
Naruto: Senju Rejection

Generations after the 7th Hogage's era a new hero rises from the ashes of the reinstated Senju Clan, who only respect the strong and those who can use the Wood Release. Toshiro Senju is born through an intermarrige between and Uchiha and Senju that was never meant to happen. Dispite this fact, the Clan elders take him in after the passing of his Mother and Father, however, after he fails to show any significant skill in Wood Release, thus he is shunned by the majority of the Clan regardless of not knowing his secret lineage. Update: Unknown Currently

Sad_Kun · Others
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1 Chs

Toshiro Uchiha

He watched as his attackers stabbed straight into his mothers chest. Her eyes slowly becoming void of any signs of life. His father rampaged flinging the assasins around the house, every wall had a human-sized hole in it. Tears flowed freely from Todoroki Senju's face as his wife grew limp in his arms. he threw caution out the window and began weaving hand signs with a sense of urgency that he'd never displayed before.

"Wood Release: Tree Emergence"

Toshiro's mind went blank as he blacked-out watching as his father's figure became covered by wood.

Thinking back to it... Toshiro never even tried to use any jutsu before. His parents didn't actually mind that he never tried to become a shinobi. It was a time of peace and prosperity in Konohagure so it wasn't really necessary to train at all. The most that he ever tried was throwing some shuriken and kunai which he was surprisingly good at. His mother patted his head and praised him just for hitting the huge white targets the first time. It was just an old target set up in the back-yard of the house. It didn't seem like that big of a deal back when he did it but, at just 3 years old he was able to throw shuriken at a target that was 20 feet away. The house, despite being fairly small and common-looking, hid many ninja tools that his parents told him not to touch.

Toshiro awoke to a group of shinobi holding their hands over him as they illuminated a cool green hue. He sat up and quickly looked at the rubble of his home. Hundred's of 50 foot tree's protruded from what was left of the home and yard. Everyone could see the bodies that hung off of the branches of the wood. It looked like a work of art from a sadistic painter. The sheer force of the jutsu being used must have caused Toshiro to be haphazardly flung out of the side of the building because the manner in which he was found was insane. His bones were broken in so many places that it took a grand total of 7 Medical Ninja just to stop all of the internal bleeding and to fix his skeletal structure from being permanently ruined. In the very middle of the wooden mess was a extremely vivid sculpture of Todoroki Senju and Mioku Uchiha with a small pendant in the shape of a Crow.

His entire world had crumbled in a matter of minutes and he could hardly process it. The only family he had left was the Senju Clan who didn't approve of his father's life choices so it put a heavy strain on any communication with them and his elder brother, Takeshi Senju, who'd become a missing nin last year. His heart felt like it been stabbed with same sword that had impaled him mother. His eyes seemed to burn with as much sadness as his heart too. His vision grew blurry and everything suddenly got very slow and clear. He looked around and could easily see every detail on the pendant that hung on the sculpture of his mother and father. Then he passed out.

Trying out another Naruto Fan-Fic since it has been like a year since the last one and I never finished it. I feel like this one is much more personal than that one since this one represents my own insecurities which will become more apparent later on( hopefully). UwU

Sad_Kuncreators' thoughts