
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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161 Chs

Chapter 102: Overturning Daimyo

"Well, that's it."

Sasuke also nodded and said, "Don't you want to talk and negotiate with them? It's time-consuming and laborious, and it's not necessarily pleasing. It's troublesome."

"No, no, no, it's not like that."

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief and explained, "Our entire ninja world is now in a state of peace. If Naruto does this, although it solves the problem of Kusagakure, other ninja villages will inevitably be stimulated by Naruto's existence and may ignite the next ninja war, so it's not possible."

"Ahh, what are you afraid of?"

Naruto was even more confused and continued, "That's not a problem either. Konohagakure can just send a few people, take the Flying Thunder God Kunai to those big countries, those who don't obey will be served with Flying Thunder God plus Tailed Beast Bomb, I'll run after the fight, drop a Tailed Beast Bomb every ten minutes, I wonder how many hours they can hold on, world peace is easy to maintain."

Kakashi was speechless, unable to respond. The perfect Nine-Tails Jinchuriki plus Flying Thunder God is indeed outrageous. In this ninja world that has not yet begun to inflate its combat power, Flying Thunder God plus Nine-Tails is a super big daddy. With this alone, Konohagakure can directly fight one against four, and it's the kind of fight that's under pressure.

The pure Flying Thunder God, long-distance transmission will consume a lot of chakra, but the perfect Jinchuriki has Nine-Tails to supply chakra, so it's not afraid of consumption. After all, Nine-Tails is known as the Tailed Beast with infinite chakra.

"So, what are you guys worrying about?"

Naruto continued to ask.

In fact, he didn't really want to fight, and he wouldn't use Flying Thunder God either. If he really wanted to fight a war, he could only rely on Divine Walking Technique to act, and he couldn't achieve the effect of Flying Thunder God at a long distance.

But that's not important. What's important is that he wants Kakashi to recognize reality, see his own strength, and then agree to his conditions. That's enough. After all, Konohagakure won't really let him go nuclear. It's okay for Konohagakure's high-level officials to be in a mess. After all, it's not him who's suffering.

Sasuke also laughed. He was Naruto's good brother, so he naturally knew how to echo. So he said, "Hmph, if the strength is so strong, it's so troublesome to want to bring someone to live in Konohagakure, it's better to just draw a horizontal bar on the forehead protector to be a rogue ninja, carefree, free and easy life is much better."

"Being a rogue ninja is not as good as you think, not only is the task reward low, but it will also be hunted down by the big countries...." Kakashi retorted.

"Are you stupid?"

Sasuke interrupted directly, looking at Kakashi with a look of looking at a fool, and said, "Naruto has Flying Thunder God, can you catch him? Can you beat Nine-Tails if you catch him? And why do we have to do tasks, just tie up the Daimyo and get the money, take the money and run with Flying Thunder God, anyway, you can't do anything about us, it's such a simple thing, really stupid."

Kakashi was speechless again, showing a face of doubting life. He opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word, because he knew that Flying Thunder God plus Nine-Tails indeed could not be countered.


"Why are you targeting the Daimyo, they are the apex and heads of the five major countries, possessing the greatest military power and administrative power, even if they are rogue ninjas, they shouldn't..." Kakashi said with a frown.

"Five pigs can also called the apex of ninja world?"

Sasuke laughed, laughed very mockingly, and continued disdainfully, "Having power without strength, in the end, isn't it still trash? As long as you can break through their defense, then they are like pigs in my eyes, you can slaughter them whenever you want."



Although they really wanted to refute, what Sasuke said did make sense. As long as they could break through the defense force, and no one could sanction them, then the five Daimyos of the five major countries were indeed like five pigs in their eyes, they could be slaughtered whenever they wanted, and they had no resistance at all.

"Sasuke, how can you say such a thing!"

Naruto glared at him and shouted angrily.

"Ah, isn't it right?"

Sasuke was startled, a little confused, thinking aren't we on the same side? Why are you scolding me? "But the Daimyo of the Five Great Nations are so weak, they definitely need protection, don't you think? We are just kind-hearted, wanting to protect them up close, and by the way, collect a little bit of protection fee. Can this be called kidnapping? Can this be called slaughtering? We are just collecting some reasonable protection fees."

Naruto spoke righteously, his expression gradually becoming playful, and continued, "If they are willing to pay, and get our protection, then they are safe. After all, we guarantee their safety. But if they don't pay this money, will they be assassinated by unknown ninjas... that's uncertain."

"Or, if there is an accident one day, a Tailed Beast Ball just happens to fall on the Daimyo's mansion, who can tell about this kind of coincidence, right? Sasuke, we are not rogue ninjas, we won't be hunted down, maybe we can even be given some title like the national protector general, you think too much."

Sasuke: "Damn, great!"

On the other side, Kakashi, Iruka, and the others all opened their mouths wide, looking at Naruto with a stunned face. They had never thought about this kind of thing, and they were completely unaware that there could be such an operation, this is too outrageous!

What's even more outrageous is that if you think about it carefully, if the strength is enough, this thing can really be achieved!

It's outrageous!

Among them, Shikamaru's thinking was the most clear. He suddenly began to realize that if Konohagakure has ninjas of this level, what is the need to maintain the current situation of relying on the Land of Fire for military expenses? Just go and ask for protection fees, if you don't give it, just kill the Daimyo and change to one who can give.

The leader of the Land of Fire, the top of the Five Great Nations?

Laugh to death, directly let Konohagakure rule the Land of Fire, the Hokage is the top of the Land of Fire, the Daimyo directly becomes a toy, put it in your hand and pinch it casually.

Since it's all like this, do ninjas still need to maintain the previous system of doing tasks? If it really develops in that way, the entire ninja world will probably reshuffle!

Suppose Konohagakure overturns the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, makes the Daimyo a mascot, and achieves very good results, then Kumogakure, Sunagakure, a series of ninja villages, will they also follow suit and overturn their own Daimyo? The Daimyo of the Five Great Nations directly become five mascots?


If I remember correctly, wasn't the First Hokage the god of ninjas? From the ancient books, Senju Hashirama should be able to do this kind of thing, why didn't he do it, and let the ninja become this kind of deformed profession?

...Is he too naive? It's really possible!

If the First Hokage was Uchiha Madara, not Senju Hashirama, then the entire ninja world's pattern would undergo an astonishing change. This is not because Madara's strength or ability is strong, but because his pride and dominance can completely turn the Daimyo into a mascot, and may even unify the entire ninja world with Senju Hashirama.

Susanoo and the Great Buddha, the two destroy four countries!

It's a pity that Senju Hashirama's character is a bit problematic...

一 一 一 一 一

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