perils lurking beyond the safety of the village's confines. Fortunately, luck favored me, and no harm befell me during my introspective hiatus. Moving forward, I resolve to accept rewards only after ensuring proper arrangements, mindful of the potential risks that await beyond the village.

After two more days of travel, I finally arrived at the gate of the village. Upon entry, I was required to present my mission card for record-keeping purposes, a process that took approximately 10-15 minutes due to the presence of other travelers and merchants. Once the formalities were completed, I made my way towards the mission hall to claim my quest rewards.

Upon entering the building, I spotted Mr. Kitakawa once again, standing tall as ever. His jovial tone greeted me, "Hohoho, who's this? Isn't it Aizawa? Your expression tells me the mission was a resounding success."

I nodded in agreement, "Yes, but there were more bandits than the intelligence suggested. I'd like to request a reimbursement."

Mr. Kitakawa examined the evidence I presented, acknowledging the discrepancy. "Indeed, it appears so. However, since no ninja were involved, I can't elevate the mission to B-rank. Nonetheless, I can increase the reward from the original 70,000 ryo to 100,000 ryo."

Accepting the offer, I expressed my gratitude, and Mr. Kitakawa handed me the mission change card. "Here's the required paperwork for the reimbursement. You can collect your reward from the front desk."

"Thank you, Mr. Kitakawa. See you later," I replied.

"Until next time, kid," he responded with a smile.

After completing the necessary formalities at the front desk, I finally received my rewards, though the ordeal proved to be quite the hassle.

After exiting the tower, I headed towards my home.

***Garou POV***

Observing Garou's utilization of the points, I resolved to cease monitoring him temporarily. With the ability to divide my soul three more times, I must exercise caution in selecting individuals to share it with, effectively turning them into my chess pieces.

As I pondered my choices, a sudden interruption jolted me from my thoughts.

"Hey Garou, what's on your mind?" The voice belonged to none other than Ino, Mr. Inoichi's daughter. Over the past month of working here, I had managed to break through her initial shyness, and now she approached me with the confidence of a little gangster.

"Nothing much, Ino," I replied casually.

"Don't try to fool me. I can tell when something's up. And just so you know, I won't let my parents love you more than me," she warned with a playful smirk.

"There's nothing to worry about, Ino. I'm just an employee here," I reassured her with a smile, though inwardly I couldn't help but find kids like her to be a bit of a nuisance.

With a snort, Ino shot me one last defiant look before sauntering off. Despite her spirited attitude, I couldn't deny that there was something endearing about her, even if I had no interest in dealing with children.

The sound of the door opening broke the moment, prompting me to resume my duties. "Welcome to Yamanaka Flower Shop, how may I assist you?" I greeted warmly.

"Hm... Uh... Do you... have any flowers?" The voice was weak, almost hesitant.

Meeting the gaze of the speaker, I replied with a bright smile, "Of course, sir we do after all we are flower shop. My name's Garou, and yours?"

"Um... I'm... I'm Hyuga Haruta," came the tentative response.

Internally, I couldn't help but chuckle at the irony. Finally, I had found my second target.

***The end***