
First Mission (Part 2)

After ensuring every exit was securely sealed, whether window or door, Aizawa meticulously positioned the barrels of kerosene at each side of the cottage. With precision, he directed his clone to ignite the inferno.

*Boom! Boom!*

The explosions resounded loudly, echoing through the night, adding a novel-like intensity to the scene.

Flames licked at the wooden walls of the cottage, swallowing it whole in a torrent of fire and destruction.

Inside, the bandits awoke to a nightmare. Disoriented and panicked, they scrambled for safety, but it was too late.

As the flames engulfed every nook and cranny of the cottage, desperation fueled the survival instincts of those trapped within. Some, driven by an unyielding will to live, leaped into the fiery abyss in a futile attempt to escape. Little did they know, Aizawa and his cunning clone lay in wait, ready to mete out justice with lethal precision.

In the face of such adversity, the human spirit proved relentless. Even amidst the agony of blistering heat and charred flesh, survivors emerged from the inferno, their bodies marked by the merciless wrath of fire. Yet, their triumph was short-lived, for what awaited them beyond the flames was not salvation, but a merciless onslaught of deadly kunais and Shurikans.

Cries of anguish mingled with curses as the bandits, consumed by hatred, faced their grim fate. If malevolent glares could slay, Aizawa and his doppelganger would have perished a thousandfold over. But in this ruthless world of ninjas and bandits, survival often depended not on strength alone, but on the cunning and ruthlessness that knew no bounds.

As the dawn broke, casting a somber light upon the desolate landscape, only remnants of the night's carnage remained: the skeletal remains of the once-thriving cottage and the sprawled bodies of the fallen bandits, now silent witnesses to the merciless dance of death.

With methodical precision, Aizawa navigated through the charred debris, meticulously gathering the evidence he needed to secure reimbursement for his righteous actions. The grim spectacle before him did little to unsettle his resolve; instead, it reinforced his understanding of the unforgiving laws that governed this untamed world—a world where survival was a ruthless game of cunning and brutality.

With a final, solemn glance at the scene, Aizawa acknowledged the harsh reality of existence in these lawless lands. Lingering any longer posed the risk of attracting unwanted attention, for the borderlands were unforgiving to those who dared to disturb its fragile equilibrium.

With purposeful strides, he departed, his gaze fixed on the horizon, ready to embark on the next chapter of his journey. In a land where chaos reigned supreme, Aizawa knew all too well that his future quests would demand unwavering determination and a keen eye for the ever-shifting balance of power.

***Garou POV***

From the shadows, I observed Aizawa's calculated moves as he unleashed destruction upon the bandits with chilling efficiency. Their demise served as a stark reminder of the harsh reality that permeated this unforgiving world—a world where strength was the ultimate currency, and compassion was a luxury few could afford.

As I witnessed the life drain from their eyes, I felt no twinge of remorse. In this dog-eat-dog existence, there was no room for sentimentality. Those who hesitated, who faltered, were destined to be swallowed whole by the merciless jaws of fate.

Though being reborn in the body of a child make me a little impulsive. But for in this world where the strong preyed upon the weak, I knew that only by mastering my impulses and harnessing my strength could I hope to survive.

System show me my Status

Name:- Kenshiki Garou

Age:- 6

Tile:- Adopted Yamaka (Mind power +20 %)

Chakra:- 50

Physique:- 4

Ability:- A the Almighty, Soul Contarct.

Soul:- 9/10 can split 3 more times.

Contracted:- Aizawa Shota.

Energy:- 436

As the bandits fell, their deaths granted me a significant boost of around 300 points of death energy. Additionally, by altering the destiny of some survivors, I earned further points.

As I delved into the intricate process of crafting a skill to conceal my strength, I meticulously outlined the requirements necessary to bring my vision to life. With each element carefully considered, I began to weave together the essence of what would become my ultimate tool of deception.

The first requirement was clear: the skill must possess the ability to cloak my chakra, allowing me to manipulate the perception of others and reveal only what I desired them to see. This illusion of control would serve as the foundation upon which the rest of the skill would be built.

Next, I envisioned a capability to sense nearby chakra, granting me invaluable insight into the presence and strength of potential adversaries.

Finally, I recognized the importance of precision in my concealment efforts. The skill must afford me the ability to finely tune the amount of chakra I chose to reveal, enabling me to adapt to various situations and manipulate perceptions with subtlety and finesse.

With these requirements firmly established, I used my power to Almighty to finally create the skill.

**Skill Name:** No Sense Chakra Manipulation

**Description:** Master the art of concealing your chakra, rendering it intangible and exceedingly difficult to detect by others. The effectiveness of this skill is directly proportional to the amount of chakra you possess, requiring greater mastery for higher chakra levels.

**Skill Level Progression:**

- Level 1: Basic proficiency in concealing chakra, suitable for low chakra amounts.(Special Jonin Level Chakra)

- Level 2: Improved concealment capabilities, suitable for moderate chakra amounts. (Kage Level Chakra)

- Level 3: Advanced mastery, allowing for seamless concealment even with high chakra reserves.(Demigod Level Chakra)

With the completion of my chakra concealment skill, I felt a surge of satisfaction knowing that I can finally increase my strength. However, the development of this skill had come at a cost—250 hard-earned points.

In this world, probing someone's physical strength without a fight proved to be an elusive task, rendering the need for a skill to conceal such attributes unnecessary.

I nearly have now 186 points remaining out of which I used 56 points to increase my chakra reserve and 30 point distributed evenly in my stats.

Name:- Kenshiki Garou

Age:- 6

Tile:- Adopted Yamaka (Mind power +20 %)

Chakra:- 5650

Physique:- 14

Speed:- 15

Strength:- 14

Ability:- A the Almighty, Soul Contarct.

Soul:- 9/10 can split 3 more times.

Contracted:- Aizawa Shota.

Energy:- 100

Looking at my stats I finally nodded with satisfactio. Now it's time to reward Aizawa.

***The End***