
First Mission (Part 1)

***Aizawa POV***

Two weeks had passed since I last accepted a mission. It was time to embrace my newfound strength.

With resolve burning in my heart, I exchanged my casual attire for my Chunin uniform and made my way to the Mission Assignment Desk. The imposing kanji symbol for "Shinobi" adorned the rooftop, a stark reminder of the world I inhabited.

As I perused the available missions, contemplating which path to choose, a familiar voice interrupted my thoughts with a jovial tone.

"Hey, Aizawa! How's it going?"

The unexpected greeting jolted me, and I turned to see Mr. Kitakawa, a fellow Chunin, flashing a grin.

"You startled me there," I chuckled, shaking off my initial surprise. "I'm doing fine, thank you. Just considering my options for a mission."

"Haha, always the diligent one," Mr. Kitakawa remarked. "Well, here are two missions for you: bandit extermination or intelligence gathering. Take your pick."

As I deliberated, a light blue screen materialized before me, unseen by anyone else.


***As a future strong man how can be without any blood in your hand pick the mission to kill the bandits***

***REWARD: Based on the amount of bandits killed.***

"Is everything alright, kid?" Mr. Kitakawa's voice interrupted my contemplation.

"Oh, it's nothing," I replied, masking my surprise. "I'll take the bandit extermination mission."

"Excellent choice," Mr. Kitakawa nodded approvingly. "It's a C-rank mission near the borders of the Land of Tea and the Land of Fire. Be cautious; the journey will take nearly a month, and the intel may not be entirely accurate. But if you encounter any discrepancies with proof, you could receive additional reimbursement. Are you sure you're up for it?"

"Yes, I'm ready," I affirmed, accepting the mission with determination.

With the mission receipt in hand, I bid Mr. Kitakawa farewell and prepared to embark on my journey.


Upon seeing the missions, I seized the opportunity to present Aizawa with a quest for bandit extermination. Such tasks would yield valuable death energy, essential for skill creation that will help me concealing my true strength.

I watched with anticipation, hoping that Aizawa would rise to the challenge.

***Next Day***

***Aizawa POV***

Prepared with the necessary supplies—shuriken, kunai, and food pills—I set out for my mission.

Passing through the village gate, I underwent a thorough inspection before being granted passage. The journey ahead would be arduous, with twelve days of travel separating me from my destination. In the wilderness, every moment counted, and I couldn't afford to squander my chakra or physical strength.

***Time Skip:- 12 Days***

After nearly two weeks of travel, I arrived at my destination. Before confronting the bandits, I sought to rest and replenish my strength.

Under the cover of darkness, I stealthily approached the bandit den, observing their movements from a concealed vantage point.

***3rd POV***

As night fell and most of the bandits retired to the safety of their cabin, Aizawa bided his time, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.

He noted the bandits' patterns, their guard rotations, and the vulnerabilities in their defenses.

**Aizawa POV**

With a plan forming in my mind, I awaited the right moment to act. The bandits' complacency would be their downfall.

**3rd Person POV**

Bandit 1: "Hey, I need to take a leak."

Bandit 2: "Hurry up then."

Bandit 1: "Hehehe, sure, sure."

Bandit 2: "Annoying bastard."

As Bandit 1 wandered towards the woods, Aizawa shadowed him silently.

Bandit 1: "Damn, I hate night watch duty."

Before he could finish speaking, a hand clamped over his mouth, and a kunai found its mark in his throat. Aizawa swiftly concealed the body in the bushes and donned the bandit's attire, blending seamlessly with the shadows.

Meanwhile, at the front gate, the other bandit grew impatient.

Bandit 2: "What's taking you so long? I need to relieve myself too. You stay here and keep watch until I get back."

With a nod, Aizawa complied, and as the bandit turned to head towards the woods, a hand silenced him, the kunai ending his life with a swift stroke. Concealing the body, Aizawa ensured that his presence remained undetected.

**Aizawa POV**

With two guards down and the remaining bandits unsuspecting, I assessed the situation. With 36 bandits inside, a direct confrontation was unwise. I needed a plan.

Ah, of course, the stored kerosene. An explosion would create the distraction I needed.

**3rd Person POV**

Utilizing shadow clones, Aizawa dispatched one to locate the kerosene while he remained vigilant for any threats. The clone soon returned with the location, but with guards still patrolling, a stealthy approach was imperative.

Moving to the back of the compound, Aizawa and his clone overheard the guards' conversation.

Bandit 3: "Don't you get bored standing watch?"

Bandit 4: "Shut up, idiot. We don't want the leader hearing you."

Suddenly, a noise from the nearby bushes drew their attention.

Bandit 4: "Go check it out."

Bandit 3: "Probably just some animal."

Bandit 4: "Just go!"

As Bandit 3 approached the bushes, Aizawa's clone struck, swiftly dispatching him before he could react. With the guards neutralized, Aizawa and his clone concealed their bodies and secured the compound's exits.

Now, the stage was set for their plan to unfold.

**The End**