
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 101: Pass

 So Sasuke is so strong?

 Hinata gently bit her lip, she couldn't help but recall the time when she successfully defeated Sasuke. At that time, he did not use this ability, but simply used the Thunder Armor, but she used a full eight fists of Divine Air Strike, and outputted with all her strength without reservation.

 If Sasuke used Susanoo at that time, she might not have a chance to win at all.

 Was Sasuke giving me a chance at that time?

 Hinata couldn't help but start to doubt. If Sasuke could gain such a powerful force in just a few days, it would be a bit too outrageous. She would rather believe that this is the power Sasuke has accumulated over time.

 Her strength is accumulated bit by bit, only occasionally discovering that there is a special and powerful force deep in her Byakugan. Although she can't use it perfectly, if she just strengthens the Byakugan as before, she can still gain exceptional control.

 This is, Byakugan - Control!

 As long as she continues to develop seriously, she can still rely on Byakugan to gain more powerful strength. However, in the process of development, she must absorb more elemental power, so that Byakugan can gain the power of awakening. Daily accumulation is particularly important.


 "Okay, then there's no problem."

 Sasuke let go of Karin and muttered to himself, his expression also relaxed a lot.

 In fact, his idea is very simple, to disguise himself as a big villain, and then capture Karin, so that the ninjas of Kusagakure will only hate him, not Karin, she just needs to be a victim.

 "Thank... thank you." Karin said softly.

 "Hmph, I just think it's more interesting to do this, don't misunderstand" Sasuke's expression on his face became indifferent again.

 "Yes, yes, yes!" Karin nodded repeatedly, now she already has some experience with Sasuke.

 Don't worry about so much, just follow him.

 "We're not far from the end tower, let's keep going." Naruto said, glancing at Ino, whose eyes were gradually losing their luster, she seemed a bit desperate.

 "It's okay, don't worry, you will become stronger in the future." Hinata took the initiative to lean over, smiling from the heart to comfort.

 "Um." Ino took a close look at Hinata, and inadvertently noticed the surging waves hidden under the white clothes, she subconsciously compared herself.... Suddenly felt more heartbroken.

 Woo woo woo!



 On the fourth day, Naruto's group finally arrived at the tower. Although they were ambushed several times during this period, the enemies were all casually solved, and the battle was not very valuable.

 And this time, Anko did not find the Kusagakure ninja killed by Orochimaru. Another version of her could find it, not because the collection ability of Konohagakure ninja was so strong, but because Orochimaru didn't really hide it, he wanted to see his apprentice.

 But it's different now. In this Chunin exam, he has more things to pay attention to. Orochimaru wants to witness the strength of Naruto, Hinata, and Sasuke more. This is more interesting than seeing Anko, so he hid the body of the Kusagakure ninja a little more secretly.

 Inside the tower, two teams opened the scrolls at the same time, two pairs of heaven and earth scrolls smoked at the same time, the human character in the sky quickly drilled crookedly, Shikamaru who had seen a lot of knowledge directly said, "This is a summoning technique, throw the scroll away."


 "Bang! Bang!"

 With two bursts of white smoke rising, two familiar figures appeared in front of everyone.

 Umino Iruka

 Hatake Kakashi

 "Yo, congratulations on passing the exam."

 Kakashi said with a smile.

 On the other side, Iruka also laughed, looked at Naruto and sighed softly, "It's been a while since I've seen you, your changes are really big, Kakashi was just talking about you guys, you've grown up."

 "Um, people always have to grow up."

 Naruto nodded and said.

 "But the upcoming Chunin exam might be a bit more difficult. If possible, pay more attention to the information of ninjas from other villages and prepare a bit. I wish you all good results." Iruka smiled and blessed.

 "Thank you."

 Naruto nodded and said, "By the way, Kakashi-sensei, we found a ninja from the Uzumaki clan in the Chunin exam. Can she be directly brought to live in Konohagakure?"

 "Uzumaki clan?"

 Kakashi raised his eyebrows, looked at Karin, he could see the expectation in her eyes, but the conspicuous Kusagakure forehead protector made him uneasy, and finally said, "This is a bit difficult to handle. If she doesn't belong to other ninja villages, it's easy to say, but Kusagakure has already formed an alliance with Konohagakure, so it's a bit troublesome."

 "Formed an alliance with Konohagakure?"

 Naruto's face didn't look very good. He had heard a lot about Kusagakure from Karin, so he knew how perverted this village was. It was precisely because he knew these things that he felt that Konohagakure and Kusagakure were a bit outrageous.

 He didn't know what the high-level people in Konohagakure were thinking. The Uzumaki clan in the Land of Whirlpools was such a reliable teammate and they didn't protect them. They ran to form an alliance with Kusagakure, a village with no strength, internal chaos, and a chaotic daily atmosphere.

 What on earth are you thinking? Outrageous!

 "Well, it's been a while. If she is directly brought over, it may cause some foreign education problems." Kakashi's eyes were wandering, and he sighed.

 "How many kage-level powerhouses does Kusagakure have now?"

 Naruto asked.

 "Why are you asking this?"

 Kakashi was puzzled, Iruka and others were also a bit puzzled, only Sasuke, who knew Naruto best, crossed his arms and showed a proud smile, he had already guessed.

 "Dealing with the surrounding villages is not simple. If there is a problem, I will use Flying Thunder God to go there, and then send them a few Tailed Beast Balls and come back. If they don't accept it, I will send a Tailed Beast Ball every two days. If their village is bombed and they want to rebuild, wherever they build the village, I will leave a Flying Thunder God mark there, and then send a few Tailed Beast Ball gift packages, it's such a simple thing." Naruto said naturally.

 Kakashi, Iruka and others: !!!

 "Naruto, this is not good, is it?" Kakashi coughed twice and said with a twitching corner of his mouth.

 "Are you stupid, what qualifications does a weak country have to talk to a strong country on an equal footing, as a Jonin, don't you even know this?" Naruto asked back in confusion.

 "No, no, no, shouldn't we advocate peace?" Kakashi thought for a while and said.

 "Advocate peace?"

 Naruto thought for a while, and finally realized, "Oh, I understand, I understand, you mean let me make a big Tailed Beast Ball at one time, directly wipe Kusagakure off the map, and leave no one alive, so that peace can be perfectly guaranteed. Right?"

 Kakashi: ???

一 一 一 一 一

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