
Naruto Returns From the Genshin Impact World

The young Naruto accidentally arrived in Teyvat during the time of the Demon War, was adopted by Morax, and received a good education and influence. He witnessed the stories in the Demon War and also experienced the heart-wrenching pain when his companions died. The returning Naruto, looking at his current world, murmured: I have seen the towering Earth Dragon King; I have seen the Ice Wolf’s claws tearing the earth; I have seen war machines sweeping everything; I have seen the divine punishment falling from the sky; I have seen the dream of cutting everything… Note: This is a translation 从魔神战争归来的鸣人 =========================== You can support me at patre on and read +20 chapters in advance patre on.com/GMadman

Ginormous_Madman · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 100: Susano'o (Pirated Version)

 Not far away, on a tree, two Kusagakure Genin were watching Naruto's approaching group. Kusagakure Ninja A said, "Tsk, there are as many as seven people, isn't this too many?"

 "Wait, are these seven people? Strange, a team only has three people, how can there be seven people? Let's take a closer look."

 Another Kusagakure Ninja B said, looking at Naruto's group, his eyes changed, and he was shocked, "Look, isn't that our blood bag in front? How is she among these people? I didn't know where this guy ran off to before, it turns out she joined the Konohagakure ninjas, damn it, our scroll is still with her!"

 "Look at the situation, Karin doesn't seem to be captured, just go down and play it by ear." Kusagakure Ninja A jumped down from the tree and said.

 Two people ambushing six people plus a teammate, no matter how you look at it, the success rate is not high, it's better to go down directly, see what the specific situation is, if there is a problem, run away at the first time, everyone is a Genin, the speed will not be much different, no matter how many people, it can't speed up, so there is no problem.

 "Okay, let's go!"


 "Whoosh! Whoosh!"

 Two Kusagakure Ninjas landed in front of Naruto's group, their eyes rotated on Karin and the others, among them, Kusagakure Ninja A took the lead and said, "Hey, that guy is our companion, did you guys save her?"

 "This guy is my captive, she is no longer your companion." Sasuke smiled, put one hand on Karin's shoulder, and looked at the two Kusagakure Ninjas arrogantly.


 "Nani, captive?"

 The two Kusagakure Ninjas quickly retreated, took out their Kunai for the first time, and stared at Sasuke's group, already prepared for the best fight.

 Sasuke didn't care about these, he just leaned his face against Karin's face and said with a mocking tone, "Your teammate... is very delicate ."

 Karin: ?(????w????)?

 The two Kusagakure Ninjas instantly exploded, releasing Ninjutsu attacks one after another.

 "Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!"

 "Wind Release - Great Breakthrough."

 The combination of Wind Release and Fire Release Ninjutsu, this is their trump card, but their chakra is not enough, they can only perform at most twice and will be exhausted, using it once will also put a lot of pressure.

 The powerful flames swept over, Naruto looked at the firelight with his hands in his pockets, without any pressure, Hinata silently opened her Byakugan, ready to extinguish the fireball at any time, the Ino-Shika-Cho trio were in the back, all under great psychological pressure.

 "Susano'o (Pirated Version)."

 With Sasuke's low voice, in the shining firelight, a purple thunder skeleton rose to the sky, forming the upper half of the human skeleton in a very short time, firmly protecting Sasuke and Karin inside.



 Two huge purple bone hands tore the fireball apart, the giant of bones roared and stared at the Kusagakure Ninjas in front of him, Sasuke inside was still single-handedly on Karin's shoulder, laughing and saying, "Useless, useless, in front of my pair of Mangekyou Sharingan, all Ninjutsu are useless, too weak! Too weak!"


 "Nani?" "What the hell is this?"

The two Kusagakure Ninjas were so stunned that they looked silly. This kind of thing popped up in the Chunin exam, it was a dimensionality reduction attack, they couldn't even muster the desire to resist, they just turned around and ran, not even daring to look back.

But... would Sasuke let them run?


The purple chakra giant hand fell at a high speed, grabbing a Kusagakure Ninja with one hand, the thunder skeleton composed of a large amount of high-intensity thunder elements instantly stunned the two Kusagakure Ninjas, directly losing consciousness.

"Tsk, boring."

Sasuke shattered a sentence, put down the two Kusagakure Ninjas, if he continued to hold them, Susano'o didn't need to exert any force, just the overflowing thunder could electrocute these two people alive.

This is not even Sasuke deliberately discharging electricity, it's just the current overflowing from the thunder skeleton, which is also a characteristic that Sasuke has not fully mastered. If his control of the thunder element is stronger, perhaps it won't overflow at all.


In the dark, Orochimaru was also stunned.

Isn't it said that every time the Mangekyou Sharingan is used, it is at the cost of losing some of it vision? Why would Sasuke use Susanoo in a place like the Chunin exam, which is clearly just a low-level compound Ninjutsu used by two weak lower ninjas, he should have a simpler way to break it, why do this? Doesn't he want his vision?

"Wait, the Susanoo with thunder, is different from the records in the classics, combined with Sasuke's relaxed appearance when using it, it doesn't look like the huge burden described in the ancient books."

Orochimaru touched his chin with one hand, his snake pupils flickered with an unusual brilliance, and he muttered to himself: "Could it be that practicing the sage mode can alleviate the vision decline effect of the Mangekyou Sharingan? Or is it not the Mangekyou Sharingan at all, nor is it the mutated Three Tomoe Sharingan, but the Mangekyou Sharingan that obtained eternal pupil power through mutation?"

He has guesses, but no conclusions. However, considering that there are still some Sharingan in the laboratory, he can directly infuse different types of elemental power into the Sharingan and then try the results.

It's just...

When studying the tail beast Chakra before, the elemental power extraction device was already insufficient. Now there is another new project, and the update of the elemental power extraction device must be accelerated. However, this kind of technology update is not as fast as he wants, and it is already good to be able to make the elemental power extraction device in the absence of theoretical basis.


"What a terrifying power."

Shikamaru looked at Sasuke's Susanoo, and couldn't help but feel a bit bitter in his heart. Everyone is clearly a lower ninja, why is the lower ninja of the seventh team stronger one by one, Byakugan Divine Air Strike + Mangekyou Sharingan Susanoo + Nine Tails + Flying Thunder God, the configuration of this team added up, they could probably go to crusade the Hokage, right?

Are you trying to destroy the Chunin exam?

Although Shikamaru can guess some things, it does not prevent him from wanting to explode. Because he is a candidate participating in the Chunin exam, he may match these guys after passing.

What's the use of being smart!

The Chakra of these three people is more terrifying one by one, and the ability is stronger one by one, hit with the head?

"Shikamaru, I think... let's take the exam in a few years." Chouji looked at him seriously and said.

He really doubted life a bit, he almost didn't say anything, at most he would work harder and harder in the future, maybe he could catch up, but... this gap is too terrifying, no matter what aspect of ability, he was hanged and beaten by the three people in Naruto's team, and the difference was too far.

"It's okay, just surrender when you meet, and just play casually if you don't meet, anyway, in the end..." As he said, Shikamaru also started to clam up, how many people can be left in the end? Isn't it going to meet sooner or later?

...Or, should I take the Chunin exam next year?

一 一 一 一 一

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